Monday, October 23, 2006

Five Hundredth Post

That's right, this is post number 500. There's that thing that tells you how many posts when you sign in. I didn't go back and count. SO anyway this has been an interesting week. Tuesday was normal, as was Wednesday. On thursday, there was a soccer game in which we didn't do very well, until the second half when we improved a little (props to jake on juking the goalie)(antiprops to alvaro and damian for being fags). Friday was my sister's birthday. Not much besides family coming over for that. Very boring because she got all american girl or whatever stuff. No variety whatsoever. Saturday, there was the PSAT, not too hard actually, but I didn't like leaving some questions blank. Also on saturday, I went and cleaned up my grandpa's house for company sunday. That night, my family and I went to see Wynton Marselas (famous trumpet jazz guy) at the Paramount. I saw him and it was cool and I also met Lawrence Fishburn(morpheus from the matrix(the black with small sunglasses). That was cool. Sunday was my grandma's memorial service. Before that, there was a meeting for family at grandpa's house. For lunch, My cousins, my sister, and I went to Arby's to get 20 roast beef sandwiches and 10 fries(there were a lot of people). That was the biggest order the lady at the counter had ever taken apparently (I was like oh really? What an idiot, just give me my damn food). There were a lot of people there at the memorial service later. It filled the whole church. My other cousin who is the older in her family and I read something even though I am not Lutheran. I read something by Thessalonians(Rome Total War!) and she read something from Corinthians (Rome Total War!). Her reading was stupid. It said something like Jesus is risen and we are saved, but if he is not risen then we are not saved(it goes on to say that about 16 different ways before saying) but he is risen so we are saved. After that, a bunch of the people went to my grandpa's house where there was a party of sorts. It was more like a family reunion. My 3rd cousins (whatever my dad's cousin's kids are to me) were there, who we like to hang out with. We had wheelchair vs. walker races. I almost won, but when I tried to go fast in the wheelchair backwards, I went too fast and spun and was ejected from the chair, losing by just a few feet. That was fun to do. That was pretty much it. No starcraft in the whole weekend, but no homework either. I'm going to do my homework in the weekday this week, so that I will definately have the full next weekend for whatever. Hopefully lots of SC.

Monday, October 16, 2006

HAhahahah. Hahahaha! Oh, that's good. You went to Homecoming, didn't you?

Ok so this week has not been as bad as last week. It was a short week, which helped. Odd classes with early release monday. Regular tuesday and wednesday. Thursday the homecoming assembly in which we came in 2nd. Friday was a tennis match that I shouldn't have lost. I was with this kid that was supposedly good, but that was a misconception i suppose. He tried to poach at the net, but got pwned. After that was the SW football game. The halftime show went well. Edmonds Woodway couldn't get to 100 and settled at 49. We at least got a touchdown. Saturday, we lost our soccer game because we were a man down, then a Steven down for the last 10 or so minutes. That night, Sai, Steven, and Orion came over for the manly movie party. We broke Sai's sleeping at someone else's house virginity, BY WHICH I MEAN this was his first time staying at someone else's overnight. We started with the Godfather 1, then Goodfellas, then Rambo 3, then Sin City, then Scary Movie 4. The picture of the balls explosion is in Rambo 3. He hangs a guy then blows him up. That movie was teh uber uber manly. On sunday, I didn't do much. Now I need to do these stupid CID's and start my chemistry lab write up.

I think this speaks for itself, me and everyone else in APUSH for that matter Posted by Picasa

You know its a manly movie when some grenade a guy had on his chest explodes in the vicinity of his balls. Posted by Picasa

Sai really wanted to watch this movie. Posted by Picasa

It's not technology unless it is also fashion. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Ok so I am the blue armies. I'm thinking yeah this is cool i got 5 armies going into Egypt. Well Egypt is ghey. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 08, 2006

