Monday, May 15, 2006

This, sadly, is the best title I could come up with.

Yeah, so on monday, I didn't get in a lot of SC due to my rainstick making. There was a scout meeting, my last one until the first week of June (thank god) and after that, I have 3 meeting and one court of honor, then I have no further obligation to show up. So on tuesday, I brought in my rainstick and it was taller than other peoples'. On wednesday, I had to do my english essay because of course Mrs. Bemis thinks we need to do 8 reading logs, 3 tests, 1 large project, and 1 long report on a less than 200 page book to fully comprehend it. Well you know what Mrs. Bemis? WE DON'T! I also had this guy looking at my blog (Greg), who live kind of close to us here and all my friends have been bringing that up. I almost got a second gay stalker in the middle of the week somewhere. I think it was involving if Mr. Witt was to do blog checks like Mrs. Bonner, but I forget and I really could care less. On thursday, oops I forgot my Victoria paperwork. Luckily Bob said to get it to him on tuesday. On friday, Jake, Steven, Davis, Orion, Sai, Jack, Zack, Simon, a ton of others I don't want to mention, and Amanuel(fits in the previous category I guess) went to one acts. I primarily went because my teacher is like ooh extra credit for you. Unfortuantely I lost my ticket but it should turn up. Likely it will be nice and clean meaning I think it is in the washing machine now. On saturday, unfortuantely Davis pooped out of the 50 miler, which was ok because I got forced to go on the 25 miler because Red "might rape me" because you know I'm not bigger and stronger than him. That means I wound up doing a measly 25 miles. So I didn't shred up my knees this time. That was good. I still made it in time for Steven's party. There was poker, I did bad for once becasue I wasn't really getting my head in the first hand that screwed me over. Me and Stefano and Jack and Jake went to 7-11 since we had free time. After that, I had to go home and sleep. On sunday, there was mothers day parties for people so not a lot of SC. I had a "brunch" that was more like a brunner. That night, it was the Survivor finale and the hot girl didn't win, but the fag with the wierd hair. So after that I played an hour of SC and went to sleep. Today, I am doing my homework for some SC coming up.


David said...

Whoa it posted even though I closed the window because it took too long. Something is messed up with blogger.

zack0217 said...

I really don't understand why I sit here and read these.