Sunday, November 04, 2007

The post made of words that covers the time that has elapsed since my last post.

It was still confusing trying to get reacquainted with the Monday schedule. I had a CE meeting and not much else happened that day. After school, I got on Guild Wars and found .3% on the map (a lot at my point in mapping) that I had left in a mission. After getting that, I just played pvp a lot.

Nothing really interesting happened. In lifetime sports, we got to go to Mountlake Terrace Pavilion for Racquetball/Swimming. It was an easy choice for me since I hate swimming and like racquetball. I was the only one there that knew how to play, so I went easy on everyone. After school, I partook in more activities involving the Halloween event on Guild Wars. I went to sleep early to make up for lost sleep the following night. I woke up again at 11:45 and went downstairs quietly to not wake anyone up. I signed on to Guild Wars.

So it crossed over to Wednesday and then the Mad King came. I stuck around for the half hour he was there and did his bidding. After I got my hat, I left Guild Wars on. During school, all I could think about was how many trick or treat bags my afk character was accumulating. After I got home, I let my character be afk while I played Oblivion. Around 6 I went to my grandpa's house. The only trick or treater was his house cleaner, who I gave a lot of candy to since we didn't get any trick or treaters and it didn't matter what happened to the candy. Around 8:30, we went to Arby's to get dinner.

My Schpeal on Halloween:
I really dislike Halloween. It's cold, dark, and a ton of kids constantly knock on your door expecting candy. More often than not, it's high school students who A: know you and give you a hard time for not coming with them or B: threaten to egg your house if you don't give them candy. What I really hate about Halloween is those kids that start early. There is nothing I hate more than sitting down after finally finishing making dinner and getting ready to eat it when "ding dong." "hmm maybe if I ignore it they will go away." "DING DING DING DING DING DING. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. HEY ANYONE HOME TRICK OR TREAT." What ever happened to waiting for people to finish dinner? When you interrupt me from something important, the last thing on my mind is rewarding you you little punk kid. What I hate even more than those kids though, are the ones that come at 9:00 and after. Those are all the older high schoolers that always threaten to egg your house. You can either call their bluff and get egged, give them candy, or beat the crap out of them. I always choose give them the candy because I usually don't have any sharp objects on my person at the time. I need to get better at that. What I especially hate the most out of Halloween is those two girls, and it changes every year who they are, that come around the day after Halloween to collect leftover candy. Another good scenario in which a sharp object would help. Now Halloween is good for some people, ie my dad. Davis especially would know why. Dad just loves to give people things they don't need. Davis walks in to pick me up "Hey Davis how about some candy or ice cream?" Halloween is a day I could do without. Actually, the trick or treaters are bad. I really like the Guild Wars promotions.

In Hollywood and History, we finished the bad movie "Tender Comrade." I hated that movie because it actually didn't turn out to be about the Russian army in WW2, but instead about women buying a house during WW2. It was extremely suck. In lifetime sports, we went to Mountlake Terrace again. More girls were playing racquetball this time, so I basically didn't try at all because for all of the girls, it was their first time ever playing. For Law, we went to the Precinct for (west side?) in Seattle. It was a nice place, but their clock for Iraq was 5 minutes slow. We saw the room where 911 calls are received. There were lots of pro at eating people in there and it smelled like yeast. After we got back, I hung out in Noyes' room whilst waiting for Orion and him to finish racially categorizing the members of FBLA. Some stupid site was requiring that for some reason.

