Sunday, June 28, 2009

Well Billy Mays is dead. This will be a short post because I need to clear this up for my enemies list. Billy, since you are dead, I have removed you from my list since there is no more chance to hate you now. Congratulations on being off the list, though that kinda sucks for you that you got off it by dying. Now my list only has 5 people left. Hopefully the next celebrity to die will be on the list (I'm looking at you Rosie O'Donnel!)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Really? Nobody's updated?

Well don't sweat it because I'd hardly have time to read your posts if you had updated. I do expect new posts by July 6th because frankly, that would be a long time for y'all to go without posting. Anyway, sorry about not posting before I left, my family came over early in the day than I thought they would so I did not get the time to post that I thought I would. For that reason, I'll compress the week leading up to the trip into one section because it can easily be done and the Alaska post might go on the long side, which isn't bad when you think about how long it will be before another long post comes, so you will have time to read it. Anyway, on to thee week.

Before the trip:
As I continued playing the force unleashed, I learned it only has 9 levels which angered me because I liked the game and that was really douchey to have it be so disgustingly short (6 45-minute levels and 3 20-minute ones). I'm already on the last level and I'll soon be moving on to my next game. Throughout the week, I worked on grandpa's shed during the day, then went to frisbee practice, then played DnD. In grandpa's shed, I found some cool stuff. I got some books of dialogues with Plato and people of that nature and I got a huge legal book and some other cool things that I'll have to post pictures of someday. DnD had been going well. I like this version much better than fourth mainly because my character is a huge beast (Davis had to nerf me because I'm overpowered). As for frisbee, it's been going....okay. We have good practices (with the people that actually bother to show), but the game didn't go so well. Christie actually surprised me with some good play for someone who had never played before. We didn't do as terribly as the last time, but we still lost and I think we're moving down to D league which was much needed. On Friday, my family came over and we hung out until it was time to go to my sister's dance recital.

Aunt's house:
This happened while I was on the trip, but the house pretty much sold. It was on the market for a week before we got an offer for 97% of the price we were asking for (which was really good because we apparently overlooked some moisture/water damage in places). Anyway, I got a comment on how lovely the grounds looked, so I was really happy to know my hard work paid off. Now we have to do the paperwork and transfer my grandpa's hosue to my aunt, which will be a bit trickier because we filed for a lifetime estate or something along those lines a long time ago, but the attorney (a friend of dad's from college who also did mom and dad's wills (and who now drives buses because he was disbarred)) never filed that all those years ago, so the house is under my grandma's name and she controls the property, which is a major uh oh, so we have to go to court and get this all settled out. Anyway yeat, on to the rest of the week.

We had to get up at a normal hour and we made our flight with plenty of time. Our traveling party was myself, my mom, my grandma, my uncle, my cousin and her 16 month old kid (who has the same hair that I did as a little kid and also might be left handed!!!) My uncle (groom's father) and aunt went up a day early because he was the comissioner for the wedding and he had to sort that out. At the airport, we met up with my cousin's sister and her 2 year old kid. The plane ride was uneventful because I spent the first half writing my character's bio for DnD and then I fell asleep to Fire Emblem. The airport we were at was right next to the hotel (3 minute drive actually, it was a Texas block). The rehearsal dinner was over in the next town, about 15 miles out of town. It was this strange brewery that was actually pretty cool. My little 2nd cousin enjoyed combing my hair with a fork when he got the chance. On our way back, the four of us (which hereby refers to my uncle (not the groom's father), my grandma, my mom, and I) went to stop at the pipeline viewing area. It was a strange thing to see because it looked fake. There was rust, cracks, and CIGARETTE BUTT CANS (smoking next to an oil pipeline? wth?) next to the pipeline. There was also a funny warning sign that I got a picture of. After that, we settled down at the hotel for the night.

Now the funny thing about nights in Alaska was that the night only lasted 2 hours the whole time we were there, so since it was right in the middle of when I was asleep, I didn't see darkness until I got back to Seattle. I missed the darkness, actually.