SGFshorty90 (6:59:06 PM): WTF
SGFshorty90 (6:59:24 PM): one of the questions is like what human details does the poem give to columbia
SGFshorty90 (6:59:29 PM): who is some kind of goddess
SGFshorty90 (6:59:39 PM): and it NEVER gives her human details
RunningInSquare3 (6:59:46 PM): lol
SGFshorty90 (6:59:47 PM): it just talks about how shes divine
SGFshorty90 (6:59:50 PM): and god like
SGFshorty90 (7:00:01 PM): and how people look to her for help
SGFshorty90 (7:00:02 PM): or somethign
RunningInSquare3 (7:00:20 PM): anxious breast; dreadful in refulgent armsst
SGFshorty90 (7:00:25 PM): lol
SGFshorty90 (7:00:26 PM): ur an idiot
RunningInSquare3 (7:00:28 PM): real ppl have boobs
SGFshorty90 (7:00:30 PM): thats not human like
SGFshorty90 (7:00:36 PM): so do gods
RunningInSquare3 (7:00:44 PM): thats the answer he is looking for i bet
SGFshorty90 (7:00:48 PM): lol
RunningInSquare3 (7:00:48 PM): thats all there is to go on
SGFshorty90 (7:00:52 PM): fine
SGFshorty90 (7:00:57 PM): ill be like...humans have boobs.
SGFshorty90 (7:00:58 PM): thats it
SGFshorty90 (7:01:02 PM): for the question
RunningInSquare3 (7:01:02 PM): YES
RunningInSquare3 (7:01:05 PM): now u get it
SGFshorty90 (7:01:08 PM): lol
RunningInSquare3 (7:01:13 PM): ur catching on
SGFshorty90 (7:04:36 PM): what animal would u have america be lol
SGFshorty90 (7:04:40 PM): sorry, what creature
SGFshorty90 (7:04:46 PM): what would its name be?
RunningInSquare3 (7:04:47 PM): a constipated dog
SGFshorty90 (7:04:51 PM): these QUESTIONS ARE SO DULMB
RunningInSquare3 (7:04:54 PM): thats what i thought it looked like on the map
SGFshorty90 (7:05:07 PM): WTF
SGFshorty90 (7:05:09 PM): THIS IS GAI
RunningInSquare3 (7:05:21 PM): name it penny
SGFshorty90 (7:05:23 PM): litteraly
SGFshorty90 (7:05:28 PM): ill name it Bob
SGFshorty90 (7:05:48 PM): nah, ill go with Steve
RunningInSquare3 (7:05:50 PM): YEAH
SGFshorty90 (7:05:51 PM): thats a great name
RunningInSquare3 (7:05:52 PM): bob wasgood
RunningInSquare3 (7:05:55 PM): stevebob
RunningInSquare3 (7:06:00 PM): stebo
SGFshorty90 (7:06:02 PM): ok its settled
SGFshorty90 (7:06:06 PM): a bob named stebo
SGFshorty90 (7:06:09 PM): er a dog
RunningInSquare3 (7:06:14 PM): a constipated dog
SGFshorty90 (7:06:17 PM): k
SGFshorty90 (7:06:28 PM): hmm
SGFshorty90 (7:06:33 PM): well USAs kinda n00b
SGFshorty90 (7:06:56 PM): oh i guess, USA just turtled up for years then moved in with their Alpha Aurors cause theyre like toal n00bs right
SGFshorty90 (7:07:17 PM): maybe ill have them b a turtle
SGFshorty90 (7:07:21 PM): a turtle named n00b
RunningInSquare3 (7:07:29 PM): yeah
RunningInSquare3 (7:07:31 PM): lol
SGFshorty90 (7:08:32 PM): kelsey thinks it should b a eagle
RunningInSquare3 (7:08:42 PM): NO
RunningInSquare3 (7:08:47 PM): tell her she is wrong
RunningInSquare3 (7:08:56 PM): say its a constipated dog
RunningInSquare3 (7:08:59 PM): or its a turtle

Worst. Week. Ever.

Yeah this week has definately been teh sucks and I can come up with a reason why for each day.

Sunday: Stfu Sunday doesn't count.

Monday: So on monday it was a normal C day until 6th period. I got called to my counselor telling me to "bring all my stuff." I at least got out of English, but I was getting worried of something worse. So when I get to the office, I see mom and I think "OMFG I'M SCREWED." Well she is crying and it turns out my grandma's heart stopped in her sleep (dad's mom). So we go pick up Kathryn at Einstein and go over to her house. My grandpa, dad, uncle and aunt and aunt are already there. My other cousin was too. So that was the worst day of the week by far. Luckily I had no homework because I was there from 1:20ish to 9:30ish.

Tuesday: Oh yeah so tuesday wasn't really a bundle of joy either. Right after school again, I had to go to my grandpa's house to see him again with the family. I had a lot of homework and I wound up staying up quite late because of having to be there late again.

Since my grandpa hasn't been alone in about 60 years, people in the family were staying at his house overnight.

Wednesday: Tennis match vs. Kamiak at Kamiak HS. Me and David Ishkanov were 3 doubles, the last match that counts towards the score. Its tied 3-3 so we need to win. Well we lost by the closest amount you could lose by. It sucks that we lost, but it sucks more we were so close.

