Tuesday, August 08, 2006

853 pictures. 492 are mine. Each gets 3 seconds in a slide show. Slide show lasts about 43 minutes.

Ok this is a long post so I'm putting it in days so you can use the control+f that I learned about from Jack and Sai to help you get back to where you were. I do not recommend reading this all at once, but read it because there are a few good anecdotes in there. Here goes nothing.

7/22: Sunday:
So I have most of the day because the flight leaves late in the day like 5 or something. I played some SC with Steven and Keir before I left. I dropped my truck off with my grandpa so he could drive it around if he wanted. I also gave him my old razor scooter because he found part of another one (he picks up a lot of garbage) and he wanted to see if he could fix my scooter. So from there, we went to the airport in our car the freestyle and my aunt went with us and drove the car back to her house. When we got to the terminal, there was this girl playing some handheld game. She was asking her dad all these things about raccoons, like do they live in bunches?; are they nocturnal?; and my personal favorite, do they fly? She was older than me and I was like wow that is a stupid person. Why dont you play about something you know about. I nicknamed her 20 questions, which turned out to be the game she was playing. Then there was this little kid complaining about how "nobody wanted to watch the news they should turn on spongebob or something." Yeah nobody wanted the news, suuure and they were going to change it for the only 2 people in the room that would watch that show (he had a sister). I convinced our family to move to the food court where dad and I taught mom and Kathryn to play hearts. So in the plane, there was a row for four which we sat in. The two people in front of me were complaining to a flight attendant about how they didn't want to be in the low class that we were in blah blah blah. It was annoying. So they each got 2 seats and the lady reclined them as far as they went. It made it so the whole 10 hour flight I got no sleep. I made up for it by periodically kicking her chair. I got Kathryn to do it too. She started complaining about her back when she woke up. I was like yeah well thats what she get's for having her head practically in my lap. Her husband was such an idiot. He complained about whatever he could. At one point a flight attendant walked by him and he said ouch. The flight attendant apologized. Then he leans to his wife and he was like "He stepped on my ankle!" I was like well that's why it's called a walkway dumbass. So the flight was 10 hours plus the 8 hour push forward so that put us arriving about 12 noon of Sunday.

7/23: Sunday:
There was this really hot girl in the customs line and I was thinking "wow she is really hot." She didn't notice me until her mom pointed her out though, but I got a smile. I got a smile huzzah! So she was swedish looking a bit, and I couldn't read her passport, but at baggage claim, she was on the flight from Amsterdam I noticed, then I heard her talking to her mom and it was definately Dutch. That was teh secksy. So the customs lady was this small Pakistani lady that was shorter than Kathryn. Mom does this thing where when she laughs or something she will reach out and touch your shoulder or something. So the customs lady said something funny and mom does that and I'm thinking omfg mom's going to touch the customs lady. She didn't. When she went to, the customs lady flinched big time. That was funny and I told mom about that later. I guess its an involuntary action. So on the way out to Bath, we saw a sign saying hey legoland is right here to the right so mom said we should go get a picture at the gate. DO NOT DO THAT. The "right there" drive took 30 minutes. On the way to Bath, we saw stonehenge. In Bath, we drove around for about 90 minutes until we found the hotel (only an omen of the bad navigating to come). The bathroom sucked because me and dad couldn't stand up straight in it. What's more, the shower was even less room. I had to bend down at least a foot and a half. Dad is taller still so I bet it was worse for him. It was a good sleep though despite the hot weather.

7/24: Monday:
We saw the roman baths, which were very cool. At the end, you get a chance to drink the water from the spring, which is notoriously nasty. Everyone hated it and only had one sip. I chugged what they didn't drink, which is wierd because everyone knows how picky I am. The abbey there was very nice looking too. We drove after that to Stratford upon avon to see Anne Hathaway and Shakespeare's houses. After that, we went to Warwick and our next hotel, the Glebe. It looked like a plantation. We had dinner in the hotel restaurant, which seemed like a fancy thing. The main guy that checked us in and waited on us was this really nice guy. The power went out partway through and the guy felt so bad. He must have been used to people getting mad. He showed us a bunch of magic tricks. One where he has 3 different lengths of rope, then makes them the same length, then different. There was a dissappearing trick. There were 4 card tricks too. I still can't figure them out. He was very good. He should have been a magician instead of a waiter. The bed in the Glebe was hard, but Dodgeball the movie put me to sleep.