The wedding was that day. First things first though we had to get breakfast. We went to the northern most Denny's in the world and had good food there. I was very tired, so I drank copious amounts of coffee in honor of Godot. After that, we had to go change in our rental car because only one of the windshield wipers was working. After we got that settled, we went to North Pole, a city about 15 miles away from Fairbanks. It was a really chintzy little town and we didn't stay too long. After that, the wedding, awwwwww. It was in the botannical gardens of University of Alaska. It was raining right up until the bride arrived, then it started to stop and then we actually got some sun, so that was nice. It was a nice ceremony and very quick because the commish decided to not deviate from his script. After that, there was a reception dinner. The food was pretty good. After that, we had the midnight baseball game. On our way there, the four of us stopped at this Pioneer Park (like a mini-theme park) near the baseball park because we wanted to try out this -40 degrees farenheight room that they have. It's a cool room because you get to experience an Alaskan winter. Actually the -40 was a ballpark, it was closer to -50 when we were there, but I stepped up to the challenge anyway and wore just shorts and my sweatshirt, but then I stepped up to the cooler challenge that I saw on the way in and I took off my shirt and lasted about a minute and a half without it on before I absolutely had to leave. The three wearing parkas even had to leave before me. My uncle said he took video and he'll post it to youtube so I'll link when he does. Also, I have pictures.

The midnight baseball game was a heapin' helpin' o' local color. We named all the characters around us. There was Tipsy McDrunkerton, the guy that got 6 beers at once, came back about 5 mintues later for a diet coke break, then much later, stumbled down the stands, leaned on the rail and yelled "YOU SUCK" at the batter for no good reason before getting beers 7 and 8. Alcohol was sold up until the last moment of the game, they might have even given out ones for the road, I realy don't know. Another part of the show was the beach ball. The people in all the stands had beachballs flying around and at one point, Angry Red Hatticus got mad and grabbed it when it flew by him and put it forcefully on the ground at his feet. He got booed until Tipsy came and jacked the beachball back from him and sent it back around the stands. There was also tweed, who jumped over the rail after a baseball like a ringtailed lemur. Under the stands, where people threw their sometimes unfinished beer and other garbage dwelled the lords of the flies, a bunch of kids that were doing God knows what. Their leader, who could be seen wearing the most visors also wore a koala puppet on his fist and a camo hunting mask. He was followed by his personal guards, one of them was lazercats, who wore a cat puppet on his fist (you'd better believe I have pictures). They had some strange society going, doing "recycling" as we called it by stomping cans. They even tried to invade the bleachers at one point. I was about pissing my pants from laughing so hard at them. A couple other funny notes: the freebie they gave us was a visor from the 100th anniversary game that was in 2006 (so how were we on the 104th 3 years later?). Overall, the game was mediocre because it was the n0-leagues, but the people made the game great.

The four of us got up early to take a small plane (a piper) to this town above the arctic circle named Coldfoot (can be seen in Ice Road Truckers). We drove along the Dalton highway (also in the show) up to a town called Wiseman, where the residents are self sustaining mostly. They go to the store maybe once every other month because the store is in Fairbanks, a 7 hour drive away. They hunt their own food, do pretty much everything on their own. They do have a TV and internet via satellite though, so they aren't too out of touch. I think it would be fun to live there for a couple months, although I couldn't do any hunting because I would need to live there for at least a year to become a resident. The guy we talked to was really cool and instead of doing a walking tour, we all accidentally were talking for too long, so we got a driving tour of the town. After that, we took the plane back and got back to Fairbanks at noon. After a nice lunch, all of us (except for my cousin and his wife) went to Chena hot springs, where we went to see this ice museum. The ice was only kept at 20 degrees farenheight, so of course I only wore a t-shirt and shorts. I think the cute tourguide was impressed, but my uncle (groom's dad) and I were just being our usual badass selves. After that, we drove back into Fairbanks and saw some moose along the way.

We left Fairbanks around 9am to drive down to Denali. Denali is a very pretty place. It's like being in the Cascades, but 2 million acres of that. In the place we stayed at, there was hand sanitizer everywhere, much to my liking. The four of us went into the park a bit to do some hiking and see some sled dogs that were really cute and extremely athletic. After that, we had dinner at this lookout place up a huge hill from our hotel that looked out across that valley. My 16 month old cousin enjoyed waving at all the waiters, expecially the guy with the goatee.

