Monday, January 30, 2012

New classes and things I forgot to mention

Now that I've completed a few of the class sessions, it seems appropriate to comment on them. It's actually weird to think that I just have about 12 classes left for each one (time flies when you stack them all on two days of the week). On that note, I finally met someone like me. He happens to be in all three of my classes with me and we gave each other props for being hardcore enough to have all our classes on two days of the week. It's bad on the one hand because I have about 8 hours of class going on those days, but having those four day weekends and Wednesdays off is a pretty fair tradeoff. After I get done with the classes and frisbee, I'll hop onto a couple subjects that I forgot to mention in my earlier post that were quite noteworthy.

Asian Economic Development:
I signed up for this class first because I figured it would be a good class considering I just came from Asia and studied economics there. I was already looking forward to it before I found out my favorite teacher was the professor. I'm now in the cool circle with her because this is my third class with her. Many people usually wind up in her class once then avoid her like the plague, but I like her. This class is actually not bad, but it can get dry at times mostly because it's the first class of the day. I think I'll do well since I'm now quite used to her teaching style and this time around, I have more knowledge on the subject which means more participation points if I am so inclined.

Economic Strategy and Markets:
This class has turned out to be a more micro based course (I don't know what I expected...) which is nice because I greatly prefer micro to macroecon and this is the first micro based course I've had since I took microecon which is the first class that got me down the economics track all the way back in 2009 fall quarter. The professor is a nice guy and his class is organized well, but sometimes I feel behind in the class because prerequisites for the class are principles of microeconomics and business calculus and I believe that I am the person in the class for whom it has been the longest since they took those classes.

Videogames and Culture:
Originally, this was going to be a third economics elective because I thought I had to take one. I was not happy because that class was a Monday/Wednesday class, which made my classes split up awkwardly. Instead, I found out that I could take a core interdisciplinary instead of that course which I did not need at all and I happened to notice this one which fit perfectly with my interests and schedule. It turns out the captain of the frisbee team who is a good friend of mine is also in the class. As a Strategic Communications major, this class is a major-based elective for him, but it's cool to have someone I know well in a class for once. The professor is really cool and the class is going really well. My final paper is going to be about the economic prospects of the esports industry which is going to kick serious ass because of all the primary sources I am bringing back with me. We finished our first test recently and since I hadn't studied and his tests are organized very strangely (but he helps us figure it out after they are graded and constantly asserts that you can fail the first test and still recover well because the first test counts for so little of the test grade) it seemed that I had not done well because I got just one point shy of an A-. Then he showed the three highest scores (anonymously) and mine was number 2. I had to contain my chuckles as I could only wonder what the rest of the class did. This class is definitely my favorite of the three even though the other two are related to economics.

Other things:
I recently found out that the lump in my gums was due to having a dead tooth. I fell and chipped it back in 2003 and since then, it died. I had to go in to get a root canal which sucked, but we found out through the process that only one was dead, not two. That was good news since I didn't want to have to go back for a second root canal.

I've also been getting more into League, getting to play with Steven, Eric, and Chris pretty often. Beyond that, I've either been playing SC2 when Keir is on or just playing Skyrim by myself which is really fun. Until next post everyone, peace out.


Davos said...

okay, it's official: I now have to start playing League of Legends so I can play with you guys.

(also: be a dick about my not posting on my new blog)

Oreo said...

Dead Tooth David.