Monday, September 14, 2009

Heh, it sure has been a while, hasn't it?

Why hello, I have returned to word posting. I originally planned on doing it last week, but then I posted the pictures and I didn't want to make a huge word post right afterwards and then from Thursday on, I was busy all day every day. I actually have some time to myself today by which I mean I'm working again, but I took the morning off and I won't work too long because I have band tonight (fun fun (not)). I also will have the luxury of working alone today, which will be a nice change of pace. I guess I'll get into the post then since it might be a bit long. In case you are wondering, yes, I am getting back into regular posting with the school year starting again next Wednesday, so expect new posts every Monday, or at least a very flimsy excuse why I didn't.

I think that was the day I played Mass Effect all day and "I'm pretty sure I'm right about that and that's that."

Dad and I met Grandpa for lunch and then dad left back for work and I took him home and cleaned up his house a bit more for the move that was coming up. That night, we had our last DnD session. It was short, but just long enough for my character to die. This wasn't a totally stupid death like my last character though (the one that crawled in a giant ant anthole and (surprise surprise) was killed by giant ants). This time, we were talking about how we had no leads on our main quest and then Davis told me I saw someone I recognized moving through the crowd. I quickly pursued him and it led to me being separated from the group and being alone. In retrospect, I should have realized that Davis was making it oddly hard to track down someone that I thought was so crucial to the plot, but oh well. My character's dead now and a very important item he was carrying is lost with him. My new character is going to be a druid because I decided it's time for someone else to be the meat shield in combat and also because I CAN BECOME A FUCKING DINOSAUR!!!!! Anyway, I'm in no particular hurry to get that character made though because we probably won't play until next summer anyway due to Orion's lame winter break schedule. If we're lucky though we might actually get one or two sessions in during our winter breaks, so I'll try to have it done by then.

I went to the Seahawks game with Grandpa. We were facing the Raiders and we totally won. It was a good game.

I woke up earlier than usual and picked up everyone and we went to PAX and got in the big queue to make sure we got our concert tickets. Eventually, Pyramid Head and Company showed up and we waited with them. Davis got PMed by way of inflatable ball while in the line and that was the only really interesting thing that happened while there. After that, we headed up to the expo hall because it was right in front of us. We looked at all the booths, then somehow everyone just split up which worked out pretty well. Sai got asked to pose for pictures and started practicing his new pose, just randomly putting his hand around the other person's (who was a stranger to him) neck. One girl told him he touched her inappropriately to which he responded "No, but I could if you want." It was apparently the Pewter Pyramid Head of +2 Confidence and -2 Perception (there were some rather comedic visibility issues).

After a while, we went to the LucasArts cantina to hang out and Davis and I got some greenscreen pictures. It was a cool room and I struck up a conversation with a girl who noticed my Mass Effect shirt. After a while, I had been away from the group for a while, so I awkwardly ended it and Orion said something that I forget but I remember we both agreed that if she was a bit hotter, I should have gotten her number or something. After that, the group split up again and then we were left with just the 4 of us and we headed down to the DnD place to play DnD. Our other two people didn't show up, so John and his fiance joined us for our second game with the cool dungeon master. We got 3 hours worth in, plenty for the whole weekend IMCO. We then had enough tokens to buy miniatures, which we held off on because they sucked on Friday. After going back into the expo hall again for a while, we went to break the DS world record which was hot, sweaty, stinky and too long. We at least broke it though, that was nice.

After that, we didn't do much until we went to the concerts. We came in late to the first band (Agamemnon or something) which was fine by me because I didn't like their music. We watched all of Metroid Metal. Ok so I'm not really a Metal type of guy, but I generally like Metroid Metal. I didn't exactly like this though because the room didn't really carry the sound very well and it was just a lot of noise the whole time and I just spent the time playing Fire Emblem. We headed home after that.

We got going an hour later because we didn't need to get in line for concert tickets that time. The added hour of sleep was much appreciated by my body and I'm sure everyone else enjoyed it too (those of us that actually were able to sleep through the night (probably just Steven and I)). When we got to PAX, we hung out around the top floor waiting for it to open, then went to PC freeplay for some L4D, which is pretty damn fun I must say. I kind of want to get the game, but I don't want to pay too much for it, especially since I pretty much beat the whole game over the course of the weekend at PAX. After doing that, we went down to the expo hall to do another swag run. Steven and Orion left during that time to do some Tetris thing and to watch (not sure what Orion was doing actually), leaving Davis, Sai, and I. We decided to go learn munchkins. They only had the superhero spinoff version which was really complicated and not very fun. On top of that, I had to pee, but I didn't want to leave and hurt Davis' feelings (at the time), so I was kind of not trying very hard to win. Eventually, everyone found us and we hung out as a group, then split up again after dinner.

