Monday, June 01, 2009

Them honkeys

My title has nothing to do with anything in case you were wondering. This past week was rather good, but the non-homework quarter I had been having so far finally caught up with me and I was actually given homework and it kind of shot my Sunday all to hell, but oh well. I did get about 10 free Sundays before this, so it was worth it, I would say. This week, it looks like I will be doing more work at my aunt's house especially later in the week and I believe this weekend I'll be over in the Tri-Cities for a special mass for the year anniversary of my grandpa's death. Other than that, if you want to help on the work at my aunt's house, first of all, I don't know if we are going to have anyone help because I don't know how much help my second cousin and I will need and second of all, the work would be spreading bark one day and gravel the next (in different areas). Other than that, not much to say so let's get on to the week.

I didn't do much because I had no band that night, so after I made the post, I just played some Guild Wars.

I showed up to Law and we learned that a couple people had cheated by copying off their friends. The evidence was clear, 4:15 out of an hour time limit and they still got 22/25. I did poorly on the test, so I was happy to do the retake and I actually am glad someone cheated. During my lesson, my teacher brought some new mouthpieces along for me to try and they weren't really good. I like the one I've been borrowing during class though from our section leader.

I had an appointment to get the truck's oil changed, but that soon turned out to be much more. I took the truck over there and then walked to my aunt's house to help her fill up her yard waste while there were guys cleaning the windows. I later got called from the mechanic and he said that the brakes were totally shot (I trust him because the truck has gone to that shop for all of it's 16 years it's been in the family). I later got to see just how shot the brakes were (completely), but anyway, I had to leave it overnight, so I borrowed my grandpa's car since he wasn't using it. When I went to grandpa's house, I helped him set up this old Dr. Pepper clock that he had. When I plugged it in, the second hand started going backwards and so did the hands soon enough. Grandpa said, "Try plugging it in upside down." I chuckled and did it, and then was surprised to see that IT ACTUALLY WORKED WTF??? I've never seen something do that before and I had a good laugh about it after that.

I can't remember this day at all. All I know is I had to take mom to pick up the car which had had it's oil changed at the dealership during the day sometime, so let's assume I spent the rest of the day playing Guild Wars.

I went from school to get grandpa at Costco where we had lunch before going back to his house. After I dropped him off, I picked up Orion and we went to my aunt's house to load a bunch of drywall and wood and junk into the back of the truck. We got .42 tons in on that run, so that was pretty cool. After that, we loaded it up again mostly with recycle stuff, then Orion had to go home to dinner, so I dropped him off on my way home.

I had to get up for my last service learning event. Luckily, I had enough time logged in that I got to leave half an hour early! After being stuck in traffic, I managed to hit up the UWB frisbee game just in time to watch them lose the first game. I got to play in the second game. It was fun to play ultimate again and I even had a catch for a point at one point during the game, so that was cool. Unfortunately, we lost that one, so that was the last game of the day, which was ok because it was really hot outside. After that, I played some Guild Wars with Steven and then I went to bed because I was pretty tired.

I started doing my law essay for the service learning since I had just finished the learning the day before. I wish my service learning had ended earlier so I could have started the essay earlier because it took me 6 hours to write, primarily because I had to find specific cases relating to specific legal issues, which took a surprisingly long time. I thought I was just going to have to cite RCW's here and there, but I was quite wrong. That night, the jazz band had a performance at Tula's downtown near the pike place market. It was a nice venue in that I could actually hear every instrument. My only problem with it was that it was hot and I could barely see my music, but both of those were minor problems. If I couldn't read the part, I just sung into my trumpet. I got to stick around after that to see the band that my private lesson teacher plays in. They were very good from what I saw, but I had to cut out early to finish up some of that essay and a bonus math problem that took me longer than it should have.

Not much happened today. It was classes as usual. Our jazz band decided we're going to have a performance next monday around lunchtime in the courtyard, so if you want to come see it, go ahead (Jim wanted us to advertise). It would be around 11:30ish to sometime after that. I don't know what the timestamp on this post will be because I forgot I was making it and I must have gotten sidetracked by Guild Wars. Ah well, I have band tonight, so I should start thinking about what to have for dinner. Peace out.

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