Monday, May 10, 2010

Not all at once now...

Another week, another group of not posting. Well, Davis did update his old post a bit, but it was something else that I was there for so I'm not going to count it. Ah well, I'm too busy today to bother you all individually about posting (not that I do that all that often anyway). Now Steven wants to play SC, so I'm going to finish up the post and get online because I'm still having a lot of fun playing it.

We have a guest soloist come from the marine band (the president's own band!) every year and we got the song he will play with us. It's actually a pretty cool song, which we totally deserved after the crap we've been doing. Only 3 more rehearsals though including tonight, so I can manage. We also have Victoria coming up soon.

In French, I got to take the test I missed. It did not go as well as I had hoped because I had not studied and I missed most of the unit. I still think I did pretty good on it though, but I was hoping for a perfect score or one mistake, which is what I usually pull off. In improv, we started sorting out the setlist for our gig coming up on June 2. It's a weekday, but if anyone wants to come see me and a bunch of other people try to be hip, I'll let you know the details. The new guys only have four songs, so the majority of it is us old pros playing and that will be cool. I have 6 songs though, including a few where I'm the only horn playing, so that will take some practice time.

After school, I met grandpa for lunch, then helped him get groceries and whatnot. After that, I played some good Starcraft with Steven and we got even higher on the 2v2 ladders. After a while, he had to stop, so I started my 1v1 ranking matches again. I won the first three, then decided to stop for the night because I didn't want to go win all 5.

I did my other two placement matches and thankfully lost them both (well I didn't try as hard in the last one because I had already lost and I didn't think I was a gold player). I'm in silver now for 1v1s. Steven had some problems with his computer I think, so I played some 2v2s with Ashley and we got into bronze division. It was what I wanted actually because it puts us against noobier opponents, so I can play random or any race I feel like.

It was a nice day, so Steven and I threw a disc for a bit, then went back to his place and played some Guitar Hero. After that, we played a little bit of Starcraft, then I had to go. I went and saw Iron Man 2 with the family. I really liked it. I don't want to spoil anything from the movie though, but I do want to say that there was something really exciting in the movie. When you see it, you will know what it is, then you can tell me and I can get excited about it at you. I caught a little bit of proleague after I got back, then Steven showed me a ton of kpop, including my new favorite kpop song. That's actually the christmas version, I think it makes more sense than the regular version of it. Either way, I listened to that song a lot during the weekend as well as a bunch of other ones.

I spent most of the day working on the last few achievements that I could actually earn on Fable 2. They broke the rule that you have to have at least 1000 gamerpoints available without buying DLC. The Godfather 1 broke that rule too, but I really enjoyed that game, so I didn't care as much. I was pretty annoyed with Fable 2 though because Peter Molyneaux is an evil man. I might still get Fable 3 though :/.

It was mothers day, so we did a lot of the mom related things around the house all day. I cooked the special super spicy roast for dinner and Kathryn made a dessert. Around all that, I got the last achievements for Fable 2 and I'm in the process of Goozexing it away from myself now.

I had one of those days in French where I just got everything and felt like I was becoming fluent (those days are nice). In Jazz Band, we had another sectional. Now I'm about to go play some SC with Steven, so until next week, peace out.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

ah, now i know what that whole "bo peep" reference was last night. Oh, the joys of asian pop music.