Sunday, May 07, 2006

I've been having to make this post in small incriments due to the busyness of me.

So on friday (the no party day), I was forced to (shudder) spend time with the family. That consisted of helping my grandparents around their house, being fed tacos, and playing some Rummicube. It might be rummikub, I don't know how they spell it in their wierd game land of making games. So on saturday, I can't remember a lot so I will assume that I played sc. That night, my family went to this play "mousetrap" that is a murder mystery. It would have been better if I hadn;t guessed the villain before the play started. On sunday, not much memory, so sc I guess. On monday, I went into bio and the bio sub was the sub I had just had in math on 5th period friday. That was very coincidental. There was a boring Jane Goodall movie. Later, there was the second edition of the hyper 11 year old army (scout meeting). Once again, Dave was being a fag and not helping. I saw him put the sign up and I didn't put mine up. When it got quiet, he was like "I saw SOME people in LEADERSHIP positions (reffering to just me) notice me put up the sign, but continued to not put up theirs. I almost yelled "Well, Dave maybe that's because I want you to STFU." On tuesday, not much, same with wednesday, thursday, and friday. I hear Keir thinks he did ok on his AP tests. On friday, Keir is like AP is done! SC weekend! I was excited at this, little did I know that I would barely get any time. So on friday, it was cut short due to a party at steven's house. It was cool, especially when I did extreme fishtailing with steven being towed on the scooter. I learned the joy of cs too and I must acquire it. So on saturday, I was going to start the sc weekend. Unfortunately, I was woken up to go "voulenteer"(the code word for forced) to set up the Strawberry festival. It was supposed to take an took 3. So then, I had to get stuff for my African art project. I got in about an hour of sc , then I had to "voulenteer" to take down the Strawberry festival. Took 1 1/2 hours. So then when I get back, I'm like yeah time for sc. Well dad says "Hey let's go to mission impossible 3."
"No thank's dad it's sc time."
"We need to all spend time as a family."
"Like we did for 5 hours today?"
"Come or ill bring along your sc cd."
"Fine im coming."
(it was a really good movie) We got arby's on the way there. We had one extra sandwich, so I said I would eat it in the theater instead of popcorn. I forgot. So anyway I still had the sandwich later.
I get back and it's like 10:00. Me, Steven, and Peter Kim play until 2. Today, I woke up and there was no lunch food. I got dressed and what was in my pocket? AN ARBY'S SANDWICH. I was like yeah I am so pr0 leaving myself stuff. So that was cool, then I had to play homework in the garage with paints for my African art project. Now, while the paint is drying, I'm taking and SC break. Peace out.


Anonymous said...

When I was in high school, I played Major Metcalf in The Mousetrap. I got a little carried away and confessed to the murder in the first act.

I was not in Mission Impossible 3.

zack0217 said...

Wow david, your fanbase really is expanding. Pretty soon you'll be leaving behind this bland life and move on to do bigger and better things. Like playing two games of starcraft at once!

Jack said...

well said zack.

Jack said...

qunfu! (quantum kung fu)

blitzmoose said...

I once forgot to eat food, and I had to throw it away. It made me sad.

zack0217 said...

I sat here clicking refresh until the word verification finally had qp in it. I should really find something to do.