Monday, November 24, 2008

I left my hometown (not official, it's just where I hang out a lot) and decided I would come back when I got Legendary Cartographer. It's good to be back.
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Chaos gloves to match my Chaos axe.
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I think this guy was whorring out his guildies.
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Hooray for gay people dancing.
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Well the Titans finally lost. I am sad. That's all I'm going to say about that. I'm so sad right now that I am tempted to do this entire post in Dutch, but I won't do that mainly because it would be a huge pain for me to get it translated.

This week has been full of many good things and if you are reading this post, you have probably already noticed the pictures up above. I shall explain them later. Now I shall bust through the week. I'm going to do it not in day by day form though since the day by day would consist of "I did nothing at school" multiple times. If something interesting happened at SCC, I'll mention it.

So I had to register this week for the Winter quarter. It went pretty well. I'm not doing any business classes this quarter, but I am doing English and Math and I will complete my humanities requirement this next quarter. Also, during mapping, I've had time to think to myself and I've decided that while I like business, it's far too bland and I would much prefer to go into law, so if I don't get into the UW this year, I will switch over to the law transfer program. It will work out because all my classes except accounting will work in that program, but either way, it's good to have a basic understanding of accounting. If I do get into the UW, then I guess I'll have to improvise a bit. My counselor this time was the advisor that I will be with whenever I register at SCC from here on out. He is really cool and didn't try to talk me out of taking 19 credits again because he realized I could handle the 2 band classes. So this is my schedule for the next quarter:
9:30am-10:20am: Math 111. It's not 141 becuase I need 148 for the transfer and 148 requires 111 or 141 and my other sheet from the UW said something about 111, plus my current math teacher is teaching this, so it could work out.

10:30am-11:20am: Great Works of Asian Literature. My current English 101 teacher is teaching this and he's really cool and I needed the Humanities class AND we get to read The Art of War!

11:30am-12:20pm: Jazz Band. I'm enjoying it so far and I want to continue.

Online: English 102. The times were funky, so I did the online option so that it would work for me better. I have always wanted to try an online class and my advisor said that of any subject to do online, english is the best because you need the least teacher interaction.

7:00pm-9:00pm (Monday): Concert Band. It isn't the most exciting thing ever, but it's good to keep myself in playing shape for the UW.

Guild Wars: Well as you can see above, I got my Chaos gloves and I really like how they look with my Chaos axe. Yesterday, I completed my Canthan Grandmaster Cartographer, which means I have fully explored all three continents in Guild Wars and I am now a Legendary Cartographer. Suffice to say I am quite happy.

Seahawks game:
I went yesterday with my grandpa. It was weird because it was much louder than it usually is, but it was still pretty cool. Raising the 12th man flag was Hope Solo (by the way, that has got to be one of the most awesome names ever). After that, she started ripping off her jersey and I thought we were going to get a Brandy Chastine moment, but she was wearing an Obama shirt under it. Obama! You have again foiled my plot to see some boob.

Well that's pretty much it for the week. I decided I'm not going to post tomorrow because I will be busy packing and homeworking. I leave on Wednesday at about 11:00am. I'm only going to my first class because we have to turn in a paper. I'll bring my laptop with me for hopefully some SC, but no guarantees that I'll have intarwebz. I get back late Sunday night, so no hanging out with me will ensue this weekend. Next week sometime during the week, maybe Thursday or Friday, I might come down to the UW. I'll plan something up with Steven again, but hopefully this time I won't wind up being a third wheel. I felt bad that that wound up happening. Of course, if you want to help me, you can be my girlfriend right? I won't ask that question again because I think more trannies read my blog than girls. (You know who you are, Orion.)

Ok, peace out and Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Things I Hate: 4

Hello and welcome to Things I hate. While we're at it, I really hate the number four. It is quite an unlucky number for me. Three is where its at. Anyway, this week on Things I hate: Hollywood appealing to emos.

Hollywood has recently started putting out more depressing and dark movies that are obviously intended to make the emo population happy, or rather, "less sad." Just to make sure that there is no confusion as to what my meaning was, I am saying that emos are sad, depressing, and dark.

The first movie that really caught me on to this trend was Spiderman 3. It was about that dark spiderman which actually existed in the Marvel universe, but the thing that caught my eye was the emo pose on the poster for the movie which I made fun of here.

