Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mass Effect: How sweet it is

Let me first say that Mass Effect is the second best game that I have ever played. The second best game is a very hard thing to reach. Starcraft is always and always will be number one, the number two slot is very good and definately not given out lightly. The slot was previously held by Knights of the Old Republic 1, but Bioware has outdone themselves this time.

The weekend comes first though.

On Tuesday, we went bowling in Lifetime Sports and I did very badly. Tim and Justin dominated in our lane. After school, I went out to get Mass Effect. Luckily I was waiting until Wednesday to start playing it because when I got back, I discovered that the power went out. For dinner, we went to Spiro's because the outage was just on our block and it took three hours after it went out for the electric company to believe all of us and actually send a guy out to check. I hate the electric company for that. We saw a ton of our neighbors at Spiro's. After we got home, I did a bunch of music theory missing assignments. Then our family played Taboo. Mom and Kathryn won, but dad and I had the best round of 7 answers before time was up. We also got a good one:
Dad: oh shit this is too broad
Dad: uh...........crescent wrench?
Me: .......tool?
I got it right. It was not enough to save us though. The power came back on right before I was bout to take a cold shower, so that was good.

On Wednesday, it was a mere half day. All my classes seemed to be doing something, which saddened me because I did not get to play on Sai's gamecube. After school, Steven, Orion, Chris, and I went to see Hitman. I don't know much about the others' reactions, but I thought it was good. The girl almost ruined it, and there were a few problems, such as the girl's tattoo switching sides of her face, but it was a good movie nonetheless. After that, I started Mass Effect.

On Thursday, I played Mass Effect until my family came over for Thanksgiving. My cousin and I played Halo 3 on easy and beat it in three hours. We did easy because he had not played it yet. The food was good and after everyone left, I played Starcraft with some guys in the clan, then with Steven until 1am.

On Friday, I played more Mass Effect. Around noon, I played Starcraft and that lasted until 5, when I went over to Steven's to play Frisbee. Hmm, now that I think about it, Peter Kim never showed up for that. Oh well, I helped Steven with the paper route, then frisbee commenced for a little. Orion and Alex came over and we went to Shoreline Stadium. It was mostly catch the frisbee because everyone wanted football. The four of us and Chris decided to make Sheer Pwnage, but a lack of a camera drove us to Denny's.

On Saturday, I played Mass Effect until my parents kicked me off games for the rest of the day. I went to the Apple Cup with Grandpa. It went well until we lost, but it was a close game, so that was good.

Today, the Seahawks won, but only by the margin of one yard, so it was pretty intense. Now I am doing homework.

People have gotten Starcraft to work again, which means I will be playing less Guild Wars. If nobody is on sc, then I might resort to it because I want that 100% title, but I really would rather just play sc.

Mass Effect:
My hour count is a pathetic 16 thus far. I am a level 34 soldier. The leveling is super fast. The game also puts you right in the action from the start, so it can be overwhelming at first. I'd love to talk more about it, but I want to finish my homework so that I can play it more.

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