Monday, November 10, 2008

Hopefully you weren't worried

I just realized that the only person I talked about the things I hate delaying with was Orion. Hopefully none of you were worried that dad was in some sort of bad spot in the hospital. He got out on Thursday night during my concert and when I went to post on Friday, I just didn't feel like hating on anything simply because it was Friday (how can you be mad when it isn't a school night?) Anyhow, I think this post will be able to remain fairly medium length so I'll stop rambling and get to it.

I got to vote and that was pretty cool/boring. I can see why it isn't a big deal for people that have done it many times before. I watched the election coverage that night and was very happy at the results.
Obama won, that was good.
Gregoire won, also good.
Dorn won, Terry Bergeson and her shitty education plan are gone.
GOLDMARK WON. TAKE THAT DOUG SUTHERLAND! The next day, his signs were taken down in shame. Uproarious laughter ensued.
Other than that, I did pretty good in all the other things I voted for and I think that about 70% of what I voted for came out the way I voted. I was just happy that Doug Sutherland lost though. That was the highlight of the night partially because it was such a close outcome and I felt like my vote really helped screw him over.

Dad came into my room early and told me mom was taking him to the hospital. I was actually asleep, but I heard this. By the way, I recently learned that I can hear and understand people talking around me while I'm asleep, so all those times in Music Theory were probably spent being actually asleep, not just partially. Anyway, I went to see dad later in the day and learned that they had done a lot and all he really needed to do was pass gas so that they would know the blockage was cleared. He did it later that night.

It was a pretty uneventful day aside from the concert that night. It was overly patriotic and as Doug Reid put it "I shoulda brought some crackers for that cheese." The veterans and conservatives in the audience seemed to like it though. Mom randomly wound up sitting next to a lady who is the parent of this girl trumpet that is in both concert band and jazz band with me. Also mom got to see the hot girl in the class and acknowledged her as being the hot girl (she's that hot).

It was the start of the Halloween weekend and alliance battles weekend. Cue me not leaving the house all weekend. That's about what happened.

I played for a while with Steven and Orion until Orion left and Steven left. I waited around doing odd jobs for them then realized they weren't coming back. Then I had a revelation, I have no life. I decided I must remedy this situation. I planned on coming to the UW today, but I forgot I have band so I will not. I have a concert on Wednesday and Thursday, so I will come down Tuesday or Friday.

More of the same. I stopped in the middle of the afternoon because we were watching home movies looking for some specific things and wound up just watching a bunch. I saw a bunch of old birthday parties and realized I had some pretty cool parties. I have to upload some clips when we convert them to DVDs. There were some funny moments of some people you know now (for example, Stefano making farting noises during "Happy Birthday"). The funniest part was a clip of Kathryn throwing a tantrum when she was about 3 and dad turns the camera to mom who says "We're going to show you this when you're fifteen or sixteen so you can see how you looked." The funny thing was Kathryn had just turned fifteen last month.

Nothing much happened today. Aren't you happy? That means a day less of posting for you to read. Things I hate will still appear this wednesday even though I have a concert. I have to hit this topic before it gets too late.


Oreo said...

and here i was thinking you had gotten really horny on sunday and just decided to whack it instead of playing gw.

Eric said...

yeah I was pretty happy that proposition 1 passed for the monorail. heard gow 2 is pretty good.

Davos said...

See? I always knew that you were actually asleep.