Sunday, October 07, 2007

Orion: All those environmentalists can sleep with the fishes.

Sorry Orion, it was next in line to go. Luckily for you it made it to a title. This quote was from February or whenever regionals for FBLA was. Orion randomly said it on the bus.

Some other convos before I get down to business:

brittlebrit187: lock me up and throw away the key
brittlebrit187: but give me a role of toilet paper and a paper clip and I will escape brittlebrit187: cuz im tits mcgee

RunningInSquare3: how far r u
oreo2476: done
RunningInSquare3: YAY
oreo2476: and by done i mean not done
RunningInSquare3: CRAP
RunningInSquare3: have u gotten to the last discussion question?
oreo2476: have i gotten to data?
oreo2476: the answer to both of these is yes
RunningInSquare3: YAY
oreo2476: and by yes i mean no
RunningInSquare3: stop doing that

Party on homecoming day. That is October 20. Unfortunately, we cannot have it here because it is Kathryn's birthday and she is having a party here. If anyone could offer up their place for it, we will be forever in your debt. So far, it is Sai and I for sure, Steven if he wants, Ahmad if he wants, Zack if he can, and one more hopefully for a 3v3 going. If we can find a fourth 360 and Gears, then we can get 2 more people beyond that person for a good 4v4 going on.

1 comment:

pronoob5 said...

wtf is with these HELLA old quotes?

i'm not sure why i was a if he wants, and we have 7 people so start thinking about how the final person will be.