Wednesday, November 14, 2007

6 Days Until Mass Effect!!!!!!!!!6666!!!!!!!!111

What was I thinking not posting about the week before I left to Disneyland? I will do my best to regail you with tales of last week before getting into the real meat of Disneyland.

Yeah nothing is coming to mind, so I will assume I just played Guild Wars or Guitar Hero 2 a ton that day.

We played tennis in lifetime sports. Mrs. Faidley continues to be amazed that I play every sport we have done so far, except dancing. It would have been good, except the only other person in the class who can sort of keep up with me is Justin, but I had to only exert about 50% effort to pwn. Nothing much else hsppened.

We had a test in music theory. As usual, I got raped, but I got almost 100% in a middle section of it. More Guild Wars and getting my title happened in the afternoon.

We went to mountlake terrace in lifetime sports and played some racquetball. As usual, Justin and I were leagues above everyone else, so I took it easy. After school, I had to get ready for my Eagle board of review. The three people came over at 7 and interviewed me for about an hour about things ranging from the scout law to how I think I can improve scouting, and many other things. It went well. Lyn and Ed, my invitees to the board were able to advertise me as I gave my answers. It was like staging a fake FEMA conference and only getting questions you wanted asked. Long story short, I got Eagle scout and now I am teh pwnage and feel allowed to have a pocketknife with me whenever because who knows when I might need it.

I had to take the Breeze to school because dad was getting popcorn. The day went pretty well, the test in theory even went well. After school, we headed down to Sea-Tac to get a plane to Disneyland. We got in later in the night and went to bed early to wake up for early entry the next day at 7.

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday:
So I am combining these days to organize the post easier. Basically, we spent most of our time in Tomorrowland because it had Star Tours(Star Wars themed ride), Buzz Lightyear's Astroblaster(FPS), and Space Mountain. We rode a ton of rides due to the micro that dad and I have when in Disneyland. Our motto in Disneyland is "We can rest when we're not on vacation." Basically, the micro to which I am referring involves getting Fastpasses at strategic times to maximize the amount of rides we can do.

There are some rules to the fastpass that are important to know. If you learn how to use them well, then you can completely maximize your amount of rides and minimize your time waiting for them.
1. The big stupid mistake is that many people think you can only get one per day. This is not true.
2. You can get a new fastpass either 2 hours after you get one, or at the start of the time slot listed on it, whichever is sooner. Say it is 10:00. If you have a fastpass that says 12:30-1:30, you can get a fastpass at 12:00, 2 hours after your current one. If it is 10:00 and your fastpass is something like 11:30-12:30, you can get a new one at 11:30.
3. On your fastpass, it will show you an hour time slot, such as 12:00-1:00. The first time is the time you can start using that pass. The second time, is meaningless. Many people think that you have to use it in that time, but the secret is that you don't. You can use the pass at any time during the day after it starts until the park closes.

Star Tours:
For those of you that have never been on it, Star Tours is a ride in which you ride in a big room that moves according to the images you see on screen so it looks and feels like you are moving although you really aren't. Since I am a diehard Star Wars fan, I have always loved that ride ever since I first rode it many many years ago. My record for the most times riding it in one trip was 7 and dad and I set out to break that record this time. We rode it 10 times in 4 days. The first time we rode it, we had it to ourselves. It was pretty awesome.

Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters:
This ride is fairly new. What it does is put you in a cart with 2 seats. Both seats have their own laser gun. You shoot at targets as you go by. There is a daily top 10 board that you get on if your score is high. The top 10 board is luck because the only way to match their scores of over 1,000,000 is to get very lucky by having a person in a wheelchair stopping the ride. When a person in a wheelchair gets on, the ride stops for a few seconds giving you free shots. Dad and I are very good at it and always compete whilst on it. The best you can do on a run with no wheelchairs is about 700,000. You realy need that wheelchair to stop the ride to get lucky. I got lucky and was able to catch the number 2 high score (picture coming) The best I did other than that was 2 7th place finishes by getting high scores early in the day, but they were surpassed soon after.

Finding Nemo Submarine:
It took the place of the old submarine ride and I like the old one better. This new one lasts 15 minutes and sucks. Unfortunately, the wait is always 90+ minutes unless you sprint there first thing in the morning. It's not worth it. Period.

Space Mountain:
The big rollercoaster in Tomorrowland. We always loved this one and it is still good.

Thunder Mountain Railroad:
We rode this one a bunch as well, the ceilings seem to get lower each time. The coolest ride was during the fireworks show in which we got to see the fireworks while on the ride. It was really cool.

Pirates of the Caribbean:
They changed it a bit, adding Jack Sparrow to the plot of the ride a lot more. Everyone seemed to like it, but since I am such a classicist, I did not.

Splash Mountain:
Still a great ride. You get wet.

California Adventure was good too, the big three rides were always good. Soaring Over California, Screamin', and Tower of Terror are all good rides.

Some cool things that happened were:
Almost bumping into Monique??(black girl from high school musical or so I am told) I dodged at the last second to avoid a collision. The staff member escorting her shot me an angry look.

We got awarded a big fastpass thing(picture coming) for taking a shortcut that is rarely used.

We had a flight that left on time!

Yeah it was a pretty good trip. When I got back home, I noticed my pants were vibrating. Some number was frantically calling me. Just as I was about to call said number, it rang me again. Turns out it was just Sam, so I spared the telling her off for calling me so late. She needed to ask about Theory homework she missed, but it wound up being a 45 minute call. Luckily I never come close to using my minutes per month, so my phone is extremely cheap each month. It was a good chat, but once the sleep I banked on the plane started to wear off, I had to hang up on her.

Well stuff is coming now. 6 days until Mass Effect. I don't think my parents are letting me get it at midnight, which screws me up since I am not 18 and need them to get it. I will get it on opening day though. I am now desperately trying to finish college apps before I get Mass Effect because I know that I won't be doing much else. If anyone wants to hang out, I will put down Mass Effect for that, but I think otherwise I will not be spending much time on the 100% title for a while. Pictures are coming, just hang on.

1 comment:

pronoob5 said...

I remember when I went to Disneyland and my dad and I also road Space Tours many times. Shit this post was long um... I don't know what else to comment about.