Saturday, December 17, 2005

Rest of my week

So on wednesday, after school, I went to get my driver's permit, which came in the mail today. I had to use the paper version until now. Me and my cousin are also trying to outdo each other on the pictures. I definately won because mine was nice and bad. So I've done some driving and I even crossed Aurora and didn't realize it until just now. I also am mad at anyone that says driving on the freeway scares them. I wasn't afraid and it was pretty cool because I didn't have to worry about me speed. On the second day of driver's Ed, we watched this stupidly funny movie. Some good parts of the movie were when the robot was off topic making stupid remarks and at the end when he directs traffic and suddenly lifts up his leg, then the other, then falls down, to which I said, "that is unsafe standing techniques." Today, I had to go to my sister's dance recital, but I felt good about it because while I got dragged along, so did Zach and Joel with their families. That's about it for now.

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