Monday, June 20, 2011

Guess I have nothing stopping me from updating.

Well it's been over a month. Oops, I guess I kinda forgot to post. I've been out of school for 10 days now (clock just hit midnight) and I suppose the first week and a half of break was spent just appreciating that nothing was on my plate. But I do want to keep record of all the important things that have happened to me in the last month. I can only hope I have not forgotten most of the stories. I'll get through school stuff first I suppose then get into other things.

Business Ethics:
This class turned out to be a good one in the end. I enjoyed the first half a lot more when were were talking about philosophies and cool things like that. Eventually, we went into globalization and environmental sustainability which was less exciting for me, but was still good. For the final essay, we were given a prompt for this case about Wal-Mart and we also had the option to do our essays on another topic if we so desired. I decided to do a report pointing out critiques and then ultimately defending Rawlsianism (a more logical version of Utilitarianism to keep it very simple (I discovered that I subscribed to Rawlsianism without even knowing it over the course of the quarter)). I think the professor was impressed at my choice which was cool because he would point me in the right direction for interesting essays and opinions on the topic. It was very helpful and I guess my report was well received because I got a good grade in the class. Also, he agreed to be a recommender/evaluator for my law school applications which was super excellent as well.

International Political Economy:
This class ended up like the one I had with this professor last quarter, I wound up enjoying the class. The individual research report was kind of a doozy though. We had to write a 4-5 page (double spaced thank goodness) research report on the topic of our choice that pertained to the international political economy (if it sounds really open ended, it was). I had a lot of trouble nailing down a topic at first, but eventually just chose to write about food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. I went a little gung-ho with the project and went well above and beyond the guidelines. While the project was really a glorified literature review, I actually did a legit research report complete with graphs and all that good stuff. In the end, my report wound up being barely contained within 6 pages (even after extending the margins to allow more text on the page). Oh and by the way. that was single spaced. So my report was over twice the length required. From my final grade in the class, it looks like I got a pretty bangin' score on it. In addition to that, I turned my project in first, 2 days early. I did it in order to win favor with this professor in the hopes that I could ask her to be a recommender for law school apps (she was my first choice for recommenders because she's pretty highly regarded in the department). To my great excitement, she said yes. That was the highlight of the week for me (and keep in mind, this was a week in which I relieved myself of having the stress of 3 projects, a final, the LSAT, and the same week in which I began summer vacation (it was that exciting)).

Economic Growth:
Well this class picked up once the first half was done. Eventually it became just a freetime on laptop while we learned about how to write research reports. During that time, my partner and I would work with our own data or if we were bored, just mess around on laptops for an hour before getting out. In the end, our report came out very well. I don't know when/if we hear whether he wants to work with us (or any papers this quarter) to try to get them published, but I don't particularly mind either. Both me and my partner are in Korea this fall, so we're going to be kind of busy if it comes up.

I didn't go much after the last tournament that I went to. There was one more the team had, but it was on the same weekend as Kathryn's confirmation so I couldn't go. During some practices, some of the guys on the team made comments about how they wished I was there, but I think it was just polite talk after I made a good play during scrimmages. I do know that they could have at least used me there for the camping part of it. They had a lot of good horror stories about tent fails and stuff like that that might not have happened if anyone that knew how to camp were there (yes fellow Eagle Scouts and readers of this blog, I know enough about camping to get by...). It's too bad I'm going to miss the first half of the season next year, but I look forward to rejoining the team when I get back.

Kathryn's confirmation was pretty nice. I got to catch up with Josh H. while I was there because his sister (who is a friend of Kathryn's and who he was sponsoring) was also doing it. It was just nice to have another person there with as cavalier an attitude about the whole thing as me. I realized that the service was the first one I had been to in that church since I had been confirmed in 2006 and the first time I had been to a church service since June of 2008 around the time my grandfather died. And I have no plans to return to church any time soon. My family likes to give you a free pass once you go through confirmation and since you're then an adult in the eyes of the church, you can make your own decisions. We get confirmed to appease the older, more devout members of the family, but they don't care if we don't go to church every Sunday (or at all) so we don't. Don't worry, the irony of getting confirmed in my family is not lost on me.

The class seemed to have helped me in the LSAT. I went into the test feeling pretty confident, having lifted my score up to levels that would work for applying to the UW. The test itself was rather good. To anyone reading, if you're going to take the LSAT in the Seattle area, do it at Seattle U. The conditions were top notch. I don't know how much else I can say about the test given that I signed a confidentiality agreement, but feel free to ask me in person about it and I definitely won't tell you ;).

Keir and I have started playing Starcraft again. We're burning through the 4v4 ladder, but mostly getting burned. I've done some research and found out that people are having similar problems to us, less than strategic allies. We're trying to find ways to more or less carry our team when some moron decides to tech to battlecruisers that either never see the light of day or die within 30 seconds (highlight was the mothership that actually lasted 4 seconds before it died). So far, we have been unsuccessful, but we will keep trying. Also, I will soon be done with Guild Wars forever. I swear the more I play that game, the more I just want to play SC2. When I finish Guild Wars, it's onto 1v1s for me and I shall begin my progress towards my 750 Terran wins to get back the picture that was stolen from me after the beta (battlecruiser profile pic).

Other stuff:
Jack was in town recently which was fun. I missed having someone around who constantly reminds me that I need to get a haircut. But seriously, it was nice to see him, it had been too long. I enjoyed the few times I got to hang out with him and Davis. We also saw Rosa and Lucy one day which was fun. I got to show off my picky eating skills by finding a restaurant that was considered a good place to get seafood despite me not eating or liking seafood. In case any of the four of you were still wondering, I knew about that place because my mom's family always liked going there when they would come visit my parents in Magnolia. Soon after they moved and occasionally today, that side of the family suggests going there when they're in town. I usually approach it from the other side (since we live that way) and its really one of the only things I know about in that part of town. Along with Jack being in town, I mentioned this, but Davis was in town too. We got to do an SC marathon day with him and Keir which was pretty fun. We messed around in Bronze and got fewer wins than we should have, but that was still fine. Happy now-belated birthday by the way Davis if you find yourself reading this.

Now not much is going on. I'm eventually going to start the big load of work I have to do around this house, my aunt's house, and my grandpa's apartment sometime soon. Orion comes up this week actually, so I don't know what my full schedule will be. I'll try to work on days when he does if he does. For now, I'm staying up to watch a tournament (SC2 of course) and it starts soon, so I'd better get going. Until next time, peace out.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

Just fyi, I wouldn't really expect 7 drinks to get you drunk David. Especially if it's over the course of the night.

For instance, I got solidly drunk last Friday night after ~9 drinks (4 beers, 5 shots). Clearly a manlier, more caucasian man like yourself would require more to get schwastey.

Perhaps consider 4Loko, a shorter time frame or +liquor/-beer.