Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's been a good while and this is some of the only time I have spent on my computer.

Well I have cured my addiction to the computer. I have become addicted to reading, playing Xbox, playing tennis, and starting mini projects outside and inside. I think instead of by days(I may wind up using them anyway), I will go by subjects.

Well since I got back, I haven't read much until I got Harry Potter. I got it the Wednesday after it came out(on a Saturday). I had to clean my room first. It's a good book. I read for two hours today and got through about 200 pages. It flies by as I read, but its worth it.

Playing Xbox:
Well it's been Oblivion pretty much all the time. I have 90 hours under my belt in that game now. I completed all the faction quests and the main quests. I am doing Daedric and Miscellaneous quests right now and the game keeps on throwing new stuff at me. I also found an old Xbox magazine demo disk whilst cleaning my room and it had 2 free Oblivion downloads on it that were small, but cool downloads.

Davis also came over and we started working on Gears of War Insane mode only to discover that it was a lot easier than Halo 2 on Legendary. In 5 hours of playing, we beat through act three. We only have 4 and 5 left.

Playing Tennis:
I have been doing it every day with the exception of weekends. We had a tournament in Marysville last friday and their coach was Mr. Moreno himself. I got to show off my ability to pwn his students in front of him and I also got to talk to him about my Eagle Project.

Recently, I finally won a challenge match while challenging up the ladder. I hadn't moved up in 2 years. This win made me displace 5 people and I am in the second. I am now number 16 on the ladder, but I think I can move up with this newfound confidence.

Outside stuff:
The neighbors had a water balloon fight against our house today which was quite entertaining. Other things I have done include taking stuff apart, helping redo the garage, working at grandpa's house, etc.

Inside stuff:
Well, actually this is like the reading section. A minor thing. I cleaned my room. Pictures will come. It went from literally no floor to wow that's clean.

Speaking of pictures, I, along with CompUSA have been helping Melissa get the pictures out to everyone. I told her that her current technology wouldn't work for that much stuff and CompUSA told her what to get. Now I have been trying to help her work it through the family website which is hard because it isnt instant messaging and she lives in Florida. Hopefully the pictures will come soon though. I am going to post the pictures of before the reunion before I leave since I think that her pictures will come after I get back.

In other news, my first weekend of 2 of my Eagle project is saturday from 9am to noon. It probably wont last that long, but there is free food anyway. Peace out for now.

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