Monday, June 23, 2008

Leaving for Atlanta Today

Let's see, today is the 23rd and my last word post was on.....JUNE 10, AHHHH. Well I have a lot to catch up on. I really hope I can remember what happened. I shall start with Wednesday, June 10.

I went to band and physics and then the pizza party before zipping out from that to leave for Kennewick. Physics went well. I thought Steven and I had a very practical design. I picked up Kathryn from her lunch as well and then we drove the truck to my grandpa's house and dad met us there and we took my grandpa and aunt along as well because they wanted to come. I hadn't done an eastern washington run in a while and I forgot how boring it can be. I did wind up getting to go about 90mph the whole way down due to no cops. Well I slowed down on the mountains, but that was common sense. We got to Kennewick in time for the rosary where we saw a bunch realatives that I have not seen in a while. After that, we dropped my aunt and grandpa off at the hotel and went to my uncle's house for a while.

We got up around 8 for breakfast before the funeral. The funeral was nice; the pastor did a good job. After that, the 3 sons, my dad, my cousin, and I pallbeared to the hearse, which I did not like because I hate hearses. After that, there was an agonizingly slow funeral procession to the cemetary. To give you an idea of how slow it was, it was a chain of cars a mile long that went 25mph in a 60mph zone. Yeah, it was that bad. After the funeral, we went to my uncle's house again before leaving. This time, Kathryn was going back to Vancouver with mom, so we had more space in the car. I made the trip back in good time, only seeing about one cop car.

It was the moving up assembly, so I got to sleep in. Steven didn't show up for it, so I dressed up as Fidel Castro and Sai dressed up as Che Guevara. We were pretty awesome. Davis as Link was uber bangin. After that, nothing much happened.

It was teh day of teh gradzorcks. The ceremony was long, but good. I liked the performances and afterwards I got more hugs than I have gotten in my whole life I think. It's sad when you think about it...

After that, my family was over for a little bit and I learned that my uncle used to be a yo-yo enthusiast and he showed us a couple tricks. After that, Steven and Sai and Ashley came over and we played some Starcraft. Ashley left around 1, then more Starcraft was played. There was also some Guild Wars and a game of Risk that I missed winning on my first turn in by just one country. Around 4am, we got bored and decided to watch Star Wars Episode 4. We fell asleep shortly into the movie. Sai said he woke up just in time to watch the Death Star explode. I woke up around 7am and saw the menu screen looping since the movie had ended. I fell asleep again. I woke up at 9 again and turned it down, then fell asleep again. I woke up at 11 and Sai had just gotten up and then Steven woke up. We played some Call of Duty 2, then some Call of Duty 4. After that, we got some lunch, since it was noon and then we watched Star Wars 5 and 6(played Risk during 6) for most of the afternoon. Sai left after that. Steven and I played some Guild Wars for the rest of the night until about 11:30. It was a pretty epic counter-spree party.

Well actually, the party I just talked about spilled over into Sunday and almost Monday as well, so look above for Sunday.

I would occasionally leave the house for something, but most of the week, I was just at home playing some videogames, farming with Steven, and whatnot. I played some frizdisc on Monday with Steven and Zack and Tom and Big Mike, then we went to play poker, which I lost at. On Friday, I went to Avenue Q, which is why I missed Davis and Lucy's super pwnage dance party(at least I hear it was super pwnage from the advertisements speculating what it would be like).

Orion came over and we built my new computer. It is uber pwnage now. Guild Wars on full settings is excellent, World in Conflict pwns, Starcraft is widescreen now for more awesomeness, and of course, Microsoft Flight Simulator kicks butt. I think I will be spending lots of time on that computer. I wish I didn't have to leave it for a week, then be back a couple days, then leave again, but in August and September, I will be on it. That afternoon, I went to Davis and Orion and Steven's partay. It was pretty cool, but I had to leave early for Kathryn's dance recital.

Orion came over again to finish up the computer. We ran some tests and my computer got near perfect scores. After that, we downloaded updates and installed stuff while eating Arbys and watching the football channel and professional bowling.

That's today! I got my diploma this morning and it is about 10:00 right now (9:58 to be exact) and Orion is coming in half an hour to pick me up for the airport.

I am in Atlanta until the middle of the afternoon on next Monday, June 30. I then leave on July 4th for the Netherlands and I get back on July 20th. I have my wisdom teeth pulled that thursday that I get back, and then I am free from then until the 24th or whenever SCC starts. Have fun everyone.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Here. I posted all of them.

Below this post you will find pictures of the counter spree SC Lan party, The moving up Assembly, Prom, and Seabrook. I leave for Atlanta on Monday, so I will be posting before then. I haven't in a while because of merit badges mostly. I will post before I leave though. I don't want to forget everything while I'm gone. Enjoy the pictures for now.

The setup.
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Real men play Starcraft while drinking. Unfortunately, we're not that hardcore, it was only root beer.
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Sai spending 5 MINUTES thinking of a name for a character that NO ONE WILL EVER SEE.
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No sooner do we get Steven onto the internet than he goes on Guild Wars.
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Actually starting to play some Starcraft.
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Proof that we really did play Starcraft.
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I'm the black troops and this is a picture of me missing the chance to win on my first turn by 2 guy on the middle east.
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Sai really wanted me to crash into a building with a plane.
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I did it!
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Sai showing us the power of Beserkers on Rome: Total War. Yes, those are people flying through the air.
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It's 4:00 in the morning and we're bored, LET'S WATCH STAR WARS!
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I woke up to this menu screen. It looped for about 4 hours before I finally shut it off at 11am.
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I'm the black troops.
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Steven and I ended it by doing some Guild Wars.
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What Iceman would have looked like had fireman (the human torch (Steven)) bothered to show up.
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Can you guess who we were for the moving up assembly?
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Me as Fidel Castro and Sai as Che Guevara for the moving up assembly.
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A little of prom

Here's a present for you, it's Big Daddy Torres! I'm posting this because I am not posting more prom pictures because I don't want to post pictures of the girls without their permission and such. There are pictures on facebook and I know that those of you that should want to see them can go there.

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We are so cool.
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Seabrook Pictures Below

Posted in backwards order for your consideration.

Now to post more pictures!

Trust me, we get the immature pictures out of the way early....then a couple come back at the end.
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We almost forgot to clean that up as we left the house.
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Orion the scorecounter.
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Shufflebored at this point.
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I flipped it without making any limbs fall off. I think only my dad would fully appreciate this.
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