Sunday, April 13, 2008

Teh Fublah State Conference

Well state went well. It was fun despite a lack of meeting hot girls and a lack of winning pwnage awards. I took a good amount of pictures and they will be posted soon. I first need to get a couple milestone posts out of the way. One of them will come shortly after this post and another will come five posts after that. Expect a few buffer posts of things I've been meaning to get through for a couple days and then I will pwn you with some pictures of awesomeness. Seriously, a few of them are actually awesome. But first, I feel it is necessary to recount everything that happened, USING WORDS FWAHAHAHAHAHA.

Tuesday and Wednesday:
Were uneventful.

Everyone met at Shorewood at 6:45 in the morning and watched the teachers trickle in (Mr. Davis drives a Jeep Wrangler) while we waited for the bus, which was half an hour later than the email said we were going to leave. The ride over was surprisingly quick. We had the whole morning of free time and studying because our Parliamentary Procedures team wanted to study up a bit before our tests. People came in and out of Base 1 established in the lobby all day. For lunch, Orion, Sai, David, Dillon, and I went to a burger place with some good burgers and raiden. That afternoon, more hanging around ensued, but this hanging around involved being allowed into our hotel rooms finally.

At 3, we had to go to the Meydenbauer Center for the opening Ceremony featuring John Curley. His speech was interesting. It was also interesting to see him wearing glasses and noticing that his hair was getting a little grey. The makeup team on Evening Magazine does a lot of work I guess. Sai drew us some funny pictures and the lady in front of us kept getting mad at our laughing because we were being somewhat loud and her ears must have been broken. On the way back to the hotel, all the high schoolers moved as a mob down the sidewalk. We passed this building and a guy was sitting in the window. He saw some girl or something in the mob and picked up binoculars at his desk and stared at her. The guys in our chapter then started waving at him and he noticed that people could see him and leaned back in his chair and laughed (probably at the fact that he was a moron). That night, "we" plus the two freshmen went to Bellevue Square Mall for some Taco Del Mar and then for a demonstration at the Bose store. Halfway back to the hotel, Sai realized he had forgotten his economics book at the mall, so he decided to go in on friday for it.

When we got back to the hotel, Orion, David, Alex, and I went to take our Parliamentary Procedure test. David did the worst with 23/100, then Alex with 36/100, then Orion with 41/100, then me with 46/100. I heard those were fairly average scores. We even did better than some teams. After that, Orion and I went to get casualed up to go to FBLA idol to pick up chicks. Unfortunately, due to an unknown reason, we were unable to pick up chicks. On our way back from that, we saw a girl changing in a hotel window. She was wearing only underwear, but we wondered why she was changing standing next to the window with the curtains open. Oh well, that night Sai secretly switched into our room so we shared a bed and made a great wall between us so no awkwardness could ensue.

I got up early to get my camera to computer connector from Dad who brought it over even though I was never able to use it due to not being able to find where to turn the pictures in. After that, I just snuck back into bed and rested without actually going to sleep until everyone woke up. For breakfast, we got free breakfast since we lucked out and wound up on the concierge level. The breakfast there was better than the one for the common FBLA members as I like to call them.

Our Parliamentary Procedure Performance was at 11:15, so we had to be there by 10:50 to get our 20 minutes of preparation time with the question we had to get answered. They seemed to be running behind, so we had to wait in the hall for our time. While waiting, we met some nice kids in another team from North Kitsap. There was one girl I actually had to call squirrel on afterwards later, but I never got to see her again which sucked. They were farm kids too, which was cool because I used to hang out on a farm a lot (my grandpa's old farm in Kennewick) when I was young, so I can loosely relate to farm kids although these kids were the kind of farmers that get rain once in a while where as Kennewick is pretty much the desert with some rain here and there and then some snow in the winter. Well we got let into our preparation 10 minutes late and the lady tried to get us to leave after having only been there for about 12 minutes. We had to say that we needed more time because we really did and she didn't seem to get that we had been in the room for only about half of the time promised. She didn't believe us I think and we only got about 15 minutes total of preparation out of the 20 we were supposed to get. Due to that, I was unable to make a treasurer's report, which we got points docked on for. Our presentation I thought went well for our lack of studying.

