Sunday, September 28, 2008

How School Is.

Sorry about this being late in the day, but I only now remembered that I had not posted about college yet. I have been keeping myself busy today though, but I shall get to that later. How about I just jump right into it for a change?

My schedule:
9:30-10:20: English- Vasishth
10:30-11:20: Principles of Accounting- Hogan
11:30-12:20: Jazz Band- Reid
12:30-1:35: Algebra- Hancock
7:00-9:30- Band- Noreen

Tuesday - Thursday:
9:30-10:20: English- Vasishth
10:30-11:20: Principles of Accounting- Hogan
11:30-12:20: Jazz Band- Reid
12:30-1:35: Algebra- Hancock

9:30-10:20: English- Vasishth
10:30-11:20: Principles of Accounting- Hogan
11:30-12:20: Jazz Band- Reid

So as you can see, my schedule is perfect for me because I get out early on Fridays as a treat and I also made it so I can get up after 7am, which makes me an entirely different person. When I was making my schedule, all I wanted was to be able to get up after 7. I now get up just as Kathryn and mom walk out the door, so I get up to an empty house which is also nice. I like SCC I guess. It could be better, but I figure if all goes well I'll just be at the UW in a year, so I can put up with this as long as I need to then. You probably want to hear about my classes though, so here it goes.

The teacher must come from another room or something because he always comes in just as class is starting and he unpacks his stuff. He's a short guy from India and he is really cool. His handwriting will make you realize why people compare bad handwriting to chicken scratches (it is often illegible), but he knows his stuff and is quite funny, such as when he made flavor gum sound like an orgasm and when he started joking around about ecstasy (not the drug, but then relating it to the drug). Willie is in that class as well as Greeny, so it's pretty cool.

Oh my God that class is boring. I understand what Sai meant now when he said Accounting is easy, but it just takes a lot of time. It is simple math, but it just takes a long time to do. The teacher is really knowledgeable though. Our class was too big, so we had to move to this big room that seats 100 and we are about 40 people, but since the desks are made for right handed people (WHICH DRIVES ME INSANE) I am able to use the vacant desk in front of me, which I greatly appreciate. Also, my accounting textbook has a picture of a surfer on it, which confuses the hell out of me (picture to come).

Jazz Band:
That's right, I wound up doing it after all. It's a really cool group. I fight right in with the trumpet section because all of the men in the section have goatees. The other two guys are between 30 and 50 and are quite good, so it's cool to learn from them. We also have two girls in our sections. The saxophone section looks good too. Unfortunately, we have no trombones right now, which is a problem. I'm trying to recruit Steve McCarthy though. I had forgotten how much fun it is to play jazz and I am really enjoying it especially since it breaks up my otherwise boring day.

My teacher is this older southern lady and I really like her. She's good at math and is unintentionally funny at times. She also likes to make awkward (in timing and phrasing) jokes that usually I am the only one laughing at. She likes to pick on me for that for some reason, but it's cool because I can give her some backsass without getting in trouble. I sit next to a few older ladies in the class as well. The one right next to me reminds me a lot of Mrs. Borumand. It looks like it will be a good class because the teacher is not boring like most of my other math teachers.

I was surprised that this band is actually about 80% made up for 30-50 year olds. We have a couple guys over 70 years old as well. Our horn section is about 7 strong and we change parts around a lot, but we got Armenian dances and I made sure to claim first part on that. Kezia and Steve are in the band, so they are some good people to hang out with. We actually manage to get a lot done for meeting only once a week, so it will be cool to see how this plays out.

College life in general:
I am forced to park down the hill in the Greenwood lot because my day starts so late, but I don't mind because it forces me to use stairs which will slowly get me in shape (it's quite a trek). I hate that the music program is about as far as possible from the main campus, but at the same time it's cool. It does make getting in and out of Jazz band on time a slight challenge though. I have been late to math both days that I've had it, so I'll need to get better at that. I actually have almost the two farthest apart classes right after one another, so it's hard to get to math on time, but I'll get used to it. I really like the fact that I get out early on Fridays because it makes the weekend start earlier. I also like being able to now stay up until 11:40. It makes a good amount of time for homework or gaming.

Outside of college:
Well I took care of the garbage in the back of my truck and took it to the dump the other day. Today, I decided it was time to buy a DS and then mom convinced me to use up all my gift cards (I had a lot), so it became the day of shopping. I went and got my black DS WITH APOLLO JUSTICE!!!111 and then went to REI where I got mom a water bottle, Kathryn a birthday present, and me a new hat that I wanted, but would probably not have otherwise bought if I did not have a gift card. It's a cool hat, I should post a picture of it sometime. After that, I used my Coldstone Creamery card to treat mom and dad to some ice cream there. They had never been, but I think they liked it. I still have a card for Barnes & Noble (need to hit up the one in the U district with the good music selection) and one for Joe's (perhaps they shall have good sunglasses or Seahawks stuff). After we got back, I took out an axe and cut down this old, dead tree in our yard. I gained new respect for those timbersports guys as my arms are still tired. Now I am getting sore again from holding them up to the keyboard to post and I just realized I should do my math homework (even though it's a joke of a review (negative exponents ooOoOooOOo)), so I'm going to peace out for now.


Eric said...

haha getting all the milfs in your classes ;). congrats on getting a ds but I'm sorry to inform you that you just bought an inferior product because new ds is in the making lol.

Report: New Nintendo DS to offer onboard camera, music playback

Japanese business news outlet Nikkei Net is reporting that Nintendo will release a successor to the DS Lite by the end of this calendar year.

o yeah you forgot to add in your post the part where I owned you back with the disc on saturday ;)

Oreo said...

congrats on the ds but that is unfortunate news from eric. now you can scorn me with davis and steven for not buying more R4s.