Friday, June 30, 2006

Best. Commercial. Ever.'s that burger king commercial with the big huckin chicken. The full version of that.

And the back. Posted by Picasa

This came with Oblivion. It looks like the currency in the game I'm guessing. Posted by Picasa

Ooh and a leather holdster. Posted by Picasa

I got a RAZR! Now I can actually have a phone that lasts more than one call. I need numbers of people though because I didn't save to my sim card on my old phone. Just leave a comment with your number if I once had it or need to have it. Posted by Picasa

Huzzah, another Dutch jersey! This one is more publicly acceptable I assume because it is not bright orange. Posted by Picasa

Our good friend Peter Kim wanted a picture of this for some reason. Posted by Picasa

My finger getting pwned in the face was un-ultimate Posted by Picasa

The frisbee was quite ultimate last week. Posted by Picasa

Ok so you're telling me I fought through ghosts, zombies, monsters and the likes that looked scary and popped out at me and scared me only to have THIS GUY as the final boss? W.....T.....F MORROWIND? THIS GUY COULD BE ON TELETUBBIES AND THE KIDS WOULDN'T CARE. Posted by Picasa

For some reason when I looked out at the night sky last night, I thought it looked a little like the cover of Halo 2. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

School's Out For Summer 2

The 2 is because I used this title last year in case any of you hadn't figured that out. So on wednesday and thursday, classes were very pointless. Nothing really got done or started even. On friday, school got out at 10:40, so I had to rush down to the Syre 6th grade graduation to see my sister. When I got there, I met up with Carlee, Tara, and Andrea (not people we hang out with, but I know them well). They hadn't been let in even thougyh they also had relatives there. I decided to run home really quick to drop my rain stick off. When I got back, the thing was just ending. Some song and slide show they had showed really got to everyone. I talked to ED (Sister's friend's dad and friend of dad and I). He said Kathryn (stupid sister) started all the crying. He was right. It was funny because every 6th grader almost was crying. Some of the guys were really smart to splash water on their faces to look like they were crying. They got a lot of hugs from girls. I was like I should have thought of that when I was in 6th grade even thought there was no crying that I recall. Only laughing because we entered to the olympic theme. It was ghey. So after that, I stopped at the grocery store to get my peace offering for Steven. Then everyone at his house went to Echo Lake for Ultimate Frisbee. After that, I don't remember how many round trips we made. I just remember that it was too many. We ended by watching We Were Soldiers. On saturday, I went to my tennis practice. ON sunday, I went and helped Davis paint signs for about 2 hours, bringing me to my 12th hour working on his project. I should get signed off on that. ON monday, the tennis season started. I will tell you my schedule now of times I can't play SC.
Monday: Tennis 11a-11:45a; 3p-4:15p. Water Polo 9p-10p.
Tuesday: Tennis 11a-11:45a.
Wednesday: Tennis 11a-11:45a. Water Polo 9p-10p.
Thursday: Tennis 3p-4:15p.
Friday: Open unless a practice gets rained out.
Well today is my birthday, and I need to leave for tennis in about half an hour so I'm going to go get ready and such. END TRANSMISSION.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Oops, my bad Posted by Picasa

Look out you idiots! Posted by Picasa

GO GO GO Posted by Picasa

Your buildings are no match for my monster trucks Posted by Picasa

Sucker Posted by Picasa

I got the maximum experience for one game so what am I going to do? SCREW AROUND! Posted by Picasa

A couple of s0eriously bad typos on the comcast news thing. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Three Hundredth Post

Well on monday, I showed everyone my hair and then that night there was the Kimi's teriyaki Court of Honor. We had to get a different location due to not reserving (way to go red, you idiot) and stuff. So some people driving by couldn't help but yell at us. It was a good meeting for many reasons, being:
1)Free hamburgers and hot dogs and lots of them.
2)Free dessert and lots of it.
3)Now I don't have to show up to meetings every monday to lead those minions from hell.
4)Ryan knows what he's doing so I won't lose sleep over the troop collapsing without me.
5)Dave Nelson wasn't there.
6)Garrett wasn't there.
7)People were throwing things at stupid Isaac.
8)Fags, I mean Dave Nelson and Garrett weren't there.
9)No more weekly Kimi's teriyaki
and finally
10)Because I am teh secks.
So on tuesday not a lot happened. During band, we went to find Sai and met Steven on the way. We had to go back to the band room to wait for Sai's leadership circle to end. When we got to the band room, Bob saw us and he was like what were you guys doing? I said "Uh bathroom." Bob says "There are some right here though." Then Davis says "Those are dirty." He lets us back in. We snuck out about 5 minutes later. As for all the pictures below, I think it is time people know about the Dutch soccer team (or at least those that have scored goals so far) before we play Argentina.

