Monday, June 02, 2008

Teh Pr0mzorcks

Well basically, the rest of the week was boring (no offense) compared to the weekend. Prepare for a brief retelling of my weekdays.

All my classes were rather uneventful. In Movie Genres, 2001: A Space Odyssey got a little too boring for Eric, who began snoring during the movie which was pretty funny.

I don't remember much of Wednesday. We finally got rid of our laptops for the last time and after that, I must have just been playing videogames all afternoon.

I got to see the don't drink and drive assembly not once, but twice. I was slowly driven insane by it because I knew that their motives were fair, but I also knew that I was not going to do that because I don't plan on drinking (at least not with parental knowledge) until 21 because if I can do it with that condition, I have proven myself right and someone else wrong. I say without parental knowledge because he said "Every teenager tries alcohol without their parents knowing before they are 21." I decided I would prove him wrong and for 3 years, I have been doing a good job. In photography, Jake stopped by and we hung out.

It was senior skip day, but I went to band, then Ronni's house for the project, then to Music Theory. I got enough skipping school when I did it a week ago. After school, I just sat around playing a couple games of Starcraft, then anticipating Rachel's arrival. I went to pick her up from the airport and it took a while because Sea-Tac is such a big airport. Eventually I found her and then I brought her back home. We hung out for the rest of the night.

We hung out around the house until around 11:00 when we went to go see Nick. It had been 9 years since they had spoken and it was nice for the three of us to be reunited. In elementary school, we went everywhere together. We even had matching clothes. It's been a while since I talked to Nick too, so it was nice all around. Dad brought Grandpa over later on in the afternoon, so we took him to Costco for lunch. Luckily, Rachel was able to get along with Grandpa, although he was being awkward, chewing me out for "not keeping her hand warm." It was somewhat funny actually. We went to get Rachel's hair done at 4:00. At around 6:30, we decided that since we needed to be at Davis' in half an hour, we should get ready. We were only 10 minutes late to Davis' place. Many pictures were taken (I'm sure they're on facebook by now) before we left to Anthony's. On the way in, there was a lady that told us "don't to forget to laugh." It was a little odd, but I guess we didn't forget. Craig our waiter was good and picked up on my humor when necessary, so that was nice. Rachel seemed to get along with everyone and I hope everyone liked her. At the dance, I got to show of my hot date to all the Syre kids. In other words, Rachel got to meet all the kids we knew back in elementary school. There were some pictures taken that I can't wait to get back because they will be good and/or epic. As for dancing, it was hard to initiate dancing. We finally did a slowdance, but I realized that I have not stood that close to someone in a long time and my vision was a little blurry and I kept thought she was saying things when she wasn't. In short, I got nervous slow dancing...awwww. After that, we all came back to my house for some pwnage after party. See: Sunday.

We came back and of course everyone wanted water, which was the only thing that was hard to get for people, but we managed. We all watched Little Miss Sunshine. It was just as good the second time around. After that, we messed around the OnDemand menu before finding a hilarious religious kids show called "Aardvark and Zucchini." Through a combination of the absurdity of that show and my lack of sleep (it was 3:30am), I entered a laughing fit upon the recitation of "The Xylophone Prayer." Shortly thereafter, we learned the xylophone dance, which entails one person laying on the ground and the other person basically rubbing that person up and down. As Orion said, the performance of such a dance on the show was "Basically child molestation by children." Unfortunately, I did not partake in any xylophone dancing, or /dance (good use of that Orion so that only Steven, you, and I knew what you meant). Everyone left around 4, then Rachel and I slept in until about 10:00. We went to go see her old neighbors at 1:30 and they proceeded to rob me of the day with her by talking until 3:30. It was also awkward because they go to St. Luke and asked why I don't go there anymore (offensive pastor and it's just plain boring). So at around 3:30 when we left, I was sad because Rachel was leaving and I didn't get to spend enough time with her. I came very close to asking her to be my girlfriend in the car on the way to the airport, but I was overcome by fear of making her last minutes here awkward, and I just had no idea how to ask out my best friend of 14 (maybe even 15 now) years without it being awkward so I did not and I have been regretting that all weekend. I'm going to go see her again as soon as I can, which will probably be the end of summer, winter break, or spring break.

After dropping her off at the airport and missing my opportunity to get a girlfriend, I headed to my uncle's house where I was to pick up mom and dad who were meeting me there in the other car since the schedules had been odd that day. We left our car with them and saw my cousin's new HDTV. It's very nice. He had GTA4. I now want it after seeing the physics engine and the AI in action. Screw the gameplay, it looks good already. We made it down in great time to Vancouver because there were no cops on the road. I was doing 80+mph pretty much the whole way. When we got there, we met up at my grandpa's house and saw my 2 great aunts and one of my great uncles. I hadn't seen them since the reunion, so it was nice to see them again. After being there for a while, we had to head out to our hotel. It was a nice place. Dad and I watched 300, but since I had driven for 3 hours and was sad from missing Rachel and had done all this on less than 6 hours of sleep, I fell asleep partway through.

I woke up as people were getting ready. It took the three of them about an hour to get ready and mom said "Get up before breakfast is ready." They left without me because they couldn't wait, so I did my traditional "get up and be ready in 3 minutes." I met them for breakfast before they had taken a seat. We spent most of the day with my grandpa before having to head back to make it in time to work on humanities a bit, which I gather I will be doing in a few more minutes here.

Other than that, not much. I miss Rachel a lot mostly because of what I did not get to do, but hopefully someday this shall be remedied. I have to go back down to Vancouver to see my grandpa again because it's his birthday (and most likely his last unfortunately). I have 2 projects to do and 5 merit badges to earn. Davis, I need to ask you about your basketry thing. Peace out for now I guess.

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