The meeting:
We called to order, then I led us in the Pledge of Allegiance which was awkward because it was acting, so nobody had to stand up but us, but it was still odd. Also, there was no flag, so we just kind of looked at the back of the room. We made a couple mistakes, but it went well. Our first motion involved working with Otis Spunkmeyer cookies for fundraising. Alex put me in charge for it in the motion. I made a motion to amend by striking the words David Altena, and inserting Alex Rattray. We then proceeded to debate why the other was better suited to lead this job. I debated why Alex was good and he debated why I was good. Unfortunately, I don't think the audience besides Mr. Noyes picked up on the joke. We also had to bring up a motion to put a spa on the top of room 322 where we meet and we accidentally passed, but it wasn't a problem.

The judges really ripped into us after that, but sometimes for things that we didn't do, like standing when we seconded. Overall, it went pretty well. After that, we plus Alex went to lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. Alex broke a glass on our way out when he dropped it, so we left a bit slower due to that. Luckily there were no problems.

That afternoon, I had an Impromptu Speaking presentation. While I was preparing, the girl next to me, who sounded exactly like Sam Steuby went in and out. Her speech only lasted about 45 seconds of the required 4 minutes. I heard her saying she got off topic and just ended it. As for my speech, I had good arguments, but ten minutes is just not enough time to come up with more meat for the speech. I did terrible and I knew it as soon as I started talking. I got 32 and 33 out of 100 on that.

For the rest of the night, we had lots of free time, so we hung around until Caucusing, then we split up. Some of us went to check in for the dinner reservations, while a few others of us including me went to cheer mollie on in her Client Service presentation. On the way back to the hotel, we came to a crosswalk with this pretty girl who I opened a dialogue with to avoid awkwardness. She was from Snohomish. Rob unintentionally cockblocked me and talked about how he was from Snohomish too, which was pretty funny.
Girl: Where do you live?
Rob: By the golf course
Girl: Which one?
Rob: The public one
Rob: Actually, do you know Bickford motors?
Girl: Oh yeah
Rob: Yeah actually my family owns that
Girl: No way, I don't believe you.
Those of us there lolled at that. So after a circle of accidental cockblockings ending at Dillon, I was about to try to talk to her again, but she split off for her hotel, which was a couple blocks before ours, so if she had been going to the Hilton with us, or even the Red Lion, I might have gotten to talk to her.

Mollie did really well at Client Service, but unfortunately did not get an award for it the next day. After her performance, she drove those of us that watched her to Red Robin where the rest of the chapter had ordered dinner for us and we had a family dinner, which was nice. That night, we somehow didn't wind up going to bed in our room. I passed out around midnight I think and woke up randomly and looked around and went back to sleep for a while. I guess I had the top half of me on the bed and the bottom half of me draped off the bed resting on a nearby footstool. Orion said he should have taken a picture of it. We finally went to be after I woke up around 2am, heard loud poker, loud Advance Wars, and said "what happened to falling asleep?"

We woke up not to our clock alarm, but to a fire alarm which occured just minutes earlier. Our alarm went off as we were leaving the room. There was no serious damage to the building, but we all had to get ready a bit faster. The awards show lasted very very long and was very very boring, but our chapter got a few top fives and a couple top twos. Unfortunately, our Parliamentary Procedures team was not in the top 5, but that team that we met in the hall, who had done worse on their written tests, still made it. Their performance must have pwned. We had a family lunch at some strange Italian place in the UW Village.

We got to Shorewood around 3:30, then I had to head right back out to the frisbee game, where I was one of two people (unless Chris played, then I was the only) that didn't play. Even though I didn't feel at all up to it (sick to my stomach from too much food), I would have at least liked Sukol to ask me to go in since everyone else seemed to be sucking and she was playing people that weren't on the email list. Furthermore, she put people in this email list who have not shown up to many practices recently, so I think she is forgetting about me or something. She even looked at me several times when looking for subs and just picked someone else. Long story short, we got dominated and we really should not have.

After that, I took some pictures of Steven's life for photography and then played SC with him and Keir before going to Orion's for some Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, where I fell asleep in the middle of a level for about 15 minutes.

I haven't done much today. We went out and got a competent router, which should be nice. I'm going to go set it up now that I'm done posting. Peace out until I have faster internet.

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