Monday, April 27, 2009

Work Week

Ok before I start, if you haven't read the previous post, feel free to do so now, I really won't mind. I know Orion saw it, but for the rest of you, it was my fault that I didn't say I was going to update later on during the week. Anyway, if that whole type of post isn't your scene, then don't worry about that. That being said, I think I'll get into the last week.

Since I was really tired when I got back, I was almost falling asleep throughout the afternoon regardless of what I was doing. Luckily I had no homework. That night around 8:00, we all sat down to watch some TV. Dad had hurt his leg, so he was laying on the floor which meant I got the whole couch to myself, so I laid down on it. I forgot that I tend to fall asleep on that couch even when I'm not tired, so I fell asleep (pretty hard) at 8:30 and slept straight until 11:00. I guess my family was shaking me and putting the cats on me to try to wake me up, but I was Steven level passed out there. Anyway, I woke up in a huge daze and then somehow managed to take a shower and get into my own bed where I slept hard until the alarm woke me up.

I got up an hour late since we had no law the whole week. It was also nice because since I had no Jazz Band, Math was my only class. I was only at school for 50 minutes before I got to go home. I would have just gone to sleep again, but I had band so I couldn't. Band went well. They still hadn't found a second horn part for one of the songs, so I took home the conductor score for the piece and I used it to make a second horn part for myself. I'll be seeing how it works tonight and hopefully I didn't make any errors.

I actually had 2 classes. They were very easy though. After Jazz Band, I had my trumpet lesson. I got in a little trouble because I hadn't practiced my stuff in over a week (not that I ever do anyway, but usually I can sight read the stuff we do well). Luckily I got to play the jazz band trip card and I got out of trouble. I forgot to practice this week too, crap. After that, I went over to my aunt's house and met up with my second cousin and we worked in her yard for a few hours. I pressure washed her brick walkway for about 2 hours. I don't think it had ever been pressure washed. It went from being dark almost black in places to bright red and tan all over. It was very strange to see that much of a difference.

I had 2 classes again. After school, Steven and I played about 8 hours of Starcraft. It was really fun.

I had all three classes, but Law was easy because it was an in class exercise that I was proctoring. After school, more Starcraft ensued. Steven figured out how to wall in well and now I'm working on it too.

2 classes before some Starcraft. Eventually, Steven wound up making a macro for a gun for Starcraft to impress people. While he was doing that, I signed on Guild Wars to check what the deal was with the big update. It's a really awesome update full of cool shit I wish they had given us when we played all the time. Ah well, hopefully this stuff will be around for Guild Wars 2 (which I expect everyone to get so we can get some pwnage Teriyaki...pwnage going).

I had to do my service learning from 10am-2pm. If nothing else, it was at least a good workout. The guy that hoarded the shovel was a useless douche that only tried to pick up chicks. I got a ton of blackberry bush scratches that look really cool when you're there because it's like "Ooh, he's taking the job seriously and he's really contributing." Unfortunately, when you leave that place, it just looks like you lost a fight with a kitten and they just exist to itch and burn when you're in the shower.

We dropped off our 5 broken TV sets (three were my grandpa's from the 70s and 80s) at Goodwill, then we went to my aunt's house, got more goodwill stuff, then went to my grandpa's and got his extra TV to borrow (our upstairs one crapped out). After that we came back here and dad and I built our new barbecue. Our old barbecue, which was about 7 or 8 years old had been missing the ignitor for the past 4 years, and only one side worked at a time (first, the left side broke, then more recently, the left side came back, but the right side broke). Anyway, our new barbecue was christened with really good steaks that I will probably never have again. It's a nice barbecue though, we should totally have some stuff from it when we hang out this summer.

Not much has happened today. I've been doing the usual routine.

So yeah I'll be going to my aunt's house later in the week. On top of fixing my aunt's house and cleaning my grandpa's house, I now get to help clean our house for the yard sale coming up on May 16th (when I'm in Victoria unfortunately). I'll still try to find time for everything I do (shouldn't be hard). Pure Pwnage hasn't said when the new episode comes out yet, but I hope it either comes out on a Saturday night or Memorial Day weekend otherwise I might not be able to go see it due to my service learning and needing to be there to get class credit. It came out on a Saturday last time though, so we could still be fine (I get off at 2, so we would just have to haul ass a bit). Aside from that, it may only be week 5 for Steven and I, but I'm looking forward to summer when we shall meet up and do pwnage things. Peace out until next week.

1 comment:

pronoob5 said...

if you spent as much time gaming as you did blogging... you would be able to accomplish that thing you said you wanted to do ;)

wtf did I just wink at you?

pressure washing is kinda fun. I remember when I did it to our house and it was like using an eraser on the sidewalk.

thank you for having pop-out comments so I can see the post and comment simultaniously without having to click "show original post" and then getting a worse looking version.

gw2 will be epic if we can get the pwnage 4 on.

"pwnage 4" reminded me of MUA2
too bad it's released FALL of 2009 instead of summer.

we should pwn together more often and perhaps get good at a live game or play sc lan or something