Thursday, March 27, 2008

Culminating Exhibition Defeated (Temporarily)

I know, I know. I haven't updated in 11 days. Well I was planning to on Sunday, but I spent the whole day doing my CE. Then until today, I was doing either a lot of homework or my CE after school. I don't understand why people complain so much about it. I can understand the complaints about the way it's run, but I think that I would much prefer this to a senior project. Either way, this was the first chance I got to really sit down and make a post. Well, that's probably not true. We had some free time this week in Humanities (more on that later), but I really wanted to play some Quinn and Mario Brothers 3 during that time. Well since I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow (hahahahaha jk) I think I will get right into the week.

We had a rough day in band because Mr. Harshman finally came back. He wanted to think straight, so he hadn't taken pain pill for his arm (which he broke falling down the stairs (the bone smashed through the elbow joint and he has to wear a cast for the next 3 months)) and was in a bad mood because we hadn't gotten much done, but only because Davis didn't want to risk screwing up the songs by trying to change them around without Mr. Harshman there, which was smart of him to do in my opinion. After school, we had a rough frisbee practice because the games went so poorly the weekend before apparently. It was nothing that I couldn't handle though.

Nothing much happened the whole day except a frenzy of developing in Photography. I wound up staying through lunch to get it finished. After school, we had a practice, then a concert almost right after that. The freshman band did well. They should be proud of themselves. Symphonic band did......average for them I guess. Ours was not so great. Harshman had to stop us during Yosemite Autumn (but he was at fault there he said). American Elegy went well, which was odd because we had the least amount of time to prepare that piece. He dedicated it to his grandfather, who had just recently passed away. On the third piece, Mr. Harshman took a solo when he moved into the band and shook his baton in Alex's face to cue him and he yelled the part and it was audible on the recording. To be fair, he had to do it on a part that we only played through once before ever with Mr. Harshman.

You lucked out. The last two days were long and this one has nothing much to fill it. Oh actually, I called the Xbox support line to report my red ring of death incident. I was told I would get a box to ship it in in about 3-5 business days.

A pretty plain day again. We had an odd Bruegger practice in that we didn't start scrimmaging until after 4:20.

Nothing too important happened during the day. After school, everyone just kind of went home and hung out at their respective houses. Steven power leveled me a bit, but that was it.

I played some more Hitman. It is a good substitute in lieu of my 360. Around 10:21 (the actual time), we were supposed to meet at Shorewood. I was the second one there. The captains were way late. Our first game went good because we played a B team I guess. The second game went alright. We held our own at times, but in the end, they stomped us. Our record is now 2-2, so it's not terrible. After that, I did some more power leveling with Steven.

I spend the whole afternoon working on reading logs and my culminating exhibition.

I did not do so well during the day due to the after effect of Humanities in which I realized my reading log was even subber sub par than I thought. After school, we had a frisbee practice that was annoying to me for some reason.

We had a research period in Humanities, which was nice because I got some stuff done, none of it involving Humanities. After school, we had a practice with Sukol, which was a bit harder.

It was a pretty relaxed day. I actually finished my CE and managed to work on Guild Wars a bit.


Well I could have said today I guess, but whatever. Today, we had another research period in Humanities, which I did not use well. After school, we had a more relaxed frisbee practice. Right now, I am feeling like playing some Guild Wars. Steven's out at that movie, so this should be a good time to get me that 99.9 or dare I say it, 100%.

Peace out for now. I am available for whatever most of spring break. During the 31st, 1st, and morning of the 2nd, I am at my aunt's house because our floors are being redone here and that will involve some toxic chemical. I have to stay there all day because my aunt also has a cat and I need to make sure the three cats do not fight. On the 1st, I am going to the Mariners game with dad since it's his birthday (I'm not april fooling for the umpteenth time).

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The week without the alarm.

Well after that crazy weekend with losing and hour of sleep and having to get up by an alarm on saturday ( : O ), I was awarded with a week of not having to come in to school until 10:30 in the morning, about 2.5 hours after I usually do. It used to be that the upperclassmen would come in at 10, but so many kids were spending extra time taking the WASL, that the people in charge of schedule and time allowments at our school decided that they would give kids an extra half hour. The irony was that at least half of the people missing class to take the WASL were just trying to skip a class they had a test in. Oh well, this worked out for me so I won't correct the mistake. I can see I was nice to myself and posted on monday, so I guess I don't need to worry about it.

