Monday, November 19, 2007

Nine Hundredth Post!!!!!!

Wow, who would have thought back when I first made this blog of April, 2005 that I would be making my 900th post on a school district laptop. Soon enough, I will be making my big 1000. Unfortunately, due to the fact that Zack hijacked my blog a couple of times, my actual 1000th post will be about 4 or 5 posts after my blog's 1000th post.

Well this post has another special part. This is my last post before I acquire Mass Effect. It comes out tomorrow. I was originally planning to get it at midnight, but it turned out that I forgot to take into account two important problems.
1. My parents are required to come with me to get the game as I am still under 18 and they really don't want to stay up until midnight.
2. Mass Effect may be my Halo 3, but it is no everyone else's. Therefore, stores will not be open at midnight, although the situation in Bellevue was uncertain.
So basically, I am going to go to Costco and get it for $10 cheaper as soon as school gets out. If it is not there, Best Buy says they have anticipated having way more than they will need.

Ok well this post is going to have to satisfy you for a while, since Mass Effect is supposedly pretty much the greatest game on Xbox.

Well the week ended well. Nothing happened on Thursday besides that pizza party. On friday, we learned how to bowl in Lifetime Sports. Yes, I am serious. Mrs. Faidley asked anyone if they were left handed. Reed wasn't paying attention, so I was the only one that raised my hand. Then she said "Ok, I'm going to give right handed instruction, so don't pay attention because I don't want you to learn it backwards."
Ok Mrs. Faidley. Let's see where your logic has fallen off.
First of all, I have known how to play every sport we have done in the class so far, with the exception of dancing. I even had my own equipment in many cases. We have played some very uncommon sports, so don't you think I would at least know how to bowl? Secondly, even if I didn't know how to bowl, haven't you noticed that I am smart enough to figure out that I need to do things backwards of what you say? Furthermore, even if I didn't know to do that, I should be used to doing things backwards from all the instruction I have received in other sports. Basically, it was a stupid class. We practiced bowling with nerf balls for 40 minutes.

During Law, we had a field trip to the King County Superior Court. We got to watch sentencing cases. It was actually a very good field trip. I got to ride in the elevator with a convicted arsonist. He looked like he was going to cry. We also found a room with a cool judge that talked to us because he was waiting for a person to show up. On the elevator down as we were leaving, Piotr didn't walk in very far, so to get in, I was right up against him and I said wow this is awkward. He moved in and turned around farther after he noticed that and then I was the only person not facing the elevator. Mrs. Kim said "hmm David you seem to be the only one not facing the door, why is that?" She said it in the tone that one of the guys would use though, so I stuck my butt at the door and was about to say "yeah door's open whoever wants to hop on," but then I realized Mrs. Kim was not one of the guys and I quickly changed what I said to "Yeah I'll rip a fart out at the first person to open the door." Luckily I was able to think quickly and avoided an awkward scenario. After we got outside, we walked by a transvestite and Gerard made fun of her later. Soon after he did, a bird pooped on his head.

This weekend, I played a lot of Knights of the Old Republic to get ready for Mass Effect. I got pretty far and remembered how fun the game was.

On Sunday, I got invited to the Seahawks game because my aunt broke her wrist and wasn't up to going. Dad had just been to the Husky game and didn't want to go. I went and it was a great game. We won, which was great because my second cousin(by marriage to my actual second cousin), who is a dick with small man syndrome loves the bears and i don't like him. Josh Brown had a sweet tackle, so this post can be dedicated to him I guess. Well that's it until after Mass Effect. Peace out.


PK Dave said...

what is this pizza party that I continue to hear about?

Oreo said...

lol at Gerard getting shat on.

pronoob5 said...

"2. Mass Effect may be my Halo 3, but it is no everyone else's."

"On friday, we learned..."

Uh oh David, you criticize others for having spelling/grammar mistakes, but then you have them in your posts.

(To Gerard) Karma bitch. (inside joke with Jake/Willy ask later)