We drove back to Fairbanks and got to the airport 4 hours early. We were all ready to leave Alaska. Mom and I were able to move to row 6, where we got the side of the row to ourselves, which was VERY nice. Row 6 is the front row with nobody leaning back in front of you and more legroom. The flight back was uneventful. There were some nice views and we finally got to see darkness again. The family wound up not staying actually (except grandma (who just left an hour ago)).

Today I am busy. I have to catch up on classwork, get a bit ahead, do a quick dump run, drop Kathryn off at a party, buy my textbooks for summer quarter (I got into Geology and Accounting 202), go to frisbee, do some DnD, then pack before I leave early tomorrow morning. Ok well I'll post pictures on the 28th and 29th. I don't know if I'll have internet because I don't think my great aunt and uncle do, but my phone might be able to get it, so at the very least, I can communicate through texting. I get back sometime in the afternoon/night on the 27th, depending on whether I have to drive to Forks or not.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer shall commence!

Hmm, so as I thought more about my last title, I figured the acronym will not catch on due to the Arena Football League (I've been screwed over by that league for the last time!). Anyway, last week was pretty fun mostly because the cool amount of stuff I did (mostly Starcraft). Anyway, before I get started, I need to lay out my situation for the summer because I don't know if anyone reads my posts since nobody comments and I figure the best chance of having you read it is by putting it at the beginning of the post, so here you go.

I am available this week until Friday when family comes over. On Saturday (6/20), I leave for Alaska for my cousin's wedding. I get back sometime on the following Wednesday (6/24). I am home during the day on the 25th until I leave that night for Selah, WA to help my great aunt and uncle move. I will return sometime late at night on my birthday, Saturday the 27th. I'm home and free on the 28th and 29th. On the 30th, I leave for Vegas for my cousin's wedding reception and I return sometime during the day I think on July 6. After that, I have nothing until August 15th, so pwnage can commence then. This week, I am free on Monday through Thursday, but on either Tuesday or Wednesday (only one of the two), I will be over at my grandpa's starting to clean his house before we have a yard sale sometime in the distant future. Ok, now for the week.

As I said, the Jazz Band concert was cool. Dan didn't have a cowbell or a snare drum, so he borrowed an unused music stand and took a solo on that at one point that was really cool. Afterwards, the 3 guy trumpet players, our girl bassist and our girl drummer met up at Super China Buffet for lunch. It was pretty good, at the very least it was worth the money I paid (which was not too much). That night, it was nice not to go to band. I celebrated by playing a lot of Starcraft with Steven and Keir since it was a dead day the next day.

I did a little bit of homework during the day, but the rest of it was spent doing Starcraft with Steven and Keir. It was the last Starcraft I would get in for a couple days though because I needed to study.

We had our Jazz Band "final" that consisted of eating donuts, listening to jazz and talking to Jim about what trumpets I should look into. It was probably the most fun final I will ever take. After that ended, I came home and studied up on law for about 9 hours. I wish people hadn't cheated on the test because since they did that, our final was taken offline, so we had to do it in person, which meant no notes (that he permitted online, but not in person for some strange reason). Anyway, my strategy at the beginning of the quarter was just take really good notes and don't worry about how much sinks in because as long as I have the notes, I will do well on the tests. Well since people cheated, I now had to use my notes (that were fortunately very good) to let a quarter's worth of material sink in. It was some not fun studying.

I had the law final. I feel like it went well because of my uber study session. I finished in a decent amount of time. After that, I went to register with my law teacher (who is my advisor) for summer and fall classes. I waited very long to register for summer, so all the classes are in the waitlists (I'm still hoping to get into two if my advisor ever emails me back so I can meet with him to sign up for classes ( I need his permission since it's not 15 credits)). Anyway, I was going to do Stats, Geology, and Accounting 202 all online, but Stats is way full. I might get into Geology and it looks like I will get Accounting, so that will be good to get 10 credits going. I did get signed up for the fall. I have psychology which I will hopefully be in Steven's class for, French (trying to take 3 quarters of it next year mostly just for fun (and to try to overachieve), microeconomics, and the two bands. Since my final was a midday final the next day, I studied, then got in some Starcraft. We had our first ultimate game after that and let's just say we did terrible.

