Monday, May 25, 2009

Nothing like a 3-day weekend to make me never want to go to school again.

This weekend has been nice. I have enjoyed it so far, but unfortunately, I now realize that I have to go back to school for what seems like a pointless 2.5 more weeks. It was nice to finally have a longer than 2 day weekend that I could take mostly to myself, but then school had to rear its ugly head. On the plus side, only 2.5 weeks left of school, then I'm good to go for summer (until Alaska for the wedding at the end of June). I'll be posting a list of times I'm gone during the summer and things we should do at the end of the post. Also, no guarantees, but keep your eyes open for a tentative post coming on Wednesday.

We had our dress rehearsal for the concert in band and the guest tuba soloist from the marine band was there. He was so good, I didn't want to play, I just wanted to listen to him. He had amazing range and he could play very complicated rhythms and all on a tuba.

My witness was only asked one more question, but I still had to get sworn in and all that, so it wasted some time. After me, we kept going with our witnesses. One of them had made up a funny backstory about how his dad tied him to a post in the middle of nowhere when he was caught stealing as a kid. Also, when our side referenced the cashier, who happened to be the ex girlfriend of the witness character, our witness said "First of all, she's a bitch." Everyone broke out laughing. After school, I had the concert. We sounded pretty good. Our horn section was mission 3 people, one because of a traffic ticket preventing her from playing somehow and the other 2 for some unknown reason, so that was kind of interesting.

I had no school because I had to volunteer at the food bank for my IAS class. It was actually very fun and an enriching experience and I had a great time doing it and perhaps I will come back during the summer. The guy running it was a total hardass, but one would have to be to run that kind of place. He turned out to be really cool even if it took him the first hour to stop calling me Eric. I had fun writing up the report that afternoon too. It was an informal thing, so I basically made my teacher a nice blog post. It was twice the minimum length, so that was nice too. After that, I went over to my aunt's house really quick to fill her yard waste.

Not much happened all day. Our trial ended and our side won on almost all the charges. After school, I just played a lot of Guild Wars.

I spent most of the day playing Guild Wars until Sai came online and wanted to play Starcraft. We did that and we had a rather good game against a turtler involving lots of marines and tanks against my containment of a little of everything and then Sai using reavers and arbiters to completely decimate the guy's forces.

I had my first Saturday off in a long time. It was nice. I got to play some Guild Wars until I had to go clean my room some more. After that, I met up with Sai at his house and we finally got to go shooting. It was fun, even though I'm not a very good shot. I got to shoot a snub nose though which was cool since I have always wanted to try that. After that, my family went to see Star Trek. It was pretty good, I must say. The best part of the night though was this preview for this cool actiony movie and at the end of the preview, the theater was silent and then on the screen it flashed "G.I. Joe" and while it was still silent in the theater, my mom snorted and started laughing.

I had to get up early to help my aunt get stuff into the moving van to move stuff to my grandpa's house. I spent a few hours there, but then we had to go the Mariners game. It was a good game with a couple good home runs, especially the one from Griffey. After that, I came home and played Guild Wars into the night with Steven.

I finished cleaning my room today and it looks nice and clean now. The monitor is still safe, don't worry. I did some Guild Wars today as well and aside from that, not much. The truck was being borrowed by dad's friend today who had a lot of old fence and shed from his backyard that apparently took 8 dump runs. We got some stuff fixed up at grandpa's house and we brought my aunt a couple things she needed until she finally moves out.

So yeah this week, I am going to be doing some dump runs. If any of you are able to help me pick up some yard waste one of the days this week from my house and my aunt's house, that would be cool. Also, I might need some help getting a lot of dump stuff out of my aunt's house that is not yard waste later in the week. I'll keep you guys posted on that.

Anyway, now for some info.

Times I am gone this summer:
June 20- June 24: Cousin's wedding in Alaska
June 30 - July 6: Cousin's wedding reception at his house in Vegas
August 15 - August 22: Family vacation

Things we need to do this summer:
Star Wars Marathon
SC LAN party (no lag imp scen and inhouse)
Taco Bell
At least one big gaming party
Pokemon Marathon?
24 Marathon?
Road Trip?

I'm sure I and y'all will think of more as time goes by. Until maybe Wednesday, or at least until next week, peace out.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

I'd be down with helping you on a dump run since that'd ensure i couldn't be assigned to any other work around home.

that's one helluva wedding reception - 7 days?!

road trip would be awesome. i tried to organize one with mah peeps from nyu who live on the west coast but they bailed on me. gas may never be this cheap again, we need to get in an 3P1C R04D +R1P.