Wednesday, May 25, 2005

yay sc

after 2 weeks of not being able to play starcraft, i got a disc from steven and I can now play games again. Me and Jack did one, but I had to make for it to work because my comp doesnt like his one's latency still. At least it works though.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

first post of victoria

Well, we went to Victoria this weekend. It was fun, but it slowly got boringer. So boring, I had to make up stupid words like that to entertain myself. On Saturday, we got there and all and Rob, Willie, and I went in search of food. We got to about Chinatown(because no town is complete without china...) and found a place with pizza. Smelled good, tasted mediocre. It was good, yet very lukewarm. On the way back, we stopped at an ice cream store called sweet memories because it smelled nice. We ate dessert there. The next morning, I was determined to get everyone to go to Smitty's. Jack and Davis went running so they needed more time. Willie, Rob, Terence, and me all went there and made reservations. Unfortunately, Erik Molvik was stalking willie, thereby bringing zach and adam with him. Me and willie were at the front of our group and me and willie decided to turn the nice walk into a healthy jog, which turned into a healthy sprint, which turned into a successful ditching of the others. Not Rob and Terence because they caught on as we planned and came with us so it all worked out. Later that day, we all had to play on the steps which was cool since we went first. We had muchas freetime. Then the banquet. Yum. THat about covers that topic. On monday, we had the parade. I had my instrument too far down during a rest, I guess because Harshman suddenly got to yelling at me, which he later said was seven times. the truth was, he said it so fast and close togethe seven times, that when he was done, I was reacting to the first one. He's really been on my case lately, but I hope it's just pre-concert stress, which I will absorb until it is gone and he is happy again. Back to Monday though. My shoulders hurt by the end, but we had muchas free time. Willie and I checked showings of Star Wars there and they were at 12, 12:30, and 3:15. The later one was out of the question. The first one was too. If we were to make it, we had to got to 12:30. We left our stuff by the loading truck and it got loaded. With us, came jack and steven and chung and owen and some others too. We went to the joke store afterwards which was lame. Then I had to go to that grocery store one more time right before we left to get my dutch chips again, which was worth it. I'm definately coming back every year for those babies. There was also a darth vader street performer playing violin. Now since I am technologically inept and dont understand photo blogging, (or the correct spelling of pownage for that matter) if you want pics, look on davis or jack or orion's blogs. I dont have the like so ur on ur own. See ya suckers!

First One to make a post of victoria

Well, we went to Victoria this weekend. It was fun, but it slowly got boringer. So boring, I had to make up stupid words like that to entertain myself. On Saturday, we got there and all and Rob, Willie, and I went in search of food. We got to about Chinatown(because no town is complete without china...) and found a place with pizza. Smelled good, tasted mediocre. It was good, yet very lukewarm. On the way back, we stopped at an ice cream store called sweet memories because it smelled nice. We ate dessert there. The next morning, I was determined to get everyone to go to Smitty's. Jack and Davis went running so they needed more time. Willie, Rob, Terence, and me all went there and made reservations. Unfortunately, Erik Molvik was stalking willie, thereby bringing zach and adam with him. Me and willie were at the front of our group and me and willie decided to turn the nice walk into a healthy jog, which turned into a healthy sprint, which turned into a successful ditching of the others. Not Rob and Terence because they caught on as we planned and came with us so it all worked out. Later that day, we all had to play on the steps which was cool since we went first. We had muchas freetime. Then the banquet. Yum. THat about covers that topic. On monday, we had the parade. I had my instrument too far down during a rest, I guess because Harshman suddenly got to yelling at me, which he later said was seven times. the truth was, he said it so fast and close togethe seven times, that when he was done, I was reacting to the first one. He's really been on my case lately, but I hope it's just pre-concert stress, which I will absorb until it is gone and he is happy again. Back to Monday though. My shoulders hurt by the end, but we had muchas free time. Willie and I checked showings of Star Wars there and they were at 12, 12:30, and 3:15. The later one was out of the question. The first one was too. If we were to make it, we had to got to 12:30. We left our stuff by the loading truck and it got loaded. With us, came jack and steven and chung and owen and some others too. We went to the joke store afterwards which was lame. Then I had to go to that grocery store one more time right before we left to get my dutch chips again, which was worth it. I'm definately coming back every year for those babies. There was also a darth vader street performer playing violin. Now since I am technologically inept and dont understand photo blogging, (or the correct spelling of pownage for that matter) if you want pics, look on davis or jack or orion's blogs. I dont have the like so ur on ur own. See ya suckers!

