Sunday, October 08, 2006

Worst. Week. Ever.

Yeah this week has definately been teh sucks and I can come up with a reason why for each day.

Sunday: Stfu Sunday doesn't count.

Monday: So on monday it was a normal C day until 6th period. I got called to my counselor telling me to "bring all my stuff." I at least got out of English, but I was getting worried of something worse. So when I get to the office, I see mom and I think "OMFG I'M SCREWED." Well she is crying and it turns out my grandma's heart stopped in her sleep (dad's mom). So we go pick up Kathryn at Einstein and go over to her house. My grandpa, dad, uncle and aunt and aunt are already there. My other cousin was too. So that was the worst day of the week by far. Luckily I had no homework because I was there from 1:20ish to 9:30ish.

Tuesday: Oh yeah so tuesday wasn't really a bundle of joy either. Right after school again, I had to go to my grandpa's house to see him again with the family. I had a lot of homework and I wound up staying up quite late because of having to be there late again.

Since my grandpa hasn't been alone in about 60 years, people in the family were staying at his house overnight.

Wednesday: Tennis match vs. Kamiak at Kamiak HS. Me and David Ishkanov were 3 doubles, the last match that counts towards the score. Its tied 3-3 so we need to win. Well we lost by the closest amount you could lose by. It sucks that we lost, but it sucks more we were so close.

Thursday: Harshman proved he hates Zac and I when he tried his new experimental seating. Basically, he sticks the 5 least attractive flutes in front of us. He told them he wasn't doing it as punishment to them. I'm like DAMN STRAIGHT HE WAS PUNISHING US. GRARRRRR. I have to check my awesome music a lot now because I don't want to look at tori. So Zac keeps trying to get with this one girl that has a short shirt.
Zac: psst David look at that.
Me: It's her back wtf you can't see anything interesting but her spine.
Zac: Yeah but look.
Me: Zac you have incredibly low standards.
Zac: Oh yeah well how many girlfriends have you ever had?
Me: Stfu.
Oh yeah we also lost our soccer game. My mom got pissed at Alvaro (now everyone in my family hate him) and my dad got mad at Eric. Eric must never play goal again. A ball bounced about his hand height and he missed it. He throws like a girl and kicks like .0001% of Justin Blackwood.

Friday: Nothing can really ruin friday, but we had that darn band practice that is boring to do. Chemistry was really funny too because Orion and I were watching Kayla make blank stares for really long amounts of time and she looked funny. Also Sam stuck a piece of some straw in my ear, which was wierd. I also made a super straw and pwned Orion with it, but I had to dismantle it.

Saturday: Stfu. Saturday doesn't count either.


zack0217 said...

is alvaro that kid who always wears a hat backwards and wears glasses? if so, i'm gonna beat that kid when we play you b/c he called me a honky/cracker at school one time. fuck him. i shall join you in hatred.

blitzmoose said...

That suks, you had to look at some girl's spine, while zac was saying how the spine was hot. Very disturbing and akward sounding.

Oreo said...

no i think ur thinking of jesse and he's alright, except he has an ugly gf. alvaro is a mexican who jacks laptops (yes, plural) and sells them, you can kill him zack.

btw zack, you are a cracker.

also, i must say david's curse of the ugly girls in band is my blessing, because now i can't see them at all.