Wednesday, March 31, 2010

LAN and the Anteshed

Ok below in backwards order are the LAN pictures, then my visual aids of the Anteshed for my last post. Enjoy.

Steven playing 2 games of Starcraft at once.
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All those tanks are Steven's (both colors of them). No, I can't take screenshots of SC for some reason (which is an old problem) so that's why I took a picture of my computer screen.
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The scores after the game where Steven controlled 2 computers. He is the top two scores. Also note that I had a lower score than Ashley. Good thing score doesn't matter, righT?
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Davis probably explaining to Eric what he did wrong.
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Steven and Davis playing some Starcraft. I'm sure I was playing so I must have not had very good macro going since I took this picture.
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Sai and Ashley during their Tetron break.
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Davis happily making his pokewalker communicate with his DS.
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Sai being rugged and sexy.
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Oliver teh kitty.
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There are no candid shots of Sai....ever.
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Davis presumably frustrated at something.
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All 6 computers up and running.
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The brawl corner.
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Some brawl going on over in the corner.
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Davis talking to some chix0rz while doin some pokemanz.
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It's Sai again!
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Some more brawl going on and Ahmad hiding.
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Contemplating dinner while eating some grapes and wondering if we should try to vanquish.
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That dark space to the right of the shed is the anteshed. It used to have lights strung along the length of it, but they were taken out since they were both in the way and unsafely wired in.
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About 1/4 of the garbage that was located in the anteshed.
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After taking part of the roof off. The dirt and crap on the ground was not there before, it was all the shit piled up on the roof from years of not cleaning it off.
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This was the 3rd and smallest load we took to the dump that day. I just liked this one because we tied it down more creatively than the other ones by using an old awning.
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It kind of looked like someone had parachuted into the back of the truck.
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Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Cleaning and other Disgusting Events as well as some LAN

Well I had a rather nice spring break and a half and while I will post about my classes next week once I've had them for a little bit, I will tell you that after today I am thinking I'm going to really like this schedule. I am going to get a lot more free time. I had a pretty busy break (or at least it felt like I was doing a lot) so I'll get on with the post and we'll see how much I really had going on.

After posting I went to bed because it was about midnight.

I got up and had to take my grandpa to the "hug specialist" or whatever I called it last post and he got his tickled owie looked at. I stuck around through the whole procedure even through the overwhelming "sunshine" and "roses." The "roses" were too strong for my aunt so she had to leave partway through. It was pretty disgusting to watch the whole thing and I don't know why I did. Now his tickled owie is being held open by gause so that the "fairies" can leak out. He gets it reexamined tomorrow and I'm happy that I have school so I won't have to take him to see it again haha. After that, we took him back to his place where he was for some reason really hungy. I just sat around with him while he had a meal and I talked with the girls that work in the restaurant there that came by often since we were the only ones there. I also learned that a lot of the girls working there are my age-ish. Unfortunately, I decided dating them would probably not be a good idea for the same reason I decided not to apply for a job there. In case you're wondering, I am not working, I was just considering starting there if I wanted to start working. After I got home, mom said we were having hamburger and noodles which is suprisingly horrible to look at after seeing a tickled owie get hugged away.

I met Grandpa at Costco for lunch and then did some errands with him after that. I am worried that the girls that work at Aljoya don't think I have a social life since I come by once a week and pretty much every day during my break to see grandpa. On the plus side, I'm now on a first name basis with people and I can sign in using just my first name. Hooray for saving small amounts of time! I played Just Cause for the rest of the day.

I met Grandpa again at Costco because he was in the area. After that, I just dropped him off and went back home to play Just Cause. I spent most of the day doing that actually.

The big day of the LAN party at Steven's house. I got there early since I was bringing a bunch of cords/cables/wires and we were also making sure we could get all the computers to connect. It was a good thing we decided to do it early because it took a while, but eventually we started getting some good games in. First it was just Stashley and I then Eric joined and left soon after for work, never to return again. Soon after he left, Sai showed up, then people began to trickle in. A lot of good SC ensued and then some CS happened later in the day. It was really fun and I can't wait to do it again this summer. I did take pictures so I'll post those up later in the week, like Wednesday or something.

I spent most of the day cleaning out the backyard of Grandpa's old house which is now my aunt's house. He has a shed back there and between that and the fence, there is a 4-5 foot area where he covered it up and put his garbage in it. I dubbed that area the anteshed. Anyway, we've been chipping away at it for a long time and the surrounding areas. This last weekend and the weekend before were all about the anteshed though. We hauled away about 3-4 thousand pounds of garbage to the dump between the two weekends. I'll post some visual references for you later today or tomorrow. After that, I played some Just Cause.

I spent most of the day playing Just Cause and finally beating it. It was alright, but I'm going to send it right back into Goozex and I might not get the sequel. I just messed around on the computer for the rest of the day before taking Grandpa to 5 guys for dinner. It wasn't as good as everyone said, but it was ok.

I had classes and I'll go into those later as I said at the beginning of the post. I'm taking a break right now from SC with Steven and Peter and he's going to come back soon, so I'm just finishing this post while I wait. I'm liking playing SC again and I might wind up playing Guild Wars eventually, but perhaps not as much. I'll post later in this week with some pictures and next week is my blog's 5th anniversary so I'll be doing posts throughout the week. I'll elaborate more on that next week so until then, peace out.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3 months of pent up pictures posted

Enjoy, they are in backwards order for you. I start with pictures taken last January then work my way through SC2 beta to the Olympics to the Dash to Reno and that's about it.

Ok this is 3 months old, but I wanted to post it. I got to see Griffey at the Seahawks game I went to. It was super exciting.
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