Sunday, December 04, 2005

Everything big really does happen close I guess.

Ok, so there wasn't anything for monday last week. Tuesday, everone expected it to snow, except Steven and I. It didn't. On wednesday, we watched a disturbingly gross parasite video. It was really bad and i can take some bad stuff. Later that day, the Lazerbeams had our first City tournament game vs. the Toros. They beat us 9-0 on the first game of our regular season. So we won by -7 (lost by 7), which was good, because we improved by 2. On thursday, nothing much happened again, except the refrigerator finally got fixed and we had that fall sports assembly. It snowed too, but you don't need to hear about that. On friday, nothing happened that I can remember, except everyone was hoping it was a snow day, but it wasn't, which was funny.. On saturday, the Lazerbeams had our 2nd City tournament game vs. the Bombers. They were a man short, so we could take them. We wound up winning in a shootout. That is how bad our team is. Today, I've been playing Age of Empires again because I figured I should beat it so I can give it back to Davis now that he can play video games again. That's all for now I guess.

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