Monday, March 01, 2010

Now regular life can resume

Well the Olympics ended already. I didn't really get into them this year until late in the game (I go into it in the Saturday part of the post). I'm going to keep this post hopefully somewhat short as due to the band trip I'm taking next week, I am forced to add a lot of homework in to this week, which is also unfortunate because I already had a lot of things to do. We have our recording sessions for improv on Tuesday and Thursday for 3 hours each. Also, I have a basketball game on Tuesday, a haircut on Thursday, and band today. When I'm not doing those things, I'll be sitting here at my computer wishing I could find time to play some SC2 beta when i will instead be forced to do ridiculous amounts of homework. Fortunately, also due to the band trip next week, this is my last 5 day week of the quarter. I am excited. Next quarter, I'll be slacking off (slacking off for me, I'll still be taking more than 15 credits though) and it will not be as hectic as this quarter. Also, I'm looking forward to being done with this stupid-ass math class. The teacher is starting to get worse and worse. Actually, I have an assignment open right now for that class I'm working on. I'm making this post during the periods when I get mad at his lack of organization/general lack of anything good. Needless to say, I have to take those breaks a lot, so I'm getting this post done rather quickly haha.

Actually, I covered that last post. Let's move on.

I had a lot of homework to do and spent most of the day doing it. I managed to find time later in the day to do a very small amount of Guild Wars.

I had lunch with Grandpa at Costco, then we did some grocery shopping and he had to go back to his place to sign up for trips they take at his place (they go on tours all over the place) for events in March. He signed up and I did some cleaning and organizing of his place. After that, we went over to my aunt's house to finally and completely clean out the pod. Mission accomplished. Now we can get rid of it after almost a year. Actually, it should be getting taken away today.

I had an easy day in improv because we were just practicing the songs we signed up for for recordings with our respective groups. I enjoyed getting to stay up the hour later as it gave me some time to relax and have my first real afternoon off that whole week.

I tried to do some homework after school, but I wound up not getting all that much done. Around 5:30, the jazz band was playing for the school's benefit concert for Haiti. This concert was very poorly put together though. It was supposed to run from 12:30pm-9:30pm. All but 3 of the conductors for various bands were out of town (Doug included in the out of town group). We had no piano and the bass had no amp for the first song and after that, we just had some general suckery going on. Luckily, I don't think the 5 (7 if you include the sound crew) people in the audience really cared or noticed. After we played for half an hour, the students in charge told us we were supposed to play for an hour. Half the band had already left though, so those few of us that are also in improv stuck around and just played a couple songs we knew off the tops of our heads. It was kind of cool to get some practice in if nothing else. After that, our teacher for improv showed up and said the three of us remaining could do some improv songs with him, but in the meantime, he would fill some time with a 25 minute bass solo. During it, I decided that they wanted to play some more advanced songs (they were in the advanced improv class), so I decided to get out of there early since I had long since fulfilled my obligation to the people putting on the concert.

When I got home, I got some help installing the SC2 beta from Steven. I can now play against nobody any time I want. It's actually helpful and awesome to get to see all the units and have them attack each other and see how powerful they are. It's also good for testing builds and stuff like that. I took some screenshots and I'm not sure how good of an idea posting them is, but in the interest of "pix or it didn't happen," I'll try to get some of them up. Oh and for those of you that noticed, yes, I can actually take screenshots in Starcraft now. It's awesome. (they would always be corrupted when I took them in Starcraft 1 for some reason).

We got up early to go to the Olympics in Vancouver. It's a long story, but the short of it is I saw a report on the Holland Heineken House (which was the de-facto Dutch hq during the olympics) and I told my parents about it and that we should go see it. Somehow, that became a serious suggestion as mom wanted to go see the Olympics, but tickets were way too expensive to go to any events. People dad talked to said it was worth it to go and look around and be in the environment. I would agree, it was a pretty cool experience. We saw the cauldron, gold medal curling, the Dutch hq, and much more. I'll post some pictures (though I know most of you would really rather see the SC2 screens if you had to choose). I wanted to get to the Russian house, but the wait was over 3 hours to get in, so we decided against doing that.

I spent the day doing a lot of homework and most of that was writing an essay in French which took way longer than it should have.

I have been doing homework today and I will be during every free moment I get this week until possibly Friday afternoon depending on how fast I get through all of it. My very ambitious goal is to actually get some time to myself by Thursday night, but unfortunately that might not happen. Here's hoping though. I'll desperately try to squeeze in time to post pictures this week, but no promises. Until next week, peace out.

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