Ok now before I get too far into this, I will lay down what I see in a movie that qualifies it as "emo."

1- Dark setting
2- A lot of mystery/unresolved questions etc. (deep dark secrets and stuff)
3- Emo fashion
4- Feelings ("wearing one's emotion on one's sleeve" if you're familliar with that phrase)
5- Gratuitous violence or death (counts double if it is in a really messed up way)

I think that the best example of a good emo movie is the Saw series. It really has a lot of these (so I'm told by fans of the series. I can't stand to watch them).

This brings me to my second movie I have a major gripe about: James Bond and the Quantum of Solace. Since when is James Bond a mindless killing machine? He kills so many people in that movie. What happened to the old days when he was not about killing unless he had to (I have quotes to back that up from Thunderball). He would say to people he didn't kill all willy nilly. In the new "Bond films" (quotations around that because you can barely call the Bond Films since they hardly follow the pattern that I have come to expect of the genre.(Oh, that's another rant for another time)). Also, Bond suddenly is a wussy. He used to be very confident and clean, but now he's bruised and scratched to hell every other scene. The makeup people must hate working on him over and over. Also, he keeps getting stuck on a girl. It's like holy crap Bond, get over it. The last time he got this hung up on a girl, he married her and we all know how that turned out (resulted in "On Her Majesty's Secret Service, IMO one of the worst Bond movies ever made)

Another movie is "Shoot em up." The whole premise of the movie is basically Clive Owen's character has to shoot a bajillion people (and stab the rest with a carrot it seems). Throughout the movie, he just shoots people. It's almost nonstop and it's quite repetitive.

My last example is the one thing that you're probably wondering why I haven't brough up yet. THE DARK KNIGHT. Specifically, the Joker. That whole Dark Knight movie was pretty freaking emo (damn good, but emo nonetheless). What is the appeal of the Joker? Before you answer that, I must warn you, if you say "Heath Ledger is a great actor," I will come to your house and actually make those smiley face scars on you. You know who else is a good actor? Forest Whitaker, but you don't see a ton of people dressing up as the last king of Scotland for Halloween. By the way, shoutout to Orion here:
"What were those people dressed as the Joker thinking? Did they think they were being original? Did they think: Oh, nobody else will be the Joker?"
Seriously, the only reason you like the Joker was because he cuts himself and because Heath Ledger died doing drugs (not to discredit the guy, he is a good actor, but it's not like the Joker was the greatest played character of all time in cinema.) I really can't see any other reason why the Joker is so popular.

In conclusion, Heath Ledger, RIP and Emos, stop ruining American cinema with your alternative lifestyle and vitamin D deficiencies (Emos are pale(it had to be said)).

Until next week, peace out. Oh and by the way, I leave right after class next wednesday, so I will either post on Tuesday if I manage to come up with something by then or not at all. Sorry if you are in some way inconvenienced by that.

Monday, November 17, 2008

And here you thought you might have to wait until tomorrow.

Sorry about [almost] forgetting to post today. For those of you wondering, I actually did gain +1 social life points last weekend. I shall now tell you of all the events that transpired last week.

It was a day off, which was cool because I spent the day doing virtually nothing. Well that's not true. I did a lot of virtual stuff.

Another uneventful day. I helped set up for the Jazz Band concert the next night and I got to go in the orchestra pit which was concealed under the stage. It was pretty fun. That night, we had a rehearsal.

We had a test in math that I finished in less than 20 minutes. When I turned it in, the teacher looked at me very confusedly. I guess I couldn't blame her since I had just done a 22 question test in less than 20 minutes. The questions weren't necessarily quick ones either. It was just the fact that I new the material. She insisted that I couldn't possibly be done and that I should make sure I check my work. I told her I did, which was mostly true. There were some problems I don't check because it was pretty straightforward I thought. She reluctantly accepted my test and said she would grade it in front of me. She searched and searched for a wrong answer and finally found one and marked it. She then kept looking for ones, but found no more and had to mark all those right answers in front of me. I think she would have preferred I had not finished so quickly, but I didn't want to linger around much longer. Today I got the test back and she had written "very good set of work here" on the paper. I had to lol at that, especially because all the other people seemed to be frowning at their own tests.

