Monday, October 15, 2007

I want YOU. To be player 8.

Well before I get down to business with the upcoming anti-homecoming party, I should explain why this was a rather good week. It might be worth your time someday to read this post, but if you are looking for the party stuff, then use Ctrl+F on "Partay:" to get there quickly or scroll down.

It was an odd day since it was a 4 day week. I woke up and realized "hey this means odd periods shortened today since it's early release monday." Then I woke up further and realized that THERE ARE NO MORE EARLY RELEASE MONDAYS. I got pretty mad at that. So ever since freshman year when I saw the trumpets play the fanfare at homecoming, I knew that I wanted to do that someday. I soon came to the horrible reality that I played an unimportant instrument(ie not a trumpet) and would not be able to play the fanfare. When I offered to play trumpet this year, I forgot entirely about the fanfare, but on monday Mr. Harshman was passing it out and I got a copy. That's right, I am going to play fanfare at homecoming. That pretty much made the day right there. There was a tennis match at Edway that afternoon. I got a slurpee because of the school's close proximity to Dairy Queen and 7-11. The slurpee machine as acting up, so my slurpee was oddly thick and very sweet, which was really cool. Extreme sugar high ftw. That night, I went to the court of honor for Kimi's Teriyaki. Davis was there as well. Some really cool guy that looked like teh uber mountainman came to award dad with his woodbadge. I got the cycling merit badge, thus completing my collection needed for eagle.

It was even periods and we watched the rest of the Great Dictator in Hollywood & History. It was a pretty good movie. During Law (6th period), I got called to yearbook to talk about the JV tennis team. I didn't realize I had just put in my quote when I said the freshmen and sophomores had stepped up well this year. She thanked me for my quote and I walked out confused not realizing I had just accidentally given her a quote. Not much else happened at school, but after school, I went home and dicked around the Guild Wars Forums for about 2 hours learning every little detail about the 100% title. I then set out to start cleaning up my edges on the map. Lots of the areas look good and there is a 1-1.5% leway meaning you don't have to have exactly 100% to get the title, but it still is a pain in the ass to get nonetheless. The leway covers areas that are no longer accessible on the map. I managed to get .7% that day, the most I had gotten in a single day since I stopped using the 1% every day method 2 weeks ago when I came too busy to keep up with it.

I got further incorporated into the fanfare, so it was a sure thing that I would be playing it. Other than that, I did not do much else. The Jackson match got cancelled, so I played some Halo 3 on Xbox Live.

The end of the four day week! Most huzzahulent. The day went very smoothly. After school, the top half of the JV team went up to Jackson with Varsity while the other half played at Mountlake Terrace. On the way there, we saw a transient holding a sign that read: I'll be here until the 11 million Mexicans leave. Everyone had a laugh at him, except for Mr. Moreno. I was with a new partner and he was good, so we dominated 6-1 and 6-2. After that, I stayed up late because it was a weekend.

Late waking up since it was a weekend. Dad and I went to get new windshield wipers for the freestyle and when we got there, a strange guy that sounded like Michael Jackson who apparently worked there tried to get us to trade in the freestyle for a new car since most of their sales are of used cars and ours was an ideal one. We test drove a couple and dad worked a deal to get the cars for a cheaper monthly payment that our current one. We had to ask mom about it first. There was a match for JV at Meadowdale. Scott was once again not there. I had to play with a guy I had never played with before. He was levels below me and the other team noticed quickly. They hit every shot that they weren't required to hit at me at him. I only really hit the ball if I was serving or returning and maybe one little hit per game. So bascially we got stomped because he has a lot to work on. My parents came to watch and then we had to run after I got out because we had a play(Spamalot) at 8 and dinner at 6. Spamalot was quite good. On the way back out of it, I saw this really pretty girl. So pretty that if I were to talk to her, I would accidentally blurt out that I want to go out with her. Upon my inspection of her.....body, I noticed something horrible. A Saints jersey. I then almost walked into a Saints player. I looked for farmilliar players, but none were seen, just their luggage.

I had to get up early to return the favor to Will who was having his Eagle project. I felt obligated since he came to mine. Upon getting there, the first thing he says to me is a query for advice because he "has no idea what to do." At that point I knew this would be interesting. It was basically Will's two younger brothers trying to control everyone, then Will trying to control them, then Dave trying to control Will, then Jan controlling everything. Some interesting points in the project were:
*Steven and Kristian walk away*
*10 minutes*
*Kyle walks away*
*5 minutes*
*Cole walks by humming some tune*
Me: Dad, I think we're the only ones working.

Sure enough we were, but the project got somewhat done while we were there. One interesting find was crack concealed in a sprinkler head. Police were called and they took it back to the station probably to smoke it. Davis came eventually, which was pretty cool. He got working on a different area than me.

That afternoon, we went and test drove the Ford Edge and the Taurus X which we had driven the day before. After much deliberation between mom, dad, and I, they decided to swap our Freestyle for the Taurus X. While the paperwork was being taken care of, I went with Rick(Michael Jackson guy) to drive a Mustang just for fun because it was a slow business day. Whilst out on the drive, I saw Mr. Hendrix.

So you guy's gotta see this new Taurus X we got. It's pretty awesome. It has a GPS. That's cool right there. I went and looked at a lot of the technology after we bought it, so I am rather familliar now. That night, nothing much else happened.

I played some GRAW until I left for the football game with Grandpa. On the way in, I saw a transient holding a sign that read: Ninjas killed my father, need money for karate lessons. If I had small change on me, I totally would have given it to that guy. It was good except that we gave the Saints their first win of the season. Also, I am mad at Plackemeier for dropping that ball and giving them an easy touchdown. Josh Brown, though had a pwnage 52 yard field goal. It was quite secksy. During the first quarter, the NBC overhead camera fell down onto the field causing much hilarity and a 10 minute delay. When they brought it back up, it fell again and almost hit a player. It then had to be hung off the field where it wouldn't cause problems and unfortunately, it "accidentally" recorded Mike Holmgren's playcard. The Saints claim they didn't know of this.

Well nothing much has happened today. I have to finish some homework, then I might get on Guild Wars for a while.

Yeah party time. Anti homecoming party to be exact. So here's the plan so far.

When: Saturday, exact hours TBD.
Where: Zack's house. Don't know where? I guess I can give a couple rides.
Who: Zack, Sai, Steven, Ahmad, Gerard, Amanuel, and I. We need an 8th person. If this is you or if you know of one, please don't hesitate to tell us.

So I have to be here at my house for dinner from 6-8 pm. I can be at the party at any time but those 2 hours, so I will leave my 360 with Zack while I am gone.

And yes I know that I still need to make some postage happen. Specifically:
-homecoming in california pictures
-hawaii pictures
-senior pictures
-family reunion pictures(if they ever come)

Peace out for now.

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