Friday, May 20, 2005

yay sw

first of all, the reason I'm doing this today is because i was dead tired yesterday after 3 hours of sleep. I saw star wars and it was cool. There were a lot of losers there. There were some fat guys bulging in their chairs. Behind me were four or so nerds who talked about their internet connections for a while, then got to talking about how it would be cool to hook up a lot of xboxes to the movie screen so everyone could play halo 2. Of course that is not possible because there is no input changer to hook up the xboxes to. Idiots. Anyway, the movie was muy bien, or as davis would say, muchas gracias. There were some hidden things like the mellinium falcon. Ask me after you see it or it will ruin a small insignificant part(whether anakin and obiwan die). Anyway, also, they skipped the good stuff, i.e. Padme comes up to anakin and she's all like "this is a happy day annie. I'm pregnant." Personally, I'd be like WHAT? WHOS THE FATHER? HAVE YOU BEEN SLEEPING AROUND? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. but he's like this makes me happy. Later that day, I got three hours of sleep. At school, i said no to crack twice. Jack gets it. lol good times and good conversation topics. After school, the Apprenice. Donald Trump had that stupid smirk on his face because he thinks it's funny when he makes us watch commercials. In the end, he hired the surprisingly hot Kendra. Um. The end.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


im filling myself with as much caffeine and sugar as i can right before i go, then ill drop like a rock as soon as i get in the house, not missing a second of sleep.
man im wired right now. im actually trying to get hyper. This is difficult since i am too lazy to get hyper but its working ithink because if hyperpeoplerambleonandonandonandonandonadonoandfladjkhakjdfa. Gajarbanagarkdflgjar.
i cant wait for this.

sw power

STAR WARS TONIGHT FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Every Age sucks, except the iron age

I beat Age of Empires today, now I need to get Age of Empires II. Hopefully it will have better graphics so I can tell what they're doing in the movies and faster movement. It took me so long because even the fastest unit moves slower than ensnared marine, which is pretty slow. Speaking of which, my internet isn't accepting which saddens me because I have to find other forms of gaming, resulting in completion of games. Less than 1 week until Star Wars, and I'll be counting down. Currently, there is: 5 days, 10 hours, 21 minutes, and 16 seconds. For the time it will be exactly, there is also a clock on Go there if you want to find out how much is left.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Star Wars

Me and my dad got some tickets to the 12:01 A.M. showing of Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I might dress up , like the losers there will. I'm thinking princess Leia to look like an idiot and make fun of all the losers that dress up. They wont think it's funny. Those losers. Who cares this'll be tight!

Saturday, May 07, 2005


Well, on tuesday, I did something i think, but I can't remember. On wednesday, something again, but forgetting also. On thrsday, I watched survivor and junk. On friday, I played some starcraft and today on Saturday, I did a Skagit Bice Club thing where yu pick the length and ride it. As many of you know, both my knees are in muchas pain since it gets worse everyday, I complain about it. Anyway, I was gonna do a 50 miler for my "teriyaki patch of excellence," but on the way there, I decided to do that by running the flatter, 25 mile course twice so my knees wouldn't die. Well, unfortunately, I didn't get to do that. At the end of what I planned as my first lap, my knees were searing with pain like they were gonna pop out of my skin. Then I got home and the pain got worse, so now I am walking considerably slower, and when I have to get up from kneeling, I have to use my arms to lift me and my knees still hurt from not doing anything. I'm waiting for my dinner right now and it's almost done so I'm gonna give myself time to climb the stairs. I'm getting this problem looked at after I've had it for a couple months finally. Well, I'd better hope I can sleep off some pain. No biking for me for a while. :(

Monday, May 02, 2005

Happy videogame happenings

Well, I signed on to Halo2 on xbox live the other day to see if some friends were on. I found out that my old clanmates had quit and two new people from shorewood, one being Stefano's brother were in the clan. I then realized that since I was in the clan longest of us, I was the Overlord for clan SW Slaughter. the leader. The owner. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Then today, I beat phoenix on my calculator. I got a high score, second from the last. Bow down to weapon 5!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

No good title

Well this week was cool Monday yeah I golfed kinda boring. On the weekdays nothing much happened except going to school late for the WASL thing in 10th grade, but also me and Davis playing MORNING STARCRAFT hoo rah. Anyhow, on Saturday, I went to Maxwell's eagle project. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Later, Davis came over to spend the night. We played, I mean powned, on some Halo 2, then played some Nintendo 64. I accidentally broke some eggs too. Also, I must thank Keir, who gave my first comment. He's even three hours ahead and he beat all of y'all others to commenting. Anyway, on Sunday, I went to a birthday party at Old Country Buffet for my 98 year old great great aunt. That's pretty much it. Yup.