I had my math final. It went pretty well I felt. When it was over though, I was sad to leave because I had the same math teacher this whole year and she was really cool, so it's too bad that I won't have her again. On the other hand though, I was ready for it to be summer already. I played some Starcraft with Steven and Keir, but then they stopped, so I took advantage of the Guild Wars weekend.

I finally finished moving my aunt out of her house. It took a dump run and a lot of moving, but she is out of the house completely now. I found some old albums she had including Are You Experienced, Breakfast in America, Bookends, and some other big names, so I will hopefully get to listen to those when we figure out where I put her record player. That night, there was yet another frisbee practice (I just haven't been mentioning them all), but as per usual, only Stashley, Orion, and I showed up.

That morning, I beat Ocarina of Time. I really liked the game, but the ending was kind of a downer. After that, I had a grad party to go to since we weren't playing DnD that day. After it, I went to go see Angels and Demons. I hear all the people that read the book QQing about how the movie ruins the books, so I'm glad I haven't read the books because I was able to enjoy the movie. Oh and I've decided, we are all going to see G.I. Joe when it comes out. It looks so awesome. After that, I had more frisbee practice, but only Steven, Orion, and Eric were there, so we played on the Shoreline Stadium. With all these practices, at least the four of us that show up will be good. It was good thinking on Orion's part.

Since I'm giving Davis' Gamecube back for the summer, I moved back to my 360 to pick up and do the games I have not yet played on it. I started the Force Unleashed. All I can say is the game looks really fun, but I'm glad it's not canon because it looks like the storyline and the things that happen will be completely weird. There's an imperial officer who never buttons up her shirt, you can use the force to uproot trees and crap (but oddly, you can't chop them down with your lightsaber, hmmm). Anyway, yeah the game looks fun and I will be able to enjoy it despite the fact that it doesn't do anything in the Star Wars expanded universe. I look forward to the sequel though that supposedly will be canon. Hopefully I get registered for my classes before I leave. Other than that, I'm cleaning the computer room todayf or company that comes later in the week, so I'll get back to that before frisbee then DnD. I'll post on Friday before I leave. Peace out.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Me: YES!
Me: BROWN DYE!!!!!!
Secret Agent Missy: EARTH TONES FTW!

Mom: What do we do with all these old senior pictures of David's friends?
Mom: You can take Maddy and Steven, here you go.
David: Ok
Dad: How about Rachel? David probably wants Rachel in his room.
*Kathryn and I look at each other an laugh*
Dad: Yeah I probably could have phrased that better.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Keir on Joe Montana's son coming to the UW to play football (and hopefully replacing jake locker):
Keir: and jake locker better leave

Me: yeah
i hope he gets drafted to the mlb

Keir: so nick can start day 1

Me: good luck locker, gtfo seattle

Keir: time to quote dr seusse
I don't care how.
You can go by foot.
You can go by cow.
J Locker will you please go now!
You can go on skates.
You can go on skis.
You can go in a hat.
But go please.

Me: haha
that will go on my blog even though nobody but us will get it

Keir: i should never have stopped reading that

Me: haha.............. :*(

Monday, June 08, 2009


AFL is a new term I am coining that I hope will be picked up by the popular youth. It is like AFK, but instead of keyboard, the L is for life. Anyway, I find that it was rather a rather accurate explanation of last week for me, so I don't need to post right?

WRONG! I always need to post.

I had band that day, so I played Guild Wars, made this post, and did homework. Not much else. In band, we organized all our songs and quickly ran through the graduation ones and got out early, which was nice.

After a rather uneventful day at school, I went over to my aunt's house to move everything she had over to my grandpa's house. The stager was set to come on Wednesday, so I had to get as much out as I could. I wound up getting most of it out, but it took about 5 hours, so I didn't get home until about 7:00. After that, I had dinner and finished all the homework I would have for the whole week since I had a (very accurate as it turned out) feeling I wasn't going to have time for it later in the week.

After yet another uneventful school day (what do you expect? it's the end of the quarter), I went over to my aunt's house to move the rest of her stuff out. I had to work around the stager, who was, IMCO, leaving the house too bare, but whatever. It's a unique house, not just another cookie-cutter one, so it will probably do well on the market. I bet we might even get more than the listing price, which would be super awesome. Anyway, after finally getting everything into my grandpa's house, I had to organize it all very carefully. I had to make sure that 2 people could live out of their separate houses in the space of one house and I think I did a really good job of that. It took much longer that day and I didn't get home until 10.