The Jazz Band concert went well. It was also a concert for several other groups, carefully placed all around the theatre to give a cool effect. There were bands behind, above, and in front of the audience. Actually on the stage was the Funkngroove and the Jazz Band. The Funkngroove took the forward part of the stage at stage level. We were behind them, at least 6 feet up on risers. The risers for the saxophones were 6 feet, the trombones were 8 feet, and the trumpets were 10 feet above the stage. While all the other instrument sections comfortably fit on their risers, we did not. The risers are made for about four people to comfortably play on. We have five people. It was dangerous, yet still very fun. I thought we did pretty well.

I didn't have math as usual, but I also didn't have Jazz Band. It was nice to get out at 11:30 because Steven and I got to the UW that much earlier. Unfortunately, shortly after we got there, the gang all had classes, so Steven went with Ashley to her Psychology lecture and I went with Sai to his Computer Programming Lecture. I learned about binary tree searches of Heroes characters and then stopped caring what the teacher was saying because he was using an apple laptop. After that, some DS playing ensued until about 5:00 when Sai was leaving. I meant to leave with him, but I had not brought enough bus money for the slightly more expensive rush hour fare, so I third wheeled with Stashley for a while until it was time to head home. It was pretty cool to see a lot of people and I hope I get down to the UW again soon. I don't know if I'll make it down this weekend due to registration happening, but I might be able to on Friday. Next week, I doubt I'll make it in because it would have to be on Monday or Tuesday.

I WAS going to do some Guild Wars with Orion and Steven, but Steven mysteriously disappeared and Orion had to go to a party for a younger girl, so I was left alone and I honestly can't remember what I did, but it must not have been very productive.

I got to see the new James Bond with Steven and Sai. It was pretty good, much better than the last piece of crap in my valid opinion. I am confused as to why they now make Bond a ruthless killing machine that kills anything in his way. He used to be classy, only killing when he absolutely needed to (I have quotes ready to back that up). *SPOILER* Also, when they did that copy of the girl from Goldfinger, but with oil this time, I almost got up and walked out of the theater. For Christ's sake, have they really run so out of ideas that they have to copy from themselves now??? *END SPOILER* Also, please START with the classic down the barrel shot that always starts bond movies. Overall, I thought it was a step in the right direction and I hope that the last one can get back to what made older bond movies great.

Nothing matters because I GOT MY CHAOS GLOVES (pics to come). Other than that, I did nothing productive at all.

Well we'll see what happens with the UW this week. Until I see you next, peace out.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Things I Hate: 3

Hello and welcome to Things I Hate. Sorry about not updating last week. It was hard to get in the mood later in the week with all the gaming that had to be (and was) done. First of all, before I get started, I have to gloat a bit. DOUG SUTHERLAND YOU LOST. AHAHAHAHAHA NOOB NOOOOOOB YOU SUCK YOU SUCK. Maybe now you will learn not to put up a ton of signs by my house. What did you clear cut that area in the mountains to make paper for your signs? Too bad you wasted that much time on them because YOU LOST1!!1 Ahh, I have faith in democracy again. (Except in the case of Prop. 8 in CA, how did that happen?) Anyway, it is time to get on with this. This week on Things I Hate: Slutty Halloween Costumes!

Now I know what you're thinking. "Wait David, shouldn't you love any excuse that girls take to show off their bodies?" Well first of all, only if they're hot and second, some of these costumes have gone too far. I don't care about more traditional slutty costumes. Here is a list of slutty costumes that come to mind that are okay.

The Slutty Nurse- This one is okay because it has had many (many many many) years to give itself a good reputation. I swear, this slutty nurse idea has been around since before I was born. The good thing is that it still hasn't managed to shift our opinion of nurses. When someone mentions a nurse, I don't immediately think of a slutty nurse. It's nice that I don't default to that.

Playboy Bunny- The reason I like this is not just because it can be really hot. I also like it because it's probably just about the only slutty costume out there that is technically not slutty. When you think of Playboy, you think of that costume. It's more of just a costume than a slutty costume because when it comes to Playboy, they start at slutty and go from there.

Slutty Police Officer/Firewoman/etc- These are also okay because they have been around for a long time and they haven't changed our opinions of police officers and the like. In fact, the firewoman outfit has sparked sexy firelady calendars (and firemen calendars for you ladies out there). As for the police, they are more in danger of being labeled as slutty by men dressing up as police officers for bachelorette parties. Officer Rod my ass, let me see your badge.