While wandering around the expo hall with the four of us plus Chris, this weird lady in a walker comes up and she awkwardly lingers around Davis looking at his sign. Then she finally gathers the courage to talk to him and he explains the meaning of GLF (at that point for the 1,000,000,000th time) and she starts to walk away and I was awkwardly looking away and making an awkward face at Orion and I guess while I was doing that, she laid a kiss on Davis' cheek. Mind you, this girl was a total 203 (and I'm being nice). I turn away from her to hid the face of awkwardness I'm making at Orion when my bag hit something so I turn my head a bit more. I used my periphs to see that IT WAS HER STILL THERE. Hoping she didn't see the faced I was making, I kept turned away from her when suddenly, she plants a wet kiss on my cheek. It was terrible; if you know me, you know I have a thing about germs like that and that was just gross to get that. She then gives Orion a kiss too and during this, Chris and Steven have backed up and Chris just has this look of horror on his face. She then faces them with her back to me and asks for permission to kiss them. "Anyone want another one?" She said. I was like "I DIDN'T WANT ONE!" but I was too polite to say that out loud. She wound up giving them each one. I took the first chance I could to wipe the germs off on the next booth over. After that experience, I started carrying sanitizing spray with me in public areas. It was gross.

So yeah I wrote a lot about that up in that paragraph haha so as you can tell that was really the only notable thing that happened that day. The rest of the day was spent in and out of PC freeplay and console freeplay doing some CoD4. There were hot girls from bumbershoot on the bus ride back that were really nice, but the bus driver was not good and it was really hot and I had only eaten one meal at 2:30 in the afternoon that day so I was getting a little sick on the bus and I was not talking as much with them as I would have liked. Orion did well though, so not all was lost.

I slept through my alarm and woke up 5 minutes before I was supposed to leave. Luckily, I've practiced for that situation many times in my past when I get ready very quickly and I left only 5 minutes behind schedule. Steven had the same problem I did too apparently, but I'll still take the blame for it since Steven usually has to take the blame for sleeping in on things. Anyway, we got to PAX pretty late because we had just missed the bus when we got there by 2 minutes and they came every half hour.

When we got to PAX, Eric, Steven, and I went to the Old Republic Demo which was really awesome and we got FREE KotOR for PC! My favorite console game ever for free on PC, very awesome. After that, we went to go do some tabletop games. Orion left for packing and New York. Davis, Steven, Sai, Eric, and I checked out the Starcraft board game, but it quickly became apparent that we were not going to learn the rules even by the time PAX got out, so we set up an epic battle, then returned it and got Munchkins. It was much more fun this time around. I would definitely play it again, but I would not buy it. After that, we lagged around the expo hall until PAX ended. It was a good year this year and I was very happy with the swag I got.

Dad and I spent the whole day at Grandpa's house prepping him for the move on the 12th.

9/8 and 9/9:
I spent the whole days just posting pictures and playing Mass Effect or Guild Wars.

I called Grandpa to meet him at Costco, but he wanted me to come to the grocery store trip with him for Aljoya. I'm glad I went because I met this cool girl my age(ish) that works for the company and drives the bus. All the residents and staff are getting to know me now, which is a little odd because I don't live there, but it's fine I suppose. I also like hanging out with this girl while we're on outings because she's pretty cool and it gives Grandpa time to do whatever he wants. Anyway, after the grocery store run, we went to Costco for other things we needed and then we (I) worked more on packing his stuff up to go on the 12th. I stayed until around dinnertime.

I did pretty much the same thing again. I met my aunt at my Grandpa's house, then we went and searched for him, which didn't take long because he just hadn't left Aljoya yet. After that, we went back to the house and I packed and we waited for him to show up. After that, I kept packing until about 9pm.

I got up early and dad and I headed out to Grandpa's house and later my second cousin showed up, then my mom, then my cousin with his horse trailer. We actually got pretty much everything in one trip over to grandpa's new place. (Henceforth, the place referred to as "Grandpa's house" shall now be referred to as "My Aunt's House" and Aljoya is now called "My Grandpa's Place.") We took a while to get everything settled, but it's mostly figured out now. After that, everyone left and mom and dad had a dinner party with his boss, so I stuck around and had dinner with my aunt and grandpa. We picked up Kathryn from a birthday party after that and she came over to see grandpa's new place

I went to the Seahawks game with grandpa. It was a good game, though I wish Josh Brown had gotten some field goals because I needed him to for my fantasy team. After that, I worked at grandpa's house and had dinner with him (dad and mom and Kathryn were there too) until about 9:00.

Well today I had the morning off, but now I have to drop the truck off at the mechanic's, then I'll go over to my aunt's house and I'll organize the house a bit more, but then I have to come back because band starts today. I guess that's it for now, I'll see y'all later, peace out.

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