Monday, May 17, 2010

This week was far more interesting than the last one

At least it seemed that way to me. I have to get to work on my project again today, so I'll try to keep this somewhat concise so as to maximize time I can spend doing fun things later in the week by working on my project more today. Oh and before I forget, one of the links in my last post is now defunct as YouTube took down the Bo Peep Christmas Remix (search for that if you want to find it, it's the second or third one down (they're wearing Christmas outfits)) due to terms of use violation.

We used all the time in band, having no breaks and playing up until 9:30 which we never do even though the class is listed as going to 9:30 each week. The second half was playing marches and other music and me raging about how I hate John Philip Sousa. The ultimate poetic justice would be John Philip Sousa getting beaten up by a French Horn to the "oom pa" rhythym he gives us in every song.

I went back to listening to classic rock because I figured I had been listening to far too much k-pop that weekend. I got some good Starcraft in with Steven after I finished a couple things for homework. Also, Steven found out there was going to be a bnet reset, so I decided I wanted to get my 50 2v2 terran wins picture before that.

I met Grandpa for lunch at Costco, then took him grocery shopping where we found a pretty good deal and got about $45 worth of stuff for about $22. After that, I got in some sc with Steven, but not a lot. After that, I tried to start working on my French project, but did not get very far.

In improv, we've been trying to nail down who's doing what for our upcoming gig on June 1. During the rehearsal of one of the songs, the other trumpet guy from Jazz Band (not the new guy that's just in improv) and the instructor got into an argument and he stormed out of the class. After that, the instructor, who was pretty mad at that point, called me up because I was in the next song. I wanted to go after my friend who had left, but I knew better than to further piss off the teacher, especially since my friend is auditing the class and I actually need to be there for a grade. I didn't want to be the only horn playing the song that he was supposed to play with me, so I suggested our singer come up and see if she could sing it. She didn't want to sing the first time, but I think she sensed how desperate I was to relieve some of the awkwardness in the room so she came up and stood next to me while I played which was really nice of her to do. I can understand why my friend left and all, but it was pretty late in the game and now all of use players have to shift around and fill in the gaps in our performance. I know we'll get it done, it's just going to be more work than I had anticipated. It was also the first time I saw anyone really lose their cool at SCC. Now I'm the featured horn in improv, so that's sure going to be interesting for me in the upcoming weeks. After I was done playing, it was time for the lab and I didn't have to stay for that. My lip was kind of tired from trying out first trumpet parts, then playing a pretty chop busting improv tune and also, it was just plain awkward there, so I got the hell out of there as fast as I could.

In French, we were signing up for our project presentation dates. I wanted to go a week from that day, on the second possible date. As we were picking, nobody was really going for the first day and there were some worried looks, so I decided to bite the bullet and go on the first day, which is Wednesday. I figure that this is a good week to do it because of the looming reset, I didn't want to add to my record if I'm going to lose it soon. Also, the sooner I finish this, the sooner I have virtually no homework the rest of the quarter. After school, Steven and I got some SC in, but he got frustrated from a lack of food and from my lack of macro. I don't know why, but I play worse when I'm on a team with him. I'm trying to figure out why that is. I was three wins away from my 50 2v2 terran wins, so I did a game with a random person, then signed off for a bit. My family decided they really wanted to watch Avatar that night, so I joined them. It was terrible, I don't know how they actually had so many fans. It was 2.5 hours of a movie that should have been an hour and a half, no more. After that, I signed back onto the beta and got a couple wins with Ashley for my new picture.

We took Grandpa to lunch and then we went to my aunt's house to try to find some stuff that was in the shed, but we gave up because I packed it so full of junk again that it's impossible to get in. I really am just like Grandpa after all, I suppose. After that, I went home and started up Ace Combat 6 for the second time while I waited for Steven to be ready. Last summer when I played it, I was super sick and I don't remember liking it. I figured it was probably because I was sick and I was right. I like it more this time, even if the checkpoints are really inconveniently timed. I also skyped Davis for a bit before walking up to Steven's house to play some frisbee. After that, we came back and played Guitar Hero for half an hour before watching proleague. We mostly stuck to the CJ vs KT match because it was the most interesting. There were some cool matches including Flash losing to Effort, Skyhigh and ForGG's super long TvT snore-a-thon, and Flash losing AGAIN to Snow! That was pretty funny to see. After it ended, it was 12:30am, so Steven gave me a ride home.

Orion was back, but he had something in the afternoon, so I spent the early afternoon doing a lot of homework. After he got back, Steven and I met him at Shoreline A&B for some frisbee tossing. After that, we went back to Orion's house for a family barbeque. During that, Orion called Davis David. I made sure to make a big deal out of it though, so don't worry Davis. I think I also impressed/creeped out Orion with my facebook stalking skill. After dinner, we played Sega Soccer Slam for a bit until we actually beat the computers. Then, I had to get back home, so we all split up.

I found out in French from the girl in running start that Shorewood prom had a chocolate fountain this year. Nora and I were pretty surprised at that since our grade did not get one. Aside from the funny prom stories, it was a rather uneventful day. That was, until I got home. I had a little boo-boo with the barbeque and totally singed one side of my hair. Well, not totally, I mean I burnt out a lot of it, but fortunatley, that side had been growing really fast so now my hair is just evened out. Sometimes you get super lucky. Also, I'm really glad I didn't burn off my facial hair or eyebrows. That would have been devastating.

Ok well I'd better get back to work on my project. I'm hoping to get all my work done by Wednesday afternoon so I can pwn it up some more. I take Grandpa to Costco on Wednesdays, but after that, I'm free. Also, this weekend I will be in Victoria. I'll try to take pictures since I have really nothing better to do. At least we're only there overnight. It's unfortunate Orion was back this weekend though as I lose the whole weekend to Victoria. This is the last time though, I am determined not to go back for many many years. Peace out.

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