7/25: Tuesday:
We saw Warwick castle, which was like the disneyland of castles. We saw a bunch of stuff in the castle and around the castle were special shows we saw like the largest working trebuchet launch junk, knights fighting, and jousting. From that, we drove into the west coast, Wales to our next hotel, the Headlands, which was a B&B (bed and breakfast) in Llandudno (pronounced: clan-ded-no(I hope this does not apply to clan teriyaki)). The owner of the hotel was this guy named Ray. They had a dog Gelert that liked to chill on the couches and walk around town with guests. When we got to the room, Ray apologized for some plaster missing on the wall because he converted two one rooms to a bigger one. We didn't notice the plaster missing until he showed us. It was a big wall missing behind the desk. It didn't bother us because it was a nice hotel. So the big reality show is UK is big brother. Over there, they dont cut and it sucks. We watched it to fall asleep.

7/26: Wednesday:
We had breakfast in the B&B (duh it's called a bed and breakfast for a reason) then checked out. Ray told us about the army and all the places he went to train with the army. My parents said Llandudno looked like Nice, France. Ray said "Well the difference between Nice and here is that like when I was there with the army I had a day off and I was very young but I had my mouth hanging open the whole time because it is different in that all the women there are universally pretty. I think the mayor of Nice passed a law or something that all the ugly women are to be shot. Or maybe he just sends them here." He also said "We love Americans over here, we just wont ever tell you that to your face." We left and went to Conwy castle, which was an old castle. It had the first ever suspension bridge by it too. There were these two girls sitting on a bench crying when we got in. I moved past rather quickly to get through. They saw me and nothing really changed. I can't stop people from crying I guess. There was a boy scout troop there from the US too. Foolish mortals. We had lunch in this good restaurant, and got ice cream afterwards. There was this kid about Kathryn's age working the Ice cream stand alone that was making "googly eyes" at her. That made me realize he is an idiot, but I was thinking maybe he thought she was a boy too like Zach did. Then we went and got on our ferry to Ireland. The ferry was bad for a while because there was nowhere to sit. Eventually after about 20 minutes of scouting around, we found a table and played hearts. So the ferry let us off about 10 minutes from Dublin. It should have taken us 20 minutes to get to our hotel. There are too many one way streets in Dublin. 20 minutes quickly became an hour and a half of looking for the hotel. Mom and I got out of the car and met this girl at the desk that I never learned the name of and this guy named Sergei. He was russian and he helped us find parking. Or he tried at least. Mom and Kathryn put the stuff in our room and me and dad spent another hour and a half looking for parking. We finally found one that turned out to be about a 30 minute walk away from the hotel. We had dinner in this pub below our hotel with singing and Irish dancing. Our room was nice and big, but the worst otherwise. Aside from being a smoking room, we were on the floor above the pub. The pube got very very loud. That was everyone on our floor, but we also had the big fan for cooling the pub out our window so it was constantly going.

7/27: Thursday
We went along the coast down to this fancy crystal making factory. It was a cool tour. We had a nice looking tourguide. We stopped on the way home in Kilkenny (for my dad (Ken)) for dinner. They had this special beer there that was really good. We got parking in the hotel lot this time. It turned out the lot was full the previous day because it only held 6 FREAKING CARS. THERE ARE MORE FLOORS THAN THAT!

7/28: Friday:
We stayed in Dublin. We went to trinity college to see the book of Kells. Oldest book or something. Boring. In the afternoon we went to St. Patrick's cathedral. It was a nice place. The high point of the day and the trip was going to the Guinness brewery. I got beer. Hooray beer! It cut loose (rain) so we caught a cab to the hotel after that. That night, we saw Riverdance. It was SO STUPID.

7/29: Saturday:
We left Dublin. There was this tall spire that was 10 meters at the bottom and 15 centimeters at the top. I named it the holy waste of money. That's what it was. We went to this town called Dulkeek for lunch. I had this taco chips (taco meat that was seasoned with what turned out to be garlic sauce over french fries. Nasty) at this Italian place. I had Mexican-Italian-English food. We went by this Newgrange place that has stuff to do with the solstice, but we had a ferry to catch and didn't have enough time to go to it. The ferry this time from Belfast was a lot easier to get seating on. There were a lot of screaming little kids running(INSQUARES!) around and it was ok because we all just sat and played hearts. We got to Glasgow, Scotland late and got to the hotel at 9:30 pm. We decided since it was halfway through the trip and since it was so late, we would eat at pizza hut nearby. It was good and they served wine there for mom. The people in Glasgow dress strange. I guess it is supposed to be a trendy city. There was this fat girl in a short dress talking on her cell phone and dancing or stuff to like act what she was saying. She was good dinner entertainment. Then this girl my age dressed like a ho walked by seemingly alone. Then she turned around and waited for her grandparents to catch up with her, Lol that was funny. We watched Bring it on until midnight then fell asleep.

