Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm back, but I'm leaving in an hour again

Ok well I'm back from Hawaii. I actually got back at 4am on Saturday and then I've been busy[ish] since then. I'll make the post somewhat quick because 90-100% of my readers will not be reading this post until we get back from Seabrook. I posted some pictures below, but due to a combination of there were a lot of generally uninteresting pictures and my internet crapping out randomly, I decided to only post the few I posted. I'm going to make a facebook album of the whole summer (might actually take 2) in which I will post more of the scenery pictures. Ok now without further ado, I shall work into Hawaii, then post about it, then catch you up to right now.

We played some DnD and I believe it was at my house this time. It was really fun even though Orion almost killed me twice, once when he roundhouse kicked me in the face, leading to a guy falling on me and crushing me (not to mention the damage sustained from being KICKED IN THE FACE). After that, he told me to duck and I did, AND HE STILL SHOT ME IN THE ASS. In his defense though, it was a really solid hit, 8 damage. That knocked me out unfortunately and Steven was able to drag me to safety which was quite fortunate for me. After that, the three of us leveled up and such while Sai did his adventure to meet back up with us.

Our flight was at 1pm, so we had plenty of time to get to the airport. It was pretty crowded, but we got there okay. The flight over was pretty boring. I just watched Spaceballs (which it had been too long since I had seen it (almost one whole year O_O) and I played some Fire Emblem as well. We had dinner at our favorite spot, then went to bed.

Mom and dad didn't get that just because they weren't on Hawaii time didn't mean that Kathryn and I also weren't. They were up and ready to go at 6am and Kathryn and I, being teenagers, were quite frustrated at being woken up that early. We didn't do much that day outside of relaxing around the ocean and Lahaina. After walking around Lahaina, I had to rest my ankle which was having one of its days where it decided to hurt a lot. While I did that, the rest of the family went to the pool and I met them at the beach later. There was a pretty girl there that kept exchanging awkward glances with me.

We went up to Haleakala. It was surprisingly an all day adventure. It was really cool though. We drove through a cloud and even walked around in one. At the top, dad and I took a 15 minute hike down the crater and saw there was a path where you could walk down through the crater to the ocean on the road to Hana somewhere. It would be a day long hike probably and dad and I decided we want to do that hike next time we are there because the scenery was amazing there and it would be cool to walk around in a dormant volcano (though less cool than walking around in volcano cake). Not much happened after we got back because it was late in the day. For some reason though, the rest of the family went to sleep at 9pm, which resulted in...

...being woken up at 6am again!!!11 AUGGHH. It kept going like that every day. After I got mad at them though, they actually waited until 7, which while it is still bad, is far better than being woken up before 7. On Tuesday, we hung around the hotel most of the day and went in the pool, encountering and exchanging awkward glances with awkward glance girl yet again (shoulda gone and talked to her, but she was hanging out with her family as well). We also made it up north of the hotel a bit to visit this pool that is like a big-ass tide pool that you can swim in. It was a hike to get to, but a pretty cool thing to see. I made a bitchin rock sculpture while I was there.

We did the road to Hana and decided to hit up places we don't usually. The first stop was the red sand beach that some of you may remember was the nudist beach I mentioned last time I went. This time, mom and Kathryn came along. No nudists were there, but there was a hippie couple playing their guitar and ukelele. The second stop was Hamoa beach, this really fine sanded beach that is perfect for bodysurfing. It was so good in fact that I just did that for an hour until my family was like "Okay enough is enough, we have other shit to do." I wish I had stayed longer though because when we got to our next stop, I forgot to take off my sandles on the rocks. I have much better traction with my bare feet because they like to grip onto things I'm standing on. I was wearing my sandles and I didn't realize it and when my feet tried to grip onto the rock I was standing on, instead my sandles slipped and my right foot (WHY IS IT ALWAYS MY DRIVING FOOT??!!) fell into a kind of hole in the rock, hurting my ankle and breaking and damaging my toe. I got dirt all up under the nail, the end was purple after a while and I didn't realize it until the toe pain had subsided, but my ankle really hurt like crazy after that. It was at the place where people like to dive off rocks into the pool too, so I was sad to miss out on that as I usually partake when I'm there. After dad did a jump, we headed back to the hotel so I could apply my own brand of first aid.

We spend most of the day hanging around Lahaina or the pool. It was a very low-key day. When we were in Lahaina, I saw a kid that had the same face as me when I was 17 (pre-facial hair). The only difference was that he had no glasses, but other than that, his face was the exact same of mine. It was scary and I told dad to keep going.

Also a low-key day and it was because I wanted to stay off my foot as much as I could because it was hurting me. Our flight was a red eye flight and I was sitting next to two hot girls, but after a while, they fell asleep and it was pretty clear they were probably still in the later years of high school, so maybe it was for the best that nothing came about.

We got in at 4am and I got to bed at 6am. I slept until noon when Skyway's incessant meowing woke everyone in the house up. After that, I hung around the house until I met up with Sai and Steven at Sai's house for the Seahawks game. We picked up Sai's mom's dad after a misadventure in Ballard, then headed straight to the game. It was quite a good game and I think this year I'll forgive Seneca Wallace for whatever he did wrong in the past. There was a girl at the end of our row that looked like she had been dragged there by her dad, but we soon discovered she was actually a crazed Seahawks fan that yelled much much louder than anyone in our section. After the game finished, we were stuck in the garage for about half an hour waiting for the cars to clear out on all the levels below us. During that time we learned about Tibetan monks and Sai's hatred for the sleeping elderly ("David, how could you let that stupid sleeping lady in front of us?!!!?!"). Also, I forgot to mention that during the game, I saw on the big screen a hot lady being filmed and she was sexily swinging her hips around and I was thinking "wow can they really show that?" As the camera zoomed out, I could see that the guy next to her was repeatedly spanking her. It was extremely funny to see especially because she looked up in horror at the screen as if she did not know that she had been filmed just as the camera started to pull away.

Not much happened until the night when the four of us met up for some Settlers of Catan. It was fun repeatedly screwing over Steven.

Ok well I need to leave for Seabrook in about 45 minutes here and I have to go switch truck for car with my grandpa, so I guess I'll see y'all soon. Peace out.

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