Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My cousin the anecdote man

I just got an email from my cousin. He is the one that just got married in October and recently moved to Las Vegas. He is trying to hook up with a big casino to work for one, which would be sweet. He also said he is going to give professional poker a try while he's there. My cousin has a ton of really good anecdotes that are really really good. I will now tell you about the two best ones he could tell. These are not lies, they actually happened and how they did, I have no idea still.
Awesome anecdote 1: Back in the day, when he worked for Enterprise, he had to go pick up "a group" from an airport because it was a slow day and the boss let him drive out to SeaTac to pick them up to bring them back to their hotel. He goes to the airport and calls the boss to ask who to look for and the boss describes them. Turns out, he was picking up Blue Oyster Cult (70's rock band). He got to drive BOC around.
Awesome anecdote 2: This is an old one. When he was much younger, he was very wild. He and some friends went to Vegas and saw that the Billboard big party something or other was going on. His friends and him decided to go sneak in because it was very exclusive. His friends went ahead and got in while he went to the bathroom first. When he came out, he was about to go into it, when who should walk up to him and say hello, but Christina Aguilera. There was some story about he was dancing with her for a second(showing off his sweet dance moves?) and that part I don't know is true, but I do know he at least carried on a conversation with her and made it into the thing later.
Yeah my cousin is a pimp and hopefully, I will be as cool as him so I wont need to tell stories about how cool he is while I wait for something to happen to post about.


blitzmoose said...

I don't see how any of those anecdotes are "awsome", but that is probably because I don't know anything about those people you wrote about. Right?

Jack said...

yeah. BOC is a fair band that ppl think are really cool esp because of the will ferrell skit with "more cowbell" from saturday night live. Christina Aguilera is a crappy pop singer like Britney Spears. unless david has pics or something to prove it, im kinda doubting his cousin. but anything is possible

David said...

i dont have pics because i wasnt there. i would say that the odds that he actually did it were 80% and the odds that he was drunk and imagined the whole thing was about 20%.