7/30: Sunday:
We woke up at 10:30, very late, so we skipped breakfast. We drove to St. Andrews, the famous golf town. We saw this church and a castle and crawled in a mine. Then of course we got lucky and the golf course was closed that day, so we got to walk on it. We saw the famous road hole bunker. If your shot goes in there, you have to take another shot to get out by hitting it backwards out of it because between you and the hole from it is a big wall and it is too small to hit over it. Then we had to gun it down to Edinburgh because we stayed in St. Andrews too long. We got to the B&B in Edinburgh, the Ard-Na-Said.

7/31: Monday:
We spend some of the day at Edinburgh castle, which was a cool castle. We saw this place where my dad's friend dropped his hat when they were there in '82. After the castle, we made our way slowly down the royal mile to the Holyrood palace, which is the official buisness place for the queen. At about 6:00, dad and me felt like a climb. There was this mountain (if you can call it that) that him and his friend Finn climbed in '82. It was called Arthur's Seat. It was about an 800m climb, which is 2400 feet or something I think. Meters are long remember. Dad and me walked out and he was looking for this place to make a reservation for dinner to. I suggested I can drive the car to him. One, I can't because I haven't got an international driver's lisence. Two, I can't because dad is the only one the company signed to drive the car. That's why I drove carefully. When I got to the restaurant, he had made reservations for 8:00. We got up Arthur's Seat in 30 minutes and back down in 15. The wind made my water bottle whistle. That was cool.

8/1: Tuesday:
My first thought waking up was: oh crap it's August. My second thought was: oh crap today is the long car ride. That is the whole day. From 9 to 5 in the car. Not many breaks, but we arrived in York safely. We saw this church, Yorkminster. It was the best church, chapel, cathedral, or abbey we saw the whole trip. I took many pictures of it. It made Westminster Abbey look ugly. There was very heavy rain thought that was kind of bad.

8/2: Wednesday:
We saw this Clifford's tower and the Abbey, which are on opposite sides of town. All before noon. I also saw these guys filming a show or something for a college course. They definately didn't pwn, at least not sheerly. While me and mom watched them film while waiting for dad and Kathryn, I predicted they would get the perfect shot and dad would walk up an unintentionally ruin it. I was right. They get a good shot going, and dad, looking at his map, almost runs into the camera guy and says hello to him. I should have bet money on it. We took the train to London and Kathryn and I played some extreme dots. We got to our hotel in London that had this free drink that was basically water that smelled like the flavor. It tasted like water. It was a sheraton hotel and the first room the whole trip with air conditioning. Kathryn and I flipped through channels and saw this one show where this guy dressed as a crow teaches kids to be a warrior. It was very stupid so we watched it for laughs. That night, Dad and I convinced mom and Kathryn that they needed to see We Will Rock You. All of you need to as well. In the row behind us, there was this group of high school kids my age talking with American accents. We both heard each other talking and our groups were like hey you're from the states. The group behind us was from New Jersey. The leader guy and his girlfriend did most of the talking. They seemed older than the others that were about Sophomore Junior age. They live in a town that Bruce Springsteen lives in. That was cool because we had one of his CD's on the trip to listen to in the car. They were a good group of kids. The girl behind me had big um glkahboobsks;lkjht and she looked like the girl that goes up to unpopular kids and says "you are a special human being" to look nice and the unpopular kid says "wtf?" to. The girl in front of me in the second act was interesting. I noticed that my legs went over into her seat. From intermission end to the end of the play, she just rested her head on my knees. She was good looking so I didn't mind. It was a little awkward though.

8/3: Thursday:
We saw Westminster Abbey, ooh ahh. Lot's of dead people there like Churchhill and Darwin and kings. Then we toured Buckingham palace since the queen is on vacation in Balmoral Castle in Scotland they open up Buckingham. That night, we saw blue man group, which was an awesome show.