So I don't really have a problem with these costumes because they have been around for a long time and they have not had a negative effect on what professions they portray. Now here are the costumes bothering me.

Slutty Cartoon Character- Ok so think of Minnie Mouse. I bet you think of the one I think of, one that is not slutty in any way (other than the way she fawns over Mickey (what a pimp)). I noticed this year that the "Slutty Minnie" has become popular. I hate this costume because it is going to forever scar me so that whenever I picture any of my favorite childhood cartoon characters, I will immediately think of some girl in lace with her lady parts nearly hanging out.

Slutty nursery rhyme characters- My example for this one is the slutty Little Bo Peep costume. I bet when you think of Little Bo Peep, the first thing you think of is not "Man how can I get that bitch into my pants?" The first thing you should think of is "Why I do believe she has some sheep." The costume is so innacurate that it does not come with sheep, but does come with a huge rod large enough to penetrate yourself with (I assume that's all the people that dress this way care about). Thank you, Slutty Little Bo Peep costume, for ruining childhood nursery rhymes. Someday my children will wonder why I'm getting a boner while telling them the story of Goldilocks and the three bears.

The last one I will cover today is the one that I find the most enraging. Anyone who knows me will most likely know exactly what I'm going to say (I don't know if you've seen it or not). It's a costume I just saw appear this year, but I hope it never returns.

Slutty Boy Scout- I don't even know where to start with this. First of all, the uniform is worn incorrectly. It's a Boy Scout colored uniform, but the badges on it resemble the pattern of Cub Scouts. Furthermore, on most of the renditions I've seen, the neckerchief is a bandanna tied around one's neck. Ok this is completely wrong. The neckerchief does not resemble a bandanna and is certainly not worn that way. Furthermore, why are so many buttons unbuttoned? Boy Scouts don't show their cleavage. Not even the fat ones. I could go on about the inaccuracies for days, but I can't because I can almost feel how bored you are getting at that. The only kind of person that should be fantacizing about Boy Scouts are girls. The problem is, girls are wearing this costume. Who are they trying to attract? Confused bisexuals and blind gay scoutmasters? I would like to forcefully request that this costume be taken away next year and replaced with at least a slutty girl scout uniform. While it is certainly not age appropriate, it takes a step in the right direction by at least being gender appropriate.

Well that's all I got on costumes. Remember, the best thing to do if you want to look slutty is to take off all your clothes and not put them back on. Not to mention, it's also much cheaper than buying a new costume that you will use once. Just tell people you're dressing up as Adam or Eve. If they ask where your leaf is, just tell them "What's going to hold it up, dumbass? Gravity?"

That's all for this week, peace out.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hopefully you weren't worried

I just realized that the only person I talked about the things I hate delaying with was Orion. Hopefully none of you were worried that dad was in some sort of bad spot in the hospital. He got out on Thursday night during my concert and when I went to post on Friday, I just didn't feel like hating on anything simply because it was Friday (how can you be mad when it isn't a school night?) Anyhow, I think this post will be able to remain fairly medium length so I'll stop rambling and get to it.

I got to vote and that was pretty cool/boring. I can see why it isn't a big deal for people that have done it many times before. I watched the election coverage that night and was very happy at the results.
Obama won, that was good.
Gregoire won, also good.
Dorn won, Terry Bergeson and her shitty education plan are gone.
GOLDMARK WON. TAKE THAT DOUG SUTHERLAND! The next day, his signs were taken down in shame. Uproarious laughter ensued.
Other than that, I did pretty good in all the other things I voted for and I think that about 70% of what I voted for came out the way I voted. I was just happy that Doug Sutherland lost though. That was the highlight of the night partially because it was such a close outcome and I felt like my vote really helped screw him over.

Dad came into my room early and told me mom was taking him to the hospital. I was actually asleep, but I heard this. By the way, I recently learned that I can hear and understand people talking around me while I'm asleep, so all those times in Music Theory were probably spent being actually asleep, not just partially. Anyway, I went to see dad later in the day and learned that they had done a lot and all he really needed to do was pass gas so that they would know the blockage was cleared. He did it later that night.

It was a pretty uneventful day aside from the concert that night. It was overly patriotic and as Doug Reid put it "I shoulda brought some crackers for that cheese." The veterans and conservatives in the audience seemed to like it though. Mom randomly wound up sitting next to a lady who is the parent of this girl trumpet that is in both concert band and jazz band with me. Also mom got to see the hot girl in the class and acknowledged her as being the hot girl (she's that hot).

