Friday, October 22, 2010

Pigott and the Math/Science Building

 On the third floor of Pigott, they have these little balconies where you can sit around and work. They're separated from the adjacent hallway by a wall, but they are open to the main area of the building. Because of that, I refer to them as the opera seats as they are somewhat similar to those. This remains my favorite place to hang out on campus as once you enter one, it seems that people are reluctant to come in with you even though there is room for more than one person. Unfortunately, there are only three so it takes a bit of luck to get one in the afternoons. I am making these posts from one of these.
 This is a huge 2 story Chahule (sp?) piece in the main area of Pigott. To the left on the upper level are the opera seats I previously mentioned. Pigott is my home building and I must say, I lucked out. It is not as pretty as the Sullivan Building (law building), but it is definitely the best building on campus for places to sit undisturbed.
This is the Math/Sciences building. The hallway in this picture is actually underground and those skylights are just coming up from a garden that is on the 'roof' of the building. This building is always very quiet, I rarely see other people in it. I would spend more time there, but the seating situation is horrible. Yes there are plenty of benches, but they are not great when you want to be doing a lot of studying/homework and on top of that, they aren't comfortable.

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