Sunday, November 27, 2005

Sorry I haven't posted about my life, but all the eventful things happened at once.

Yeah, so the 5 day school week after my last post was kind of, I mean really uneventful. Except for Jack announcing he was moving and for saturday, when we played the seadogs again. They got a lucky goal, and I say lucky because Willie caught it right on the goal line. Then Jake scored in about 20 seconds after that. We beat them 8-1, nothing special. So then, we have a 3 day week of school. On monday, we had shortened long classes since it was a monday and we are supposed to get out earlier. It was my odd classes too which are boring. We watched Lorenzo's oil in science. On tuesday, it was my easy even classes at normal long length, which is bearable. On wednesday, it was a half day that dragged on forever, but eventually we got out and i said goodbye to Jack since nobody wanted to have me go to the movie with them. That is ok though because I played a ton of Starcraft. I also tried to register our clan and only got to making a clan channel, which unless there is always a person in it, then it is pointless. On thursday, everyone was gone and so was I. My cousin had to work on thanksgiving night, so we had more of a thanksgiving lunch, which became more of a thanksgiving linner. I tried to finish a leftover bag of 24 dinner rolls on my own, but eventually got my aunt and cousins to help me out. On friday, there was some more Starcraft happening and that night, we had a big poker party. At the less skilled people table was Zack, Davis, Sai, and me. At the good people table, was Orion, Steven, and Jake. So I almost lost at our table, but when Orion was eliminated, we combined tables. Shortly therafter, Sai lost all his money to Jake and Jack lost all his money to me. Then, it was Davis, Jake, Steven, and me. Davis lost when he got pushed to all in and was eliminated. Shortly after I had like all the high chips, I lost a ton to Steven and Jake. I got a lot back from Jake, who bluffed like crazy, and when Steven went all in, I beat him and cleaned him out by around a black peice's worth. So then it was Jake and I. Jake went all in later with a Jack ace, hoping to beat me. I gladly accepted because I had two kings. Anyway, nothing good came up for Jake and I won. I guess all the online poker I played helps. On saturday, there was some more starcraft, then later, my family and I took Steven with us to see Harry Potter 4, which was pretty good, except I was wondering why, A: The death eater dressed like the kkk, B: Why the most evil guy is left handed, C: why they stereotyped russians so much, and D: Why MAD magazine said that everyone would get excited at Hermione's dress and not at the frech girl wearing considerably less later. Whatever though. After that, Steven came over while he waited for his mom to get home and we played some Xbox. It was a pretty good weekend I guess. I heard from Jack by the way on Friday and Saturday, on friday he was in Fargo, North Dakota. On sasturday, he was right near neenah, but they chose to stay a Eau Claire i guess. Oh well. thats all for now.


blitzmoose said...

I used to be on the seadogs before and while they were no good. I was the best person on the team, which kind of tells you something about their skill.

David said...

Sai. I was on that team as well, but the one im talking about was a different league

blitzmoose said...

Ah yes those were good days while we were on that team, but not that exact tem (just the same name). Was the team you beat better or worse than our old team? Does the name "Seadogs" automatically doom a team? what other questions exist as well?!?!?!?!