It was the start of the Halloween weekend and alliance battles weekend. Cue me not leaving the house all weekend. That's about what happened.

I played for a while with Steven and Orion until Orion left and Steven left. I waited around doing odd jobs for them then realized they weren't coming back. Then I had a revelation, I have no life. I decided I must remedy this situation. I planned on coming to the UW today, but I forgot I have band so I will not. I have a concert on Wednesday and Thursday, so I will come down Tuesday or Friday.

More of the same. I stopped in the middle of the afternoon because we were watching home movies looking for some specific things and wound up just watching a bunch. I saw a bunch of old birthday parties and realized I had some pretty cool parties. I have to upload some clips when we convert them to DVDs. There were some funny moments of some people you know now (for example, Stefano making farting noises during "Happy Birthday"). The funniest part was a clip of Kathryn throwing a tantrum when she was about 3 and dad turns the camera to mom who says "We're going to show you this when you're fifteen or sixteen so you can see how you looked." The funny thing was Kathryn had just turned fifteen last month.

Nothing much happened today. Aren't you happy? That means a day less of posting for you to read. Things I hate will still appear this wednesday even though I have a concert. I have to hit this topic before it gets too late.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The scheduled program has currently been interrupted. We apologize for the delay.

Hey I know today is the Things I Hate day, but I cannot post today. On top of having a rehearsal today, a concert tomorrow, and a big paper due Friday, dad had a minor bowel obstruction yesterday and might need to have surgery, so I'm at the hospital if not doing homework. It's nothing really potentially bad right now and hopefully it stays that way. I'll try to post on Friday if I get some time and if I don't, I'll just do what I had planned to do today next week.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Don't forget to vote!

And with that title, I shall conclude my interest in politics until about 4 years from now. It will be nice to no longer be caught in the middle of stupid fights and whatnot. I know you don't want to hear about that though (if you do, just check the last post). I shall get along with the week then.

I got my Elonian Grandmaster Cartographer this past week. I spent much less time on it than Tyrian. I estimate that I spent less than 50 hours doing all the scraping. I'm now 2/3 of the way to having Legendary Cartographer. When I get Legendary Cartographer, I will have the Kind of a Big Deal title. I'm looking forward to it. All in all, it was a very productive week Guild Wars wise. It was also Halloween and I spent a lot of time in costume brawl, getting about 4 or 5 new builds with the faction I got and I also got about 350 trick or treat bags, which pales in comparison to Steven's 2,000+.

I did play some Starcraft as well with Sai. We had some good games and Sai had a good save in a game when I got double rushed.

They're still there. Nothing much has changed in them. Our Jazz band is looking good. We're starting to sight read new songs and today we got one where there was a big empty section where only the percussion plays through. Doug checked his master score and said that it was a French Horn solo. My ears perked up at that and I thrust my hand forward and exclaimed "Oh, you need a French Horn!?" Anyway, long story short, if Doug decides to keep the part and decides he wants a French Horn (which could go either way) I could very well be playing some jazz french horn.

Now this is going to be a short post, but before it ends, I have two stories to share. I shall share them in chronological order.

The cock-block:
So We had a math test last Thursday. It was a 3 part test. The first two parts were individual and the third part was in groups. As we would finish, the teacher would randomly start picking people and pairing them up. She paired me up with that hot girl and it was cool to be working with her and talking and stuff, but then the lady that sits next to me caught up to me and pulled me back to where she was sitting because she needed my help to do the problems (she really really needed it. I got to be the teacher) So instead of getting out 10 minutes early and talking to the girl more, I got out 20 minutes late, but helped someone in need, so I don't know exactly whether I should feel good or angry at that.

Bad medicine:
So on Halloween, I go to my Grandpa's house to help him hand out candy. At his house, he has an M&M jar that is magically always full. This time, I went to the jar and put some M&M's into my hand as I have done many many times before and when I popped them into my mouth, I felt a warm M. It was wierd because I thought it was a microwaved one, but then I realized that since the other ones were normal temperatures, this one had to be something else. Thinking it was a cashew or some other kind of nut, I grabbed it out of my mouth, only to discover it was a FloMax tablet. Luckily it had not dissolved at all or it would not have been a fun night.

Well that's all for now. Peace out.