The guy on the right is our second striker, Van Persie. I don't know a lot about him other than he got a sweet goal off a free kick last game and that he pwns for Arsenal. Posted by Picasa

This is our winger and forward, Arjen Robben. He got us our first goal this world cup. This guy is insane. He goes all over the field. He also pwns it up for Chelsea FC. Posted by Picasa

This is our striker, Ruud Van Nistelrooy. He also pwns for Manchester United. This is a goal he scored for them. Posted by Picasa

This is Edwin Van Der Sar. He is the Dutch goalie. As a goalie, his micro is pr0. When he is not pwning as a bloody dutchman in the world cup, he is pwning for Manchester United. He is my favorite player on the dutch team. Posted by Picasa

In the eternal struggle between man and opened CD drive, I lose. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I look a bit like this guy now. He isnt as much teh secks as I am though. Posted by Picasa

This is me after the haircut Posted by Picasa

Your Long Blade Skill has Reached Level 100

Yeah so anyone that comes between my Long Blade and whatever is behind them in Morrowind will experience some pwnage by my "Umbra Sword." So on tuesday, we had our conference in World Studies. That went well and my stupid proposal got more votes than Justin Blackwood's stupider proposal. His was about selling textiles which was ghey. Mine was that if the Palestinian authority and Israel do not solve their problem by 1/1/08, then Afghanistan will send in the Taliban to eliminate both countries. I allowed Egypt to help because Will Rodenbough was itching to use that "awesome air force" Egypt had. On wednesday, I think nothing really important happened. On thursday, nothing much again, except during band, Davis, Orion, and I went to see Sai at his leadership thing. On friday, the moving up assembly was happening. Davis, Steven, and I tried to save Orion, but Steven's resolve was fading so he had to leave before he got stuck in the assembly. I barely made it out. Davis wasn't so lucky. It wound up raining and a bunch of people went to Stefano's in Sara's car. It left Steven, Jake, Rob, and I hiding out in the hallways behind the gym where the assembly was. They played some frisbee in the hall banging it against about every wall there was. Then Sara picked us up and we watched Mexico tie Angola at Stefano's house. I walked home after that. Then, my neighbor came back from work, so I went to his house so he could shave my head. He didn't have a 6 razor, so I had him give me an extended 4, like 4 1/2. I had these defined sideburns to halfway down my ears, then some scraggly hairs that looked cool below that and I looked kinda Jewish, which was sweet. The problem was my lower sideburns curved in behind my ears. I tried to trim them with my sideburn shaver and I totally screwed one up. When I evened them out, they looked stupid so now I will wait for them to grow back. On saturday, I helped at Davis' eagle project, but I had to leave early to go to my cousin's graduation. One guy did a moonwalk when he got his diploma. I decided I want to be just like him when I grow up, but first I need to become black like him. Today, I played Morrowind, pwned my long blade up to 100. I have been getting these strange items of clothing from the tribes when they name me nerevarine. I got the teeth of the Urshilaku, something else and I was like what part of clothes are these? Then this one tribe gives me the "thong of the Zanibi" and I realize. These mysterious items of clothing; they are underwear. I'm getting the official Nerevarine underwear. That got a big wtf and I stopped playing to go buy stuff for the cour of honor for kimi's teriyaki tomorrow. It is my last meeting as the head. Then Will Maxson takes over and we are screwed. Oh well at least Joel is ASPL. That's it for now.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Sai has made an important discovery!

The Dutch War (1672–1678) was a war fought between France and a quadruple alliance consisting of Brandenburg, the Holy Roman Empire, Spain, and the Dutch Republic. The war ended with the Treaty of Nijmegen (1678); this granted France control of the Franche-Comté (from Spain).