I spent most of the day moving stuff and working outside. My second cousin and I waited for the Door to Door people to move the pod to my grandpa's which they said they would, but didn't happen, so we decided we would have to dump gravel around it the next day unless they came early in the day. I left at about 6:00 because I had to make it to frisbee practice. It was a pretty lame practice in the sense that only 6 of us showed up and 4 of us were kind of "required" showups in that Orion would expect us to be at all the practices since he knows we have no lives outside of this (I'm referring to Eric, Steven, Orion, and myself). Jared and Sara were there too though. It was nice to break Sara in and to learn that she is a rare breed, a girl that can catch pretty well. She had some good catches in the 3 on 3 scrimmage, which we definitely threw (right guYS???). Afterwards, I came home and studied for my math final until I went to bed and realized I had gone to bed an hour earlier than I needed to since my law class didn't meet the next day.

I only had my math class that day and it was a test, so it was no big deal. Afterwards, I went to my aunt's house to move some stuff for shelves for clearing out my grandpa's shed over to my grandpa's house. When I got back, the first gravel load had been delivered, so my second cousin and I graveled up the neighbor's driveway where the gravel was dumped. After that, 2 more loads came and we did as much as humanly possible, but by 6:00, we had been gravelling for over 4 hours and our arms were sore. Grandpa even came to help and he got tired too, so we decided to pick it up again the next day since the neighbors didn't need to use their driveway that night anyway.

My family and I met my grandpa at the mall before going over to the new senior living community (henceforth referred to as Aljoya) over by the new theater by the mall for the special ribbon cutting ceremony. It was hellzzzaaa boring and Greg Nickels was there, so it was even more boring, but grandpa got to shake his hand and he was pretty happy about that. After that, we went to return some games my grandma got me a long time ago to Toys R Us because I was never going to play them. After returning the games, I got GoW2 for $15 bucks, which I figured was about what it was worth to me. There was this girl working there that was a total 919 (she even had the glasses!!!) and I totally should have asked her out because how often do I really go to Toys R Us anyway? Only once in a Davisvisit (a Davisvisit is the amount of time that passes between free pokemon giveaways). Anyway, I don't know how Toys R Us employment works, if she chose to work in the gaming section or not, but if she did and she was a gamer, that would totally make her like a 10210 (such extreme hotness, it would destroy the very foundation of the area code rating system). Now I want to find an excuse to buy a game from Toys R Us again.

After that, we went back to my aunt's house and the whole family (including my second cousin and my aunt and uncle and cousin) helped spread the rest of the gravel. We also got to use the truck as a wheelbarrow, which was pretty fun. When we got home, I tried some Guild Wars, but got really bored/mad at it and spent about an hour looking at french horn equipment and mouthpieces.

I had to play at graduation which was rediculously boring as usual, but I was surprised at how low the average GPAs seemed to be. Only about 10% of the graduates had a 3.6 or higher. It made me want to try for that. Also, I want to join Phi Beta Kappa so I can get my gold ribbons. Anyway, the student speaker was this girl who had a 3.95 GPA and I was expecting something really stupid about how she's perfect, but partway into her speech, she brought up how she got pregnant halfway through high school, dropped out, and had to adopt her kid off. She was good at keeping me interested in what she was saying.

I skipped my math class because we had a Jazz Band concert outside at the fountain. I didn't see any of you (for shame!), but I did see Amanuel, who just walked by, so he didn't really stay either. It was pretty fun, but I wish we had gone on longer. I guess the rest of the trumpet players had sore chops. It made me want to be able to take on higher parts next year so I can start to give them some breaks and maybe then we can play longer sets.

Important information:
So you know how I get back from Alaska on the 24th and leave for Vegas on the 26th? Well my favorite great aunt and uncle (who are not doing too well) are getting moved into a nursing home by their daughter. They'll be moving to Sequim from Selah, so I'm going to go down there probably by myself on the 25th-27th(my birthday) to help them move. On the birthday thing, it's no big deal. I was thinking it would be an excuse to see people again, but I'll have other birthdays and we have a full summer of days to get a big partay going. So yeah that's the skinny. Between June 20th and July 6, I will be home on the 28th and 29th. DnD on one of those days?

