Monday, March 08, 2010


"Homework Week" is what that means in case you were wondering. When you're reading this post, assume if I'm not mentioning doing something, I was doing homework right up until I was going to bed every night except Thursday night onwards. I did do a lot of homework on Thursday, but also some stuff I wanted to do. Anyway, I'll just make the post because I'm going to finish up my homework today so that I have more time tomorrow to play Starcraft with Keir (my once chance until summer).

Band was mostly just running through our songs. Before we started, Ken took me and the flute girl aside and told us the preliminary plan for transportation regarding this Reno trip. He suggested carpooling to and from the airport. Now being all gentlemanly and that, I was going to offer we carpool in my car, but before I could offer that, the other girl was just like "I'm getting my own ride." It was unexpected, but to be honest, I'm probably glad we're not carpooling.

I had the recording session for improv. It went pretty well except for my solos. They were mostly technically correct, but I was trying to mess around too much and I don't think they went well. This week, we get CDs of all the songs and get to listen to them in class, so I'll see how I did. If I like anything, I might even post some tunes to the blog. After the session, I went to meet dad at Key Arena for the Seattle University basketball game. I guess it was for the bank (since they make a lot of loans for Seattle U) and we had pretty good (and free!) seats. Most of the bank people left by the end of the first half though. When I say most left, I mean dad and I were the only ones left by the second half of the second half. There were 3 guys aside from us from the bank after halftime. They won, which was cool and other than that, it was just a good game.

I had to register for my classes. I'm only taking 16 credits, so it will be nice. Still more than the average student though. I got kind of screwed on sciences and have to take Human Biology, but I figure that's a small price to pay for not starting school until 10:30am. I will still have improv making me stay longer twice a week, but the other 3 days, I'll only be around campus for 2 hours (unless I hang out with the trumpet section some days). It will be sweet. After school, I was going to meet grandpa for lunch, but instead my time was spent doing about 9 hours of homework. Fun.

Our French class unanimously agreed to convince the professor to push the test back so that we would have more time to study our compositions. We were successful, so that was pretty cool. I went home after jazz and did some homework, but had to come back for the second improv session. I forgot my music and my sheet of the changes, so I had to write up the chart really quick and had to just wing it on the changes. I don't think I did very well, but I can't wait to hear how it turned out. After that session was over, I found myself looking at a lot of homework that wasn't due immediately. I started a bunch of assignments, but was unable to finish any, so I played a couple hours of Mass Effect 2 to cap off the night.

I didn't really get any homework done though I did try. I wound up playing a lot of Mass Effect 2 and Guild Wars because I had been doing a lot of homework all week and I figured it was time for some fun time. That night, we had to set up for the booster auction at Shorewood. All the rooms had to be organized and the way people were running around confused, you'd think my mom was the only one that knew what to do. While she was organizing 2 of the silent auction rooms, I took a swing at organizing the third which was something I had never done, but was surprisingly easy. I was amazed at how all it took to get people to figure out simple things was someone to take charge and delegate everything. I did that and used super-ocd-organization power to get everything running in that room just as quickly as mom did in her rooms.

Steven and I went to UWB's last winter league game. We did okay and the great weather was really a plus. I was happy to get back to Mass Effect 2 afterwards though. Later, I played a few hours of Guild Wars with Davis and we realized we had not talked in quite a long time. I also found out what my parents bought at the auction. Usually, they buy a lot of useless crap, but this time (er, I mean AND this time) they bought some really stupid looking art that are 'worth the frames they came in' (I'd like to take this opportunity to copyright that last phrase). One good purchase though was Windows 7 for 20 bucks! That was pretty cool. I can't wait to put it on this summer.

I met grandpa for lunch at Costco, then took him grocery shopping. While there, I came across a girl that could have been this one girl I've been trying to find unsuccessfully for years. She disappeared though and I never got a chance to ask her who she was. If you want to know more, just ask me. I don't feel like posting the whole story. After that, I hurried home and did massive amounts of homework before going to the Jazz Band performance at Tula's. We did okay. Definitely could have done better. After that, I did a lot more homework until I went to bed.

In Jazz Band, we sight read some tunes, including a really crappy samba adaptation of "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood" (Mr. Roger's song). Aside from that, I've been doing homework. Now Keir can't play anymore SC until tomorrow, so I'm doing more homework now so I will be able to play with him before I go to Reno on Wednesday.

I owe y'all pictures still, I know. I'll post them next week sometime since I'll actually have free time (it's finals week). Until then, peace out.

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