Monday, May 04, 2009

An even workier week

There's a little picture that just popped into my head last week. It's a car joke, so I apologize Davis as you will probably not get it. Well if I thought I was working a lot last week, I was sorely mistaken. I did much more this week. Though I was sore for the last half of the week, I must admit, it was a good workout most of the time and being outside for once did me some good. I think I'll leave this intro short and I'll get into my post.

Band went well. I still haven't gotten to try out the 2nd horn part I made, but we will be working heavily on it today, so I'll see how it goes. One thing that DID happen though is that it was announced that Kellogg (one of the bands that will be at the 3 band concert) needed people to help them play RUSSIAN SAILOR'S DANCE. My hand shot up faster than I knew it could, so that will be sweet. After band, I watched more 24 only to become more confused at where this season is going.

I had a good trumpet lesson, then I came home and played some Starcraft with Steven.

I had school as usual, but then instead of gaming right away afterwards, I had to go out to lay down some sod at the pool. I was helping out the guy who was doing the landscaping (he's also a member and a neighbor). The sod laying went well, though the rolls were heavy and I only lifted and moved them and dropped them (u kraine!) for 3 straight hours. My arms were quite sore after that, but it was a very good workout. Also, myself and one of the guys that did the landscaping got into a good groove and we finished off 3 stacks of 60 rolls before the rest of everyone had finished off their own stacks. We were quite pwnage.

After that, I picked up Steven and we played some Soul Calibur 2 until dinner, then some more. I am definitely not as good as him, but I'm not really terrible. Button mashing is a legitimate strategy. I did like on the first match when he said "Let's see if you can hit me" and I proceeded to win. Voldo rules. After that, we played some Halo 3 on live and did adequate. Hopefully Steven gets a 360 someday so we can pwn up Xbox live together.

I went over to my aunt's house, but we couldn't get a rototiller, so I did some small tasks around the place then came home. I had about an hour before I had to leave for the concert. I was taking our vibes there and they are on very loose wheels, so I got to set up a labyrinth of bungee cords to keep it from falling (or moving even). The concert went well. We played after a middle school band and before Roosevelt. Roosevelt was very good. They got to use a jazz french horn (which I have wanted to do for quite some time). He was really good at his solos even though he sounded like a trombone.

I had only one class because Law doesn't meet on Fridays and Jazz Band had the day off since we had our concert the day before. We had a test in Calc that I probably got raped on the first page of, but oh well. After school, I went and rototilled my aunt's yard after taking my grandpa to costco for lunch. After that, I met up with Stashley and Sai and we went to Alderwood to see Wolverine. It was quite good albeit short, and there was even a hidden nipple in it!!! I really enjoyed the "I'm the best at what I do" reference and it made me think about how it sucks that M:UA2: Fusion won't come out in time for this summer, but I'll still be getting it. After the movie, we all separated (except for Stashley who probably got closer as they neglected to get on for some Starcraft with Sai and I). Sai and I actually wound up not doing Starcraft because his CD key wasn't working.

I did the EarthCorps thing. It was pretty boring even if there were some really cute supervisors. I singlehandedly terraced a hillside and fell a couple of times before learing to use my pick to hold myself up on the hill. It was rainy and muddy after a while, but we did a good job there. After that, I hung out around my house for the rest of the day. I finally got to see "A Scanner Darkly" which was good, but the animation got in the way at times. It felt like watching an Ask Scwhab commercial.

I spent 8 hours cleaning my room. We're doing that big richmond beach yard sale (while I'm in Victoria unfortunately). Come by and buy my crap! Anyway, there were at least 2 people working in my room at all times, but it's still not done. I like what's gotten done so far though. I took down some old Star Wars posters from Episode 1 that I was tired of looking at and I replaced them with a more awesome Star Wars poster (The Empire Strikes Back poster) and a Mariners 1995 team poster. I also got to finally hang up the Dread Vale (just for you, Davis!) We haven't gotten to the side of the closet that I'm hiding the Sheer pwnage monitor in yet, but it is imminent, so prepare to say goodbye to that. Ah well.

Not much happened today. I did come up with a cool idea for a novel that I hope I someday get the time to write. If you really want to know, you can ask me about it. Anyway, not much else is going on. I'm about to play some Guild Wars with Steven. I played some alliance battles this weekend and I liked it (probably because I nuked 4 noobs by myself and harassed them for it). Anyway, that's it for now. Peace out.


Davos said...

The U Kraine reference left me laughing for a whole minute. Well played, sir.

Remind me again of this EarthCorps thing...and hold on to that damn monitor! Drop it off at my house and make up some stupid excuse why.

pronoob5 said...

It seems like over a week ago since we console gamed.

Wow I totally forgot about playing Starcraft after the movie.

Are you selling legos?!

so close...

David said...

No, Legos and Star Wars paraphenalia are two things that have immunity from being yard saled.

We need to make that lego movie though.