Monday, June 01, 2009

Them honkeys

My title has nothing to do with anything in case you were wondering. This past week was rather good, but the non-homework quarter I had been having so far finally caught up with me and I was actually given homework and it kind of shot my Sunday all to hell, but oh well. I did get about 10 free Sundays before this, so it was worth it, I would say. This week, it looks like I will be doing more work at my aunt's house especially later in the week and I believe this weekend I'll be over in the Tri-Cities for a special mass for the year anniversary of my grandpa's death. Other than that, if you want to help on the work at my aunt's house, first of all, I don't know if we are going to have anyone help because I don't know how much help my second cousin and I will need and second of all, the work would be spreading bark one day and gravel the next (in different areas). Other than that, not much to say so let's get on to the week.

I didn't do much because I had no band that night, so after I made the post, I just played some Guild Wars.

I showed up to Law and we learned that a couple people had cheated by copying off their friends. The evidence was clear, 4:15 out of an hour time limit and they still got 22/25. I did poorly on the test, so I was happy to do the retake and I actually am glad someone cheated. During my lesson, my teacher brought some new mouthpieces along for me to try and they weren't really good. I like the one I've been borrowing during class though from our section leader.

I had an appointment to get the truck's oil changed, but that soon turned out to be much more. I took the truck over there and then walked to my aunt's house to help her fill up her yard waste while there were guys cleaning the windows. I later got called from the mechanic and he said that the brakes were totally shot (I trust him because the truck has gone to that shop for all of it's 16 years it's been in the family). I later got to see just how shot the brakes were (completely), but anyway, I had to leave it overnight, so I borrowed my grandpa's car since he wasn't using it. When I went to grandpa's house, I helped him set up this old Dr. Pepper clock that he had. When I plugged it in, the second hand started going backwards and so did the hands soon enough. Grandpa said, "Try plugging it in upside down." I chuckled and did it, and then was surprised to see that IT ACTUALLY WORKED WTF??? I've never seen something do that before and I had a good laugh about it after that.

I can't remember this day at all. All I know is I had to take mom to pick up the car which had had it's oil changed at the dealership during the day sometime, so let's assume I spent the rest of the day playing Guild Wars.

I went from school to get grandpa at Costco where we had lunch before going back to his house. After I dropped him off, I picked up Orion and we went to my aunt's house to load a bunch of drywall and wood and junk into the back of the truck. We got .42 tons in on that run, so that was pretty cool. After that, we loaded it up again mostly with recycle stuff, then Orion had to go home to dinner, so I dropped him off on my way home.

I had to get up for my last service learning event. Luckily, I had enough time logged in that I got to leave half an hour early! After being stuck in traffic, I managed to hit up the UWB frisbee game just in time to watch them lose the first game. I got to play in the second game. It was fun to play ultimate again and I even had a catch for a point at one point during the game, so that was cool. Unfortunately, we lost that one, so that was the last game of the day, which was ok because it was really hot outside. After that, I played some Guild Wars with Steven and then I went to bed because I was pretty tired.

I started doing my law essay for the service learning since I had just finished the learning the day before. I wish my service learning had ended earlier so I could have started the essay earlier because it took me 6 hours to write, primarily because I had to find specific cases relating to specific legal issues, which took a surprisingly long time. I thought I was just going to have to cite RCW's here and there, but I was quite wrong. That night, the jazz band had a performance at Tula's downtown near the pike place market. It was a nice venue in that I could actually hear every instrument. My only problem with it was that it was hot and I could barely see my music, but both of those were minor problems. If I couldn't read the part, I just sung into my trumpet. I got to stick around after that to see the band that my private lesson teacher plays in. They were very good from what I saw, but I had to cut out early to finish up some of that essay and a bonus math problem that took me longer than it should have.

Not much happened today. It was classes as usual. Our jazz band decided we're going to have a performance next monday around lunchtime in the courtyard, so if you want to come see it, go ahead (Jim wanted us to advertise). It would be around 11:30ish to sometime after that. I don't know what the timestamp on this post will be because I forgot I was making it and I must have gotten sidetracked by Guild Wars. Ah well, I have band tonight, so I should start thinking about what to have for dinner. Peace out.