Thursday: Harshman proved he hates Zac and I when he tried his new experimental seating. Basically, he sticks the 5 least attractive flutes in front of us. He told them he wasn't doing it as punishment to them. I'm like DAMN STRAIGHT HE WAS PUNISHING US. GRARRRRR. I have to check my awesome music a lot now because I don't want to look at tori. So Zac keeps trying to get with this one girl that has a short shirt.
Zac: psst David look at that.
Me: It's her back wtf you can't see anything interesting but her spine.
Zac: Yeah but look.
Me: Zac you have incredibly low standards.
Zac: Oh yeah well how many girlfriends have you ever had?
Me: Stfu.
Oh yeah we also lost our soccer game. My mom got pissed at Alvaro (now everyone in my family hate him) and my dad got mad at Eric. Eric must never play goal again. A ball bounced about his hand height and he missed it. He throws like a girl and kicks like .0001% of Justin Blackwood.

Friday: Nothing can really ruin friday, but we had that darn band practice that is boring to do. Chemistry was really funny too because Orion and I were watching Kayla make blank stares for really long amounts of time and she looked funny. Also Sam stuck a piece of some straw in my ear, which was wierd. I also made a super straw and pwned Orion with it, but I had to dismantle it.

Saturday: Stfu. Saturday doesn't count either.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


This article is a direct copy of what I read on Wikipedia. It was updated today. Read the Major Accomplishments section to know why Ben, Sai, and I are sad. I know more of you are, but only the three of us were on when I found out. It is located at the bottom part of the post.

Lim Yo-Hwan, known by the pseudonym SlayerS_`BoxeR` (usually shortened to Boxer), was one of the most successful players of the real-time strategy game StarCraft to date. He was the most popular Starcraft player with a fan club of almost 600,000 members and a DVD compilation of his greatest games released in South Korea.

Lim had an impressive record with 435 wins and 284 losses in his professional career. This success had brought him the highest salary of professional gaming, exceeding an annual income of $300,000 US Dollars per year, excluding prize money and endorsements (which would equal to ~$900,000 U.S) . In 2004 he was voted the greatest gamer of all time by readers of ESReality, one of the most popular western electronic sports websites, and in June 2006 he was included in an MTV list of "The 10 Most Influential Video Gamers Of All Time" [1].

Lim first came to fame by dominating professional Starcraft while choosing to use the Terran race at a time when this was seen as a relatively weak choice in comparison to the other two Starcraft armies. In fact, Lim admits in an interview that he actually choose Protoss as his race when starting to play early on, but choose the more defensive Terran race over the offensive Protoss or Zerg. This reign of dominance earned him the nickname the "Terran Emperor" among Koreans. During this early time in his career he innovated heavily, creating many new strategies which are still copied today, most notably making much more effective use of the Terran Dropship unit than had been achieved in the past. He also gained a reputation for being able to turn around matches against the odds and having excellent micromanagement (unit control) skills. In contrast, his weakness is thought by some commentators to be poor macromanagement (economy/unit production) skills in comparison to other top-level professional Starcraft players, although his macromanagement has improved over the last few years.

Though recently he has seen a gradual loss of dominance with other players improving at a faster pace and catching up to him, he was ranked 11th in the April 2006 Korea E-Sports Progamer Association (KeSPA) rankings, and made it to the finals of the EVER OnGameNet Starleague of late 2004 (losing to iloveOOv by three games to two) and the finals of the 2005 So1 OnGameNet Starleague (losing to Anytime by three games to two).

Lim has played professionally since version 1.07 of Starcraft, and has managed to stay competitive by constantly changing his style, and has had a great influence of the development of modern playing styles, especially for Terran players. He is the all-time leader in games played and wins. He is a two time OSL champion, MSL champion, two time WCG champion, and leader of the SK Telecom team. His is considered to have a strong eye for talent in that position, as he drew Choi Yeon-Sung (Iloveoov), among others, from the amateur ranks. His team has consistently been the strongest in the Proleague.

Last August, Lim announced at the MSL group draws that he had received his draft letter from the government, and would be entering the air force by the end of the year. He later said he would try his best to return after his 2.5 years of service.

Major Achievements
World Cyber Games champion (2001, 2002 and the only StarCraft player in the Hall of Fame)
First player to achieve 100 wins in OnGameNet Starleagues (OSL)
First player to win more than one OSL (Hanbitsoft 2001, Coca Cola 2001), and only so far to have won two consecutive OSL's
Longest player to hold first place in KeSPA rankings (17 months)
Has won the WCG twice (only player to do this, however, it should be noted that they changed the system after his 2nd win - previously the winner had been invited automatically to the next WCG, now they had to qualify again).
Won the first KPGA Tour (now MBC starleague).
Has finished 2nd in Ongamenet Starleague 4 times (2001 SKY, 2002 SKY, 2004 EVER, 2005 SO1)
Finished 2nd in the first KT-KTF Premiere league.
Retired on Oct.3, 2006

So right now, it is the very bad. No more great matches. We have lost a good player of the game this day.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Oh I wish this were real. Posted by Picasa