Sunday, November 04, 2007

Happy Halloween on Guild Wars

Some of the action I saw in the costume Brawl. This was the best I did all weekend.
The first time I have ever had full faction. I used it to buy the build you see at the bottom of my screen for my characters as well as the Conjure Cripslash build Steven showed me.
One of the two kinds of hats I was awarded.
First of all, look at the top left. For those of you that don't play Guild Wars, usually there are about 6 districts. At the time of this picture, there were over 120. Second, look at the chat box. I left Guild Wars on all day.


pronoob5 said...

man am I going to give you crap for these pictures...

1. Wow 2 consecutive wins... I did better at my dads with 2k ping+ the entire time
2. lol noob only 10k balthazar faction cap, and lol noob for letting yourself fill it up
3. wow great picture, i can almost see what his body looks like
4. lol, "awarded", yes congratz you can leave your computer on overnight, you deserve an award
5. lol noob nice default interface you got there, and good use of conjure flame when you have no fire weapon! so pro!

pronoob5 said...

btw those were just joking around david is a fine guild wars player and i was just poking fun

David said...

on the 2 consecutive wins one, I was pointing out the score. The most consecutive wins I had all weekend was 14.