Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer shall commence!

Hmm, so as I thought more about my last title, I figured the acronym will not catch on due to the Arena Football League (I've been screwed over by that league for the last time!). Anyway, last week was pretty fun mostly because the cool amount of stuff I did (mostly Starcraft). Anyway, before I get started, I need to lay out my situation for the summer because I don't know if anyone reads my posts since nobody comments and I figure the best chance of having you read it is by putting it at the beginning of the post, so here you go.

I am available this week until Friday when family comes over. On Saturday (6/20), I leave for Alaska for my cousin's wedding. I get back sometime on the following Wednesday (6/24). I am home during the day on the 25th until I leave that night for Selah, WA to help my great aunt and uncle move. I will return sometime late at night on my birthday, Saturday the 27th. I'm home and free on the 28th and 29th. On the 30th, I leave for Vegas for my cousin's wedding reception and I return sometime during the day I think on July 6. After that, I have nothing until August 15th, so pwnage can commence then. This week, I am free on Monday through Thursday, but on either Tuesday or Wednesday (only one of the two), I will be over at my grandpa's starting to clean his house before we have a yard sale sometime in the distant future. Ok, now for the week.

As I said, the Jazz Band concert was cool. Dan didn't have a cowbell or a snare drum, so he borrowed an unused music stand and took a solo on that at one point that was really cool. Afterwards, the 3 guy trumpet players, our girl bassist and our girl drummer met up at Super China Buffet for lunch. It was pretty good, at the very least it was worth the money I paid (which was not too much). That night, it was nice not to go to band. I celebrated by playing a lot of Starcraft with Steven and Keir since it was a dead day the next day.

I did a little bit of homework during the day, but the rest of it was spent doing Starcraft with Steven and Keir. It was the last Starcraft I would get in for a couple days though because I needed to study.

We had our Jazz Band "final" that consisted of eating donuts, listening to jazz and talking to Jim about what trumpets I should look into. It was probably the most fun final I will ever take. After that ended, I came home and studied up on law for about 9 hours. I wish people hadn't cheated on the test because since they did that, our final was taken offline, so we had to do it in person, which meant no notes (that he permitted online, but not in person for some strange reason). Anyway, my strategy at the beginning of the quarter was just take really good notes and don't worry about how much sinks in because as long as I have the notes, I will do well on the tests. Well since people cheated, I now had to use my notes (that were fortunately very good) to let a quarter's worth of material sink in. It was some not fun studying.

I had the law final. I feel like it went well because of my uber study session. I finished in a decent amount of time. After that, I went to register with my law teacher (who is my advisor) for summer and fall classes. I waited very long to register for summer, so all the classes are in the waitlists (I'm still hoping to get into two if my advisor ever emails me back so I can meet with him to sign up for classes ( I need his permission since it's not 15 credits)). Anyway, I was going to do Stats, Geology, and Accounting 202 all online, but Stats is way full. I might get into Geology and it looks like I will get Accounting, so that will be good to get 10 credits going. I did get signed up for the fall. I have psychology which I will hopefully be in Steven's class for, French (trying to take 3 quarters of it next year mostly just for fun (and to try to overachieve), microeconomics, and the two bands. Since my final was a midday final the next day, I studied, then got in some Starcraft. We had our first ultimate game after that and let's just say we did terrible.

I had my math final. It went pretty well I felt. When it was over though, I was sad to leave because I had the same math teacher this whole year and she was really cool, so it's too bad that I won't have her again. On the other hand though, I was ready for it to be summer already. I played some Starcraft with Steven and Keir, but then they stopped, so I took advantage of the Guild Wars weekend.

I finally finished moving my aunt out of her house. It took a dump run and a lot of moving, but she is out of the house completely now. I found some old albums she had including Are You Experienced, Breakfast in America, Bookends, and some other big names, so I will hopefully get to listen to those when we figure out where I put her record player. That night, there was yet another frisbee practice (I just haven't been mentioning them all), but as per usual, only Stashley, Orion, and I showed up.

That morning, I beat Ocarina of Time. I really liked the game, but the ending was kind of a downer. After that, I had a grad party to go to since we weren't playing DnD that day. After it, I went to go see Angels and Demons. I hear all the people that read the book QQing about how the movie ruins the books, so I'm glad I haven't read the books because I was able to enjoy the movie. Oh and I've decided, we are all going to see G.I. Joe when it comes out. It looks so awesome. After that, I had more frisbee practice, but only Steven, Orion, and Eric were there, so we played on the Shoreline Stadium. With all these practices, at least the four of us that show up will be good. It was good thinking on Orion's part.

Since I'm giving Davis' Gamecube back for the summer, I moved back to my 360 to pick up and do the games I have not yet played on it. I started the Force Unleashed. All I can say is the game looks really fun, but I'm glad it's not canon because it looks like the storyline and the things that happen will be completely weird. There's an imperial officer who never buttons up her shirt, you can use the force to uproot trees and crap (but oddly, you can't chop them down with your lightsaber, hmmm). Anyway, yeah the game looks fun and I will be able to enjoy it despite the fact that it doesn't do anything in the Star Wars expanded universe. I look forward to the sequel though that supposedly will be canon. Hopefully I get registered for my classes before I leave. Other than that, I'm cleaning the computer room todayf or company that comes later in the week, so I'll get back to that before frisbee then DnD. I'll post on Friday before I leave. Peace out.

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