Monday, April 28, 2008


Well I'll make this post short because I only have time to make it during Photography right now. All of my free time from now until right after my presentation on Thursday will be spent either working on my 50 minute War movies presentation or my 30 minute Puritanism presentation. Needless to say, I will be missing some frisbee practices. I'm not going to go today, I'm somewhat surprised Eric is going, but whatever. On Tuesday, I'll be there for the first half of practice because I feel guilty if I just show up on Thursday and expect to play a lot in the game. Now that that rant is complete, I shall get down to my post of last week.

We did very little during school. I developed my crappy photos of Steven during photography. They would have been cool photos because he had cool catches and throws, but I had my Aperture and stuff on the wrong settings, so the images were not very contrasty. They were good, but not up to my standard and likely not up to Ms. Tonkin's expectation of me after my pwnage landscape shots. She liked my lack of faith in their quality though. In Movie Genres, we watched an Inconvenient Truth. I fell asleep because it was so boring. After school, we had a Bruegger practice that went fairly well.

Again, nothing much happened during the day. We had a good band rehearsal because people that needed to practice finally did. In Physics, not much happened and in Theory, even less happened.

Orion and Ahmad were so late for Humanities that they almost missed their presentation which was really funny for Stoicism. We had a Sukol practice after school that Steven and I balled out early from.

Half the band was gone and the Jazz band was gone for Reno, so Braden conducted us. Did he apply our lesson learned from Harshman's last absence and actually practice this time? NO! We played the movement that we know of the song that we don't do well on. It was also the movement that about 8 people need instruments from. The rest of us do sound effects and humming. After that, Steven and I watched Combat Ex replays to help my Terran game. In Physics, we did the same, but with Anton and Sai as well. In Theory, most of the class was gone, so we took a test that I had already taken on the early study day during the WASL. It was so boring because I had the answers.

Our ultimate game went well off and on during the game. We slacked off a lot in the middle and that was when we got screwed. I actually got to play four points in a row though. I had a good block before phailing on zone defense. I don't think I will take on short deep ever again. After that, Sai and I played some Starcraft. We had 2 really good games. One of them involved Sai coming to save my base just in the nick of time. The second replay was the good one. It was full of superior tactics, dimensional recall, and nuclear missle strikes. It pwned pretty hard. I don't know how I ever survived before Arbiters.

I spent the whole day watching War movies from the '70s and '80s about Vietnam because that was my war to research. After watching movies like Platoon and Apocalypse Now, I now understand everything Andrew Phisuthikul ever said to me. I started work on a Powerpoint for the project, then decided that I needed to figure out how to get the movies on my laptop, which is starting to become a slight problem.

Today (incomplete):
Well this week has gotten off to a good start. In Band, we had a scale test that involves that harder scales, but I was ready for all of them. I was 2nd to the last to go and I played through the first three pretty well I thought, even using good tone quality. After the third, Mr. Harshman got everyone to start clapping as is what usually happens when someone finishes, but I still had one to go so I told him. Then he said "Well go ahead." So I said "I don't have to play it if you don't want me to." So he said "You don't have to play it." Hopefully he didn't think I couldn't handle it because it was a pretty easy scale and I could have done it, but I just didn't feel like it. I think I aced that test. In Humanities, Maddy and Joseph gave us candy for watching their presentation. In Physics, there was a test and I was glad I was in the back row for it....heh heh heh....

Ok well I guess I'd better get back to work on these projects. Come Thursday after my presentation, I will be one happy camper. Iron Man this friday? Think about it, we should.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring Reign Rain

Well I'm back from Spring Reign. It was, dare I say it, ultimate. Actually wow, I'm sorry I put you through that. I might have posted yesterday, but I fell asleep whilst playing Mass Effect. I just couldn't keep talking to that guy forever. I suppose I might as well start on Friday night though. Nothing much happened during the week last week anyways, resulting in my throng of posts.

It was a WASL day, but no morning Starcraft ensued, due to Hos (misspelled on purpose(lol I'm so "punny"(lol to that as well))) before Bros, which was okay because I spent the morning pwning up some Mass Effect. At school, band was uneventful, physics involved doing nothing due to a stupid sub that couldn't find the test Mr. Davis had left for her, and Theory was.......theory(boring).

After school, I went with Sai to his house to get his Wii and a TV. Then people slowly started trickling in. Amanuel had his heart set on playing COD4, but it was a GoW party so there was none of that. It turned out that I was unable to get my GoW downloaded content off the Xbox, so other people will have to get it on. We wound up having 4 person Brawl, and 2 2v2 GoWs going on (Ahmad and I had the same map pack so we were compatible with each other). Eventually we wound up playing Halo 3, which was still pretty good for a while. Around midnight, things started to wind down. I took Sai, Bodon, and Steven home, then came back and cleaned up before leaving. I got to sleep around 2 in the morning.

