Sunday, October 21, 2007

Ahahahaha that's right you went to homecoming didn't you? Well that was probably smart on your part.

I will get to the party and all the ways it crashed and burned at the end of the post. First you get to read about my week.

Even classes and it was nice because I was thinking it was monday, but then realizing it was tuesday. The classes weren't too bad. I didn't hear on the morning announcement that there was a marching practice. I sit as far away as I can from the PA in my 2nd period class. I could have listened and heard the announcements if I had wanted, but let's face it, I didn't exactly expect "Marching Band rehearsal today" to come up. So I noticed as students that were late were running out and I figured it would probably be worse to be late than not at all, so I just didn't go.

More going well of classes. I was content all day and the FBLA meeting went well.

In Lifetime Sports, God(Mrs. Faidley) decided that it was too rainy to go to Greenlake, so she decided to make us suffer by dancing again. I spent most of the time dancing with Reece's girlfriend, who helped me to learn that not all goths are weird and scary. She was actually nice and funny. As I started dancing with her, all we were doing was dancing in squares (I know it was made for me), so I said:
Me: Well if we did have to dance I'm glad it's this one, it's pretty easy.
Lexi: Yeah, unless you're dyslexic.
Me: *laughter to humor her for making a joke*
Lexi: Like me
Me: *immediate stoppage of laughter*
I did enjoy myself after school as well. I got my actual 100% in the desert on Guild Wars. It took 3 more hours, which were enjoyable, but I was done for the day after that. As I was looking for something to do, Steven called me and said his power was out and I suggested that he and Orion come play here. He said they were just about to invite themselves over. We played Halo 3 for a couple hours and discovered a great new game: Hit people with the man cannon (needs a name). This game rivals others, such as "Throw shit in the fan" and "see how far you can bounce the ball up the cheerleader's skirt."

Hooray it was friday with shortened periods. Nothing really happened until the homecoming assembly in which I got to play the fanfare. It was really cool. The seniors finally won. It helps when its rigged I guess. We did have the best skit though. Thrill the world looked really cool, but I couldn't find Alex because I was down on the floor and couldn't see it very well, but what I saw looked good.
After that ended, Sai and I went to Steven's house where we were met by Steven and Orion to do the paper route.
After that, Sai, Steven, and I went to my house and had a little practice party with some Gears of War. When that was done, I drove Sai home and took Steven to the game with me in the car. We had to run to the stadium through the rain. It stopped really raining after we got under cover of course. At halftime, we got rained on again, although not to the extent of freshman year. I got to play the fanfare again at halftime and the 6 of us sounded good despite the rain. It was very cool to finally be a part of that. So Shorewood lost of course, but we lost 3-7. The most enraging part was our last drive of the game. It was 2nd & 6. Our quarterback threw some kind of huge ass lob/hail mary pass right into 4 Jackson players. Who knows, maybe we could have won. Oh well, stupid football team.

Here it is, it was party day. I will recap events leading up to and then during the party. Afterwards, I will complain about it.
So I woke up and had to go get a copy of Gears of War since Gerard did not have a copy. It cost $10 to rent, but I figured since it was for 4v4 gears, it was worth it. So everything looked good, until an hour before the party, I find out that Gerard cancelled for an unknown reason. Well there's a good waste of $10. Sai decided to invite the freshman who really wanted to come to the party and orignally wouldn't let us borrow his copy of Gears. Well I figured at least he would be dedicated (foreshadowing). So I had to bring 2 tv's because I was planning on Zack being there. At 3:30, I called to remind him. No answer. At that point I knew he wasn't coming. So nobody wanted to play Gears, except Steven and Eric. Everyone else played Halo 3. Tom the freshman made people play on his custom maps, so of course he won since nobody else knew them. I didn't even give into that crap, I just played Quinn.
At 6:00, I had to go back home for Kathryn's family birthday dinner. My cousin was over and he brought his copy of the Game of the Year Oblivion (includes Knights of Nine and Shivering Isles for installation. He left it with me to install onto my 360. Since we had no 360, we resorted to N64. We started with Super Smash Brothers, which quickly got boring. After that, we played on Goldeneye. I learned that 2 person Proximity mines is really fun. Lots of booby trapping and accidental suicides. I stayed longer than I needed to because it was cooler than just waiting for people to be ready to play Gears. When I got back to the party, I learned that Tom the freshman had left, which pissed me off because he seemed to want to come so bad. So we were down to 2 360's with 5 controllers and we couldn't do Gears because Ahmad had to download an update from live for it. We couldn't get onto live, so Halo 3 was the only option. It was still fun, but in reality, I really wanted to play Gears. Ok now it's time to complain about failures.

Zack: Thank's for offering it at your house, but I now know that if we don't have a party at your house, then I will not plan on you coming. The least you could do is call though if you don't want to go.

Gerard: You cost me $10. If you want to cancel, do it sooner than the day of the party.

Tom the freshman: If you really wanted to come to the party, then why did you leave at 6? Just give us your copy of Gears if we need it or stay for the whole time.

Ahmad: Well I can't get mad at you because I have been in this situation before as well, but next time check to see if you have all the updates. This was a minimal failure offset by the fact that you had another controller, which enabled almost everyone to play at once. For that, don't even worry about the problem with Gears.

Well that's it for now. I hope everyone that went to homecoming had fun. The party was pretty good, but I think that the next one we have needs to be absolutely solid. Don't forget that we are going to have a 1 year anniversary of Gears of War party. The actual date is November 7, but that is a wednesday. Furthermore, due to the really hella cheap plane and hotel fare I told you about a couple of posts back, I am going to disneyland on Vetran's day weekend with my family and all of us for less than the price of a 360. I am looking at November 16th or 17th for a party. That's a friday or saturday. Please help me plan this by RSVPing when its DEFINITE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER. I am hoping for 8 person Gears and since many aren't at homecoming, I think we will also want a Gamecube or something to keep busy the people not playing Gears.


Jack said...

i like your summarization hatred notes. they made me laugh.

also, i read the whole post! w00t.

PK Dave said...

even with our crises, we still pwned you at having a good time.