Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I recently noticed that Regis Philbin and Fargoth (Morrowind) have some similarities.
1. They both are very short, possibly even the same race.
2. I hate both of them very much.
3. They both have annoying voices.
4. I would laugh if my silver flameslayer slipped onto their neck (Fargoth already experienced this and died in the process heh heh heh).
5. Regis shows his money to me, Fargoth shows his money to me (when I watch him from a lighthouse to find his hiding place).
6. Fargoth is AI, but I think he is smarter. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...



blitzmoose said...

I would say that they are the same person, but Fargoth is definitely more intelligent even though Fargoth is not very smart at all.

blitzmoose said...

Reprimand seems not to be on wikipedia, but if you find it or make it then I will link to reprimand.

David said...

Here it is:

David said...

Nevermind, they removed it.

pronoob5 said...

you know what i recently noticed? ur a n00b. wait i have known that forever...