Monday, July 17, 2006

Whatever day this says it is posted on, it will come out on July 22nd

Ok so I haven't posted in a while. Here is a good idea though. I am gone to England, Ireland, and Scotland from July 22 to August 7, so if at any time the post gets too long for you, stop and pick up again later. There will not be a post until August 7th. I should have good pictures that I will need to put up. SO on monday the 3rd, I got emissions tested on the truck with my grandpa and we went to Lowes and got junk to fix more junk. That's how he works. He has his shed that he puts everything in and I doubt he fits in there anymore. We went to the grocery store and I saw John Lennon. Actually, it was a guy in a tye dye shirt with John Lennon length hair, the sunglasses he wore, almost identical facial features and around the same height. It was wierd. So the fourth was cool, not. I was going to play doubles at this thing at Klahaya with my dad that we do every year, but it was rained out. That was teh sucks. On the 5th, water polo started. There was a lot of gaming between then and now. A bunch of swim meets that I timed at. Keir got back. I worked at my grandpa's house a lot too. It was teh cool. We made a door on the side of his house so you can go to the backyard without going through the house. We made that door out of a screen door frame, an old screen. Cross panel designed fencepost, screws, and some hinges. He has this one drill he made too. It is the end part of a drill press where you hook the drill up to attatched to the back of an old hairdryer. Instead of a trigger to pull, it has a lightswitch. Somehow, it works. I have no idea how. So this week hasn't been too bad. On sunday, I started the Battlefront one single player campaign. Three hours later, I beat the game. It was way to short and not as good as Battlefront II, which I am doing a Galactic campaign on. On monday, I did some tennis and some Starcraft. Same thing on tuesday. Same thing on Wednesday. On thursday, I did some cleaning before we leave and I got the emissions tested on the Breeze. It's a 1999 plymouth breeze. I noticed the serial number or something of the car is Bre4d. I was like hey that spell bread. That was cool. I also got a watch as a belated present. It is a real watch and I might put in a picture later.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I recently noticed that Regis Philbin and Fargoth (Morrowind) have some similarities.
1. They both are very short, possibly even the same race.
2. I hate both of them very much.
3. They both have annoying voices.
4. I would laugh if my silver flameslayer slipped onto their neck (Fargoth already experienced this and died in the process heh heh heh).
5. Regis shows his money to me, Fargoth shows his money to me (when I watch him from a lighthouse to find his hiding place).
6. Fargoth is AI, but I think he is smarter. Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 03, 2006

Is anyone going to update their blogs besides me?

Well my birthday was pretty pwnxorz. I got a lot of good stuff. I need to get some CS going if steven ever returns from his mysterious absence. I got this Mercenaries game for Xbox and it is like Battlefront(which I also got) and battlefrot II. They are all good games. Like uber uber good. So I also got Oblivion, but I need a new graphics card or something like that so I will at least be able to play it. On tuesday, I timed at another swim meet because that's my job now. I saw a bunch of Shorewood people because it was Klahaya vs. Innes Arden. Klahaya is mostly Shorewood and Edmonds Woodway kids or kids that will go to those schools. Innes Arden is mostly Shorewood. That was cool. On wednesday, I got my driver's liscence and I had my family birthday party. On thursday, I had some tennis team and I challenged to get higher on the ladder, but I lost. The kid I played is a friend of mine that is now 3-0 on me so I will have to beat him later or next year. On friday, I went swimming with Sai, Sai, and Davis.(That may have been saturday come to think of it). Anyway, friday or Saturday, we did that and it was cool. On sunday, Davis came and we tried to beat the first level of Halo 2 on legendary, but we needed more time so we should do that later Davis. My family biked to my grandparents' house for dinner in Northgate which is where they live. I stayed at our house with Davis to try to beat that level, so I drove the Freestyle up there to let them put their bikes in on the way home. On the way back, my grandpa finally gave me his truck. We are slowly making him less dependent on it so I can have it all the time. He gets it this weekend, but I get it all this week and next week. It will work fine. Now I need to go with him to get the Emissions test for the truck. Peace out, En Taro Keir.