Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Sunny!!!

If you don't know what I'm talking about in the title, it's probably for the best (though feel free to ask I suppose). This will be the first of hopefully two updates this month. Around the next time I would be thinking about posting, I will be freaking out about the LSAT and I might delay a post until after it depending on how I feel. In this post, I don't think I'm going to say much about my classes because all I would wind up saying is how each one of them is assigning me a project. Again, I'm working on studying for the LSAT, so having those projects is an added challenge. For my growth class, I have the group paper that involves a lot of econometrics and other fun mathy things like that. The idea on it is hopefully all the reports are able to be published with a little bit of work over the summer. In my IPE class, we have a theoretical paper coming up. It has to pertain to an issue in the international political economy and has to be written for an executive at an NGO. I don't think it will get read by one, but having to write for that audience is a new challenge. The third project is my least concern, it's a paper on any topic we want from business ethics. There's a standard prompt about Wal-Mart, but the professor encourages us to go ahead and do anything we want if we are not inspired by that. Being the moderate achiever I am, I have decided to do whatever I want which will be a bit more difficult, but more enjoyable for sure. And that is all I am going to say about my classes.

There is only one tournament left this school year and since Kathryn had confirmation this weekend, I was unable to go to it. The past few weeks since the tournament, I haven't been going to frisbee very much. I've only really been able to make it on Sundays because on Fridays I have felt like I didn't need to go since I wasn't going to the tournament. On top of that, I decided that I was better off using those 3-4 hours (including driving times) to study for the LSAT and/or work on my projects. On Sundays, I've been going to pickup games at Magnuson park with Steven, Eric, and Chris because I prefer to play with them.

Kathryn had her confirmation today. It was pretty meh. Aside from maybe some weddings here and there and funerals, I doubt I will find myself in a church again. The ceremony went pretty well. It was actually not such a bad process because Kathryn's friend who is Josh H.'s sister was also getting confirmed so when sponsors had to come, there was someone cool there to hang out with. It was also nice because we seemed to have equally cavalier attitudes about the whole process.

Guild Wars:
Jen (the guild leader (and my facebook friend!)) has been off doing alliance battles with her friend recently, so she hasn't been doing as many money earning DoA runs that have coincided with my schedule unfortunately. Still though, her or some other guildie has been online and talking with them while vanquishing has made the whole process a lot less painfully boring. Since I caught up on a youtube series, I've been doing homework and some Guild Wars stuff during my break between classes now. I'm earning a lot of money and I am quite certain I will be done with Guild Wars altogether before I turn 21. In other gaming news...

I've gotten back into playing. The more I play SC2, the less I care about Guild Wars. But then I see that Hall of Monuments calculator and I have to finish it. I've been mostly getting in time with Keir, but having Steven involved also has been fun when we are able to do it. I missed SC during winter quarter, especially the part where Keir and I bicker incessantly during a match. We're not that great yet, but we took a lot of time off and what can I say, Guild Wars really does not hone your videogaming skills (though when I went back from SC2 to Guild Wars, I got a lot better). Last night, Steven and I were playing some games against computers, working on our 6-pools when Steven accidentally clicked on "Find Match" instead of "Coop vs. AI." Neither of us noticed during the loading that there were human players and it wasn't until our zerglings were attacking and we saw they were walled off that Steven realized they were humans. For people that don't know, 6-pool is pretty generally douchey and we felt pretty bad, but at the same time it was funny that the mistake happened and that we were able to beat them. After that game, to add to the moment, decided it we deserved to be placed into diamond. So that is the story of how Steven and I are in diamond for 2v2s (not that it's a terribly impressive achievement, just that we definitely didn't deserve it after 6-pooling). I can't wait until the summer when I have nothing but time for SC2 and I definitely hope I can get back into the culture before going over to Korea. I'm already getting into pro games again and I discovered they still do Broodwar matches, so I might start watching those again too when I get time.

Game Nights:
They have been going well. Eric recently got Settlers of Catan, so I expect that to be fun in the future when we continue to play it. In other games, Steven and I are often able to make deals by me giving him something in the board game in exchange for something in Guild Wars that I can use to fund my Hall of Monuments run. I try not to be ridiculous about it though, I want to put up a reasonable fight to win in the board games to make them more interesting, but if I have enough to spare, I find making those deals is very good. For example, we were playing Life and I had the high income. With that, I was clearly doing well, so I offered to pay Steven's college loans in exchange for Guild Wars money. I can't wait until we play Risk next. I'm going to be a super assassin.

Our campaign is going along pretty well. We're only two sessions in so it's hard to tell what exactly the overarching story is yet, but I think we have an idea. Our spellsword is starting to learn how to play her character. I like to think Chris is learning his as well, but then he does things like shoot at a ghost with a crossbow unsuccessfully......twice. At least Steven and I are there with some good DPS although we are also the ones getting messed up a lot of the time too. I think the only real downside to Steven's character is his speed. Other than that, he is good at tanking and dealing out good damage.

That's all for now. I don't know if I forgot anything, but I should really finish this work. I'm reviewing papers for our group essay. I've actually been doing that throughout this post between writing sections. The papers are 30 page walls of text followed by 8 pages of regression data, so I've found it has been easier to take breaks between essays. For this project, I'm reviewing 10 this weekend and my partner is doing the same. I then have to review about 5-10 more for my IPE project that I'm doing alone. many weeks are left in the quarter? Ah well, once again, Happy Birthday to Sunny and until next time I post, peace out.

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