8/4: Friday:
We took a boat ride up the Thames river. We saw the Globe theater and the Tower of London where they keep the crown jewels. They have tourguides there that are beefeaters. Ours was Bill. He had good stories about how he had to take his kid's to the interview for the job and how they brought friends and it was a strange interview. He also explained that since beefeaters were once high military ranks, they are used to yelling and reporting bad behavior, so all the children that live there are clinically depressed because they can't get away with anything. After that we went out to Greenwich, which is the central time place because it is right at the Prime Meridian. Speaking of which, I stood over the prime meridian. I saw the Milennium dome from The World Is Not Enough (James Bond). After that we went back to the Tower of London for the ceremony of the keys. It was a 900 year old tradition with the "halt who comes there" and all that. The bugle player hadn't ever played a lot before so he sucked, but they thought it was good. I probably could have done better only seeing the music once. We ran into this American family that lives in San Francisco. It turns out they lived by us once very close to Sai.

8/5: Saturday:
We went on this walk around town that is a themed guided tour. Ours was this spy one. It was a good story about the real Q, the real M, and the real James Bond that was captured and killed by the KGB. Then we did some brass rubbing. We were meeting dad's friend Finn who lives near London at 5. Me and dad tracked down MI6 first and I got some pictures. We met up with Finn and had some dinner and saw Marry Poppins the musical play. It wasn't very exciting, but since I had wanted Blue Mand Group and We Will Rock You, I was ok with it. Finn is cool because he wears shorts year round too. I thought he dressed a little like Charlie, but without a sweater.

8/6: Sunday:
We went with Finn to Wimbledon. That was a cool place. We saw the new museum too. Then we went to Kensington palace, where I finally found something having to do with William of Orange, a statue of him. Finn couldn't come in, so he left and we said goodbye to him. Kensington palace had the princess Dianna memorial. The whole thing wasn't very exciting.

8/7: Monday:
On monday, we went to see the changing of the guard at Buckingham palace. I let a small spanish boy in to the front where I was because he couldn't see. I saw another boy scout troop there. Most of the time, Kathryn had a nice view of this French girl's butt. After that, we all went to monument, this monument of the big fire many years ago. It was 300 and something steps and I climbed it pretty fast. After that we went to St. Paul's cathedral that has the second largest dome in the world. It was 530 steps to the top and I did that too. It offered good views. After that, at about 3, we went to the airport. They thought we were late showing up at 4:30 for a 5:30 flight and our "confirmed" seats had been taken and we were on standby. We got on and they wound up giving us seats in the one level up from our other one. These seats were in the middle of the plane, the second lowest level, but bigger seats. Plus it was 2 and 2 so I sat behind dad because he hates reclining. The flight was ok. There were good movies on. I saw V for Vendetta for my second time. I also saw Inside Man, that was pretty good. I saw Over the Hedge as well because I felt like it. When we got to the airport, there was customs. We got through. Then you get your bag. Then you go through more customs. Then you re-check your bag and go through a random search guy to the main terminal. Then you walk all the way to baggage claim 1 where you get your bag. God I hate American Security. That's if you live here by the way. Then dad pointed out that you can't complain because then you are marked as dangerous. There was this big Japanese tour group. Dianna (aunt) came and picked us up then we drove her home then drove home.

7/8: Tuesday:
I know this isn't vacation, but oh well. I got back in my schedule. I went to tennis and it was blue day, but I didn't get the memo, so I had no blue. I got to take the group picture. It was still cool. I can play more as the week goes. On any given weekend though, I may be gone because my grandpa is going to get surgery in his bladder to remove a cancerous tumor so we need to see him. Any hot girls that want to comfort me can message me on aim to learn how to contact (double entendre there) me if they so desire.

That's all for now. Pictures definately. Now? no. Later, yes. Peace out. Play Starcraft.


Anonymous said...

My Motherboard exploded. My computer wont be fixed for several weeks. I wont get a win this summer.

David said...

You needed to be on skype or aim for me to know we were playing. I checked when we said and u werent on.

PK Dave said...

I'll be on sometime to play. Good stories, David. Be sure to give us pix.

We aren't going to pwn HALO 2 this summer, are we?

pronoob5 said...

ok so, i didnt read the post cause its fucking long. yay for play starcraft! we need to.

Oreo said...

800-something pictures, psshhh. Wilfred's got you beat. he and his dad went to spain for a couple of weeks - 18 gigs worth of pictures...that's about 6000 pictures total.