I woke up at 4:30, so for the whole day I was confused thinking it was an hour and a half later than it actually was. We all met Noyes at Shorewood at 6:30, then headed out to Portland. Miraculously, we encountered no traffic in Tacoma, which is something I have only seen once or twice in my life. We got down to Portland around 9:30-10:00ish. After eating lunch, we decided to take a tour of this huge bookstore in lieu of attending 2 workshops. The tour was pretty cool. We found lots of D&D books. Rob found lots of guitar tabs as well. The tour lasted not too long. There was a hot girl to look at if I got bored. We got shown lots of old books, a few of which were going back into permanent storage or something of the like. After getting back to the Hilton, we (Orion, Rob, and I) decided to go to a workshop pertaining to competitive events. Partway through, a girl Orion and I had been checking out (Rob was at the potty) came back to get some water. She dropped a pen near my foot, but I was totally not paying attention to the fact that I should have picked it up. Orion gave me a hard time for that later. She stayed in the back of the room with us, standing, over her old seat, which seemed to imply interest in the two of us. We didn't get her name, but she seemed nice enough.
After that session, we had a break until our state meeting. We first took the time to check into our rooms. On the way up in the elevator, Orion ran into a girl he knew from state or nationals last year. We got out of the elevator with a girl that was on our floor. She asked if we knew Danniel Linn and we did. Then she said "Oh so were you the guys in that room when I was really drunk?" Awkward silence ensued and we had to be honest again, saying "No." This obviously caused her extreme embarassment, but it was extreme hilarity on our end. After getting settled in the room, we did what any smart gamers would do. We camped the entrance knowing that hot girls would need to enter and exit. Of course, the first girl to talk to us is our new friend from earlier in the day, Christa. She brought her hot friend, Elizabeth, who looked like a complete stoner. The 5 of us played simple card games and Christa gave Rob her depressing myspace url. It was like beautifulsuicide or something. Upon finding her page, we had to laugh at the strange things on it.
That night, we went to the opening ceremony. We tried to get good seats, but not hot girls came and sat next to us. Then we got lucky. The state president, Jacob something, came and had us move closer to the front. We wound up sitting next to two hot girls, Lauren and a girl I didn't learn the name of (who I called Dirk). I sat next to Lauren, so Orion had to talk across me, which was kind of odd. We totally could have gotten their numbers, but no good time came up since it was very noisy, then they were dragged off by their group at the end. Mr. Noyes took us blacklight mini-golfing. It was the 3rd time I had done it, but it is always cool. I was ahead at the end of the front 9, but Mr. Noyes pulled ahead for the end. Mr. Noyes had +8, I had +11, and Rob and Orion had +14.

We got a wake-up call from Mr. Noyes at 8:45. Upon waking up, we realized that making it to the 9:00 workshop was not going to happen, so we told Mr. Noyes we were out eating breakfast so it would sound like we didn't just wake up. We searched around for breakfast and found a nice little Cafe (Three Lions Cafe). It had good food and we wound up missing the second workshop as well. At the Cafe, the lady behind the counter first asked "Hey what's with the ties?" I almost said "They go with the suits." She said she was in FBLA, but all I could think was, "That's nice, now can I get my food?" Later, an old lady asked if we were Mormons. I was tempted to say "Yeah, remember to vote for Mitt Romney!" We proceeded with our leaving the place after explaining to her that we were not Mormons. Mr. Noyes had figured out that it didn't matter and really didn't care that we skipped the first two sessions. He is going to be a very good advisor. Granted, he was probably cool with it because the three of us are the responsible ones in FBLA. By the time we got back, it was lunch break. We camped the entrance again, hoping to meet some hot girls. As fate would have it, this one girl we met yesterday who was nice, but not really hot came and sat with us. Eventually she whipped all three of us by giving us a tour of the Pioneer Square Mall. We tried to make it as awesome as possible by stopping in the pen store and the Bose store, where we got the uber theater demonstration.
Throughout the day, we saw Lauren and Dirk, who turned out to be Jaimie. No times were good to talk to them, though. The one good time was when they were surrounded by other guys that were more smexy than the three of us. So we made it to 2 workshops that afternoon. The first one was what makes you tick, led by some crazy lady. I learned that I am 27/30 judgemental, and extrovert, an intellectual, and in conflict, I am 6/6 silence and 1/6 violence.
After that, we stayed for a presentation by a Microsoft employee who looked oddly like Bill Gates. He unveiled the new small Zune to us. It was cool to see it. There were a ton of Apple lovers out there, who I really wanted to boo. The keynote speaker for the closing ceremony was really interesting, partly because we had met him earlier in the day and he seemed really cool.
After the closing ceremony, the four of us, which included Mr. Noyes, went to see American Gangster. I thought it was really good. It was slow at some points and there were way too many needles, but it was good nonetheless.

The clocks that were supposed to automatically change did not. It woke us up an hour too early. We woke up an hour later and got ready and headed down. We were just about the last ones out of there. For breakfast, we wandered around until we finally figured out that the only place open was Three Lions Bakery. I got what I had the day before plus a second apple juice for just 75 cents more. It was quite good and after that, we popped in the car and headed back to Shoreline. Orion was dropped off first. On the way to my house, we passed a middle schooler leaning against a gas pump and he saw our car with the Shoreline School District logo on the side and he was staring at it, so I stared oddly at him until he felt awkward. Then I was dropped off and I chilled here for the rest of the day.

Well pictures are coming soon, but beware. They are not only few, but crappy. That's it for now.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

If you stopped being so prompt in blogging about trips, then I would have time to write a word post too, so that then you wouldn't hate me for linking to your blogpost.