France led a coalition including Münster and England. Louis XIV was annoyed by the Dutch refusal to cooperate in the destruction and division of the Spanish Netherlands. As the Dutch army had been neglected since 1648, the French had no trouble after unexpectedly by-passing the fortress of Maastricht to march into the heart of the Republic, taking Utrecht. Prince William III of Orange is assumed to have had the leading Dutch politician Johan de Witt deposed and murdered, and was acclaimed stadtholder. As the French had promised the major cities of Holland to the English they were in no hurry to capture them, but tried to extort sixteen million guilders from the Dutch in exchange for a separate peace. This outrageous demand stiffened Dutch resistance and the negotiations gave the Republic time to flood the countryside by deliberate inundations, the Dutch Water Line, blocking any further French advance. The bishop of Münster laid siege to Groningen but failed. An attempt was made to invade the Republic by sea, but this was thwarted by Admiral Michiel de Ruyter in four strategic victories against the combined Anglo-French fleet (these events are usually called the Third Anglo-Dutch War). England then abandoned the war in 1674.

Already, allies had joined the Dutch — the Elector of Brandenburg, the Emperor, and Charles II of Spain. Louis, despite the successful Siege of Maastricht in 1673, was forced to abandon his plans of conquering the Dutch and revert to a slow, cautious war of attrition around the French frontiers. By 1678, he had managed to break apart his opponents' coalition, and managed to gain considerable territories by the terms of the Treaty of Nijmegen. Most notably, the French acquired the Franche-Comté and various territories in the Netherlands from the Spanish. Nevertheless the Dutch had thwarted the ambitions of two of the major royal dynasties of the time: the Stuarts and the Bourbons.

Basically to sum this up, it means that the Dutch > England and France combined and Spain and Brandenburg = Dutch.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

RunningInSquare3 (7:49:43 PM): i dont think u need to do the intro and stuff
RunningInSquare3 (7:49:46 PM): just the proposal
Blitzmoose9 (7:50:08 PM): i did intro and stuff but not proposal yet
RunningInSquare3 (7:50:14 PM): lol
RunningInSquare3 (7:50:20 PM): i dont think u had to do all that
Blitzmoose9 (7:50:27 PM): darn
Blitzmoose9 (7:50:32 PM): i think we do actually
Blitzmoose9 (7:50:35 PM): but u dont
Blitzmoose9 (7:50:39 PM): u are not honors
RunningInSquare3 (7:50:49 PM): oh
Blitzmoose9 (7:50:52 PM): ya
Blitzmoose9 (7:50:59 PM): this suks
(RunningInSquare3 uses Daedric font)
RunningInSquare3 (7:53:17 PM): Mr. Witt is evil
RunningInSquare3 (7:53:28 PM): more evil than the devil
Blitzmoose9 (7:53:30 PM): daedric!
RunningInSquare3 (7:53:34 PM): and the devil is evil
RunningInSquare3 (7:53:35 PM): yes
RunningInSquare3 (7:53:39 PM): this is daedric
RunningInSquare3 (7:53:42 PM): fwahaha
Blitzmoose9 (7:53:50 PM): i think i will turn in witt's assignment in daedric!
RunningInSquare3 (7:54:05 PM): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111
RunningInSquare3 (7:54:07 PM): OMFG
RunningInSquare3 (7:54:09 PM): YES
RunningInSquare3 (7:54:14 PM): THAT WOULD BE TEH ROXORZ
Blitzmoose9 (7:54:16 PM): mr. witt is the devil
Blitzmoose9 (7:54:23 PM): or more evil
(RunningInSquare3 stops using Daedric font)
RunningInSquare3 (7:54:32 PM): yeah
Blitzmoose9 (7:54:41 PM): you should turn it in in daedric
RunningInSquare3 (7:54:50 PM): yeah
RunningInSquare3 (7:54:54 PM): be like here u go
RunningInSquare3 (7:55:01 PM): um david can u not do it in wingdings?
RunningInSquare3 (7:55:12 PM): THIS IS DAEDRIC
Blitzmoose9 (7:55:36 PM): and you could be like you need to learn to be understanding of other coultures and learn this language
RunningInSquare3 (7:55:44 PM): yeah
Blitzmoose9 (7:55:45 PM): and he would be like: i dont have time
Blitzmoose9 (7:55:52 PM): and we be like: we did not either
RunningInSquare3 (7:55:57 PM): lol
Blitzmoose9 (7:56:09 PM): indeed

I saw this today at school. Davis, Orion, Sai, and I (the 4 greatest minds at school) can't figure this out. This is still a really funny picture for some reason. Witness it. Posted by Picasa