Around midnight, things started to wind down. I took Sai, Bodon, and Steven home, then came back and cleaned up before leaving. I got to sleep around 2 in the morning. Yeah you just read that sentence, but it did happen on Saturday. I got up at 6 to get ready for Spring Reign. We left around 7:50. I got to drive, which made me happy because I love to drive. Eric, Orion, and eventually, Steven were in my car. Eric, Orion, and I got good grippy gloves on the way to Steven's. We had to buy women's sizes because the men had no small sizes in stock. Then we picked up Steven and hauled off to Burlington.

Upon arriving, we found a good spot and Jack tried to park next to me, but was not pr0 enough at parking and got his car stuck in a ditch. Luckily he was in his spot, so he just left the car there until we left. Our car tried to push him out, but gave up because we needed to get out to the field.

The first game went well. We played Ingram, who we had lost to the previous Saturday. That was the game where only Chris and I did not get to play. Sukol had this line thing set up that basically screwed me because I got to play in only one line, which most people did, but I was in the very last line, so I got the least play time. I tried to prove my worth though by doing well when I was out on the field and I think I impressed her a bit. I had a good catch from Jack in my first point, even though I had to yell at him to see me wide open before he threw it. Luckily nobody on the other team heard me yelling. I got the disc for a point, but the other team challenged travelling. I'm not sure it was a good call, but we wound up scoring anyway due to a good catch by Willa. The point after that, I caught a hammer from Andrew. It was a great throw, but probably a very risky move.

In the second game, there was some kid that wore me out because he was so fast. I got a catch from Devon for a point and missed a throw I really should have gotten from Steven. It was embarassing to have missed it because I jumped too late for it.

In the third game, I didn't get much play time, but when I did, it was preceeded by Sukol's "vision" that I would score. She had us pull the "Queen" play with me as the queen. For those of you not in frisbee, the play involves the whole team running to a side of the endzone to get their defenders away while one person, usually a long runs the opposite way. That person has to only outrun their defender for the disc. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to score because the other team dominated on that point.

After that, the team went back to Adam's cabin and chilled for a while before going to dinner at this Italian place. It was quite good. After that, there was some CTF, some movies, then a bit of sleep. Steven, Orion, Eric, and I slept in the annex which had no heat and lots of mold and spiderwebs. It was an interesting sleep. Eric, Orion, and I slept on the bed and Steven, who forgot his sleeping bag slept under the bed in all of his clothes. I, being closest to the open window we had to open since there was mold, got very very cold during the night. Also, I made it 24 hours without going to the bathroom again. I am so cool.

It snowed a lot overnight and the fields were covered in snow. Due to that, the tournament was called after our first game in which I did not get to play (I was the only one that time). I four wheeled the breeze out of a huge mud pit of awesomeness and then we went to Red Robin for a team lunch, then booked it home. Everyone fell asleep in the car, which was nice because I got to play my music on the radio. When I got home, I hit up some Mass Effect and got into a boring conversation with a guy in the game and woke up 2 hours later to realize I fell asleep. My aunt and grandpa came over for dinner.

It was pretty boring today. In Physics, we had the test that the sub was supposed to administer on Friday. A lot of people got up during the test to ask Mr. Davis a clarification question, so I decided to do the same. I got up, walked up to Mr. Davis and said "Everyone else was getting up, so I decided I would too." After some awkward silence, he said "Ok." Fearing that my joke had not been understood, I walked back to my seat as intended. When I got back, I noticed Mr. Davis looking at me and cracking up. I guess he thought I was actually going to ask him a question. Nothing much else happened today. I'm posting this at 5:22 pm since I'm taking a break from studying for my 2 projects due very soon.

Jack is coming for Memorial Day weekend pwnage. That will be....pwnage. Peace out for now.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Teh fubla picatures.

Here they are below. I was in a good mood and posted in backwards order for your viewing ease. Enjoy. Also, thanks to Mr. Noyes who I had to borrow a few good pictures of.

Base 1, captured as soon as we arrived and held until we got into our rooms in the mid afternoon.
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Orion said that this was me the entire time. I have no better caption, so I'll go with that.

Courtesy of Mr. Noyes.
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There are no candid shots of Wilfred.....ever.
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A very strange picture.
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Our study materials.
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Lucy ballin' out after taking her two tests.
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Hee hee, funny elevators.
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Terence playing the guitar with his teeth. Mr. Noyes had to remind him that the camera could not see the face he was making behind the guitar.
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Eric playing Animal Crossing. He loves it because it's like having a perfect world where all you have to do is catch bugs and fish.
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Rob playing some Zeppelin.
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Orion approached too quickly. I would like to say this is the only crotch shot in the group, but sadly it is not.
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Business Raiden!
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Me pwning some Raiden.
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ZOMG LOL Smutty newspaper.
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The others j-walking.
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Orion and I j-walking.
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Our hotel.
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Hee hee, it's funny because it's slightly innapropriate.
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Base 1 as seen from the 9th floor.
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The tux shop hooked Danniel up.
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Danniel Spitting his mouthwash out in the fake plants.
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I took this picture of Sai showing us what the perfect height for a girl would be, but after I took the picture, I noticed Rob doing something odd....
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Yeah, so anyway......
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Pillow jousting.
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The Oxymoron store.
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