I wound up not going to the Music Theory study thing. The reason? I was asleep. I woke up around 8 and realized that I was too late to go to the study thing, although after hearing about it, I might have been able to show up late had I really wanted to, but I didn't. During the day, we had this mean sub in Humanities, but after that, the classes for the day were a breeze. In photography, I had to process some film and, stupidly, I let all other people go ahead of me, which resulted in me staying through lunch and missing the first ten minutes of 6th period because it took so freaking long. After school, we had a frisbee practice that really pissed me off because I didn't get the disc at all. I was really running trying to get open early on, then slowly less and less as we kept calling plays where I wouldn't get the disc. It was hard to try when we had been playing for about an hour and I hadn't touched the disc at all, even to huck it. After that, I went to the Order of the Arrow meeting, where I volunteered for something that they said they would call me about for the time and place on saturday. It meant I had to miss the game, but I had a feeling I wasn't going to get played.

Two words for you here: MORNING STARCRAFT. Oh yes, it was very sweet. Steven and I pwned some n00bs. This was the only chance we got during the week unfortunately. I have one open day during the next week of WASL, so we should play on that day. The classes during the day went well. I didn't expect much out of them. Mr. Harshman was still gone because he had broken his arm or something requiring surgery over the weekend.

I slept in before going to school, where nothing terribly exciting happened. We had a really evil sub in Photography, who wouldn't let us use the darkroom because it wasn't explicitly stated, (implications mean nothing anymore I guess.....). After school, we had a far less irritating frisbee practice.

We had a day off of school, our only one in March that wasn't attatched to spring break. I started the day by plugging in my 360, firing it up for some Bioshock, or I would have. What really happened was when I started playing, I soon happened across a little sister, but I had already gotten all three in the level. After I rescue her, the 360 glitches out. I turn it off, take the game out, let it rest, etc. and try again. RED RING OF DEATH. So I researched it, and supposedly the 360 is "overheating" which is not only not true, but I did what it said for overheating and it is still messed up. I have to send it off to Texas, which means I'm on my original Xbox until it gets fixed. It's okay though because I found a Hitman game on the Xbox that I bought a year ago for four dollars when I was even more into the series. I have been playing that and it is quite good. Not 360 good, but good enough. I went to the frisbee lunch at Spiro's and after that, went to Sai's for some Brawl with him, Amanuel, and Ahmad. Brawl is actually very good. I like it much better than Melee and almost as much as the original. I found a good character as well, Snake from the Metal Gear series. More people might have come, but Sai couldn't get them at their home phones and I didn't have my cell phone because the battery was dead. Sometime during that night, I beat all of Portals, which was a really fun game as well.

Well I never got called about the volunteering thing, so I guess I was off the hook, which really sucks because I might have been able to go to the frisbee game. Instead, I spend the afternoon with my grandparents and family, because my grandparents were in town for the St. Patrick's day dash. I don't see them often, so it was probably a good alternative to the game.

We got up early to do the dash. It's about 3.5 miles from the Key arena along the viaduct to safeco field, then a u-turn to the quest field north parking lot. For the past few years it has just kept going to the south end of Safeco, which wasn't that great, but this year, for the first time since the Kingdome was still around, it went back by that area. This was my 17th consecutive race, meaning I have been doing it since the first time I could, when I was just under a year old. Of course then, I was in a stroller, but I have been in it that long. That was the 7th one and now we just finished the 24th one. Kathryn has started a new dynasty of wins because she's pro at running. I wasn't too far behind, in fact, we were tied almost the whole way. After the dash, everyone in our group ate at the Pyramid Alehouse across the street where we always eat after the dash. Now, my calves hurt so I really need to rest them before practice tomorrow.

But wait, there's more!
Ok I felt I needed to get this on the record. I am branching out from football. It is still my favorite sport, but I think I am going to get back into baseball and I'm going to try to get into NASCAR. I'm feeling like this is a good year for the Mariners. Who do I like in NASCAR? Kurt Busch, the driver of the Number 2 car, formerly driven by my favorite, Rusty Wallace.
There, it's on record. Now if you'll excuse me, I have 99.6% on Guild Wars and some homework.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The thing that amazed me was that the glue broke. The dowels themselves just bent a ton, then when I removed the holding apparatus, returned to their straight position. Theoretically, we could use the same Boomilever again if we wanted to. We would just have to reglue it.
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This is me realizing I should add that bucket of sand in my hand before this thing breaks.
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I thought this was a cool picture of adding the sand. Pr0ps to 0R10N.
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Adding weight. You can already see the lower supports starting to bend from the weight.
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Puttin' on the old bucket and chain.
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We had some small strips of wood on the back to make it the required length. I guess people behind Orion were trying to analyze why we had those on there and were completely overthinking it.
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Getting our Boomilever measured.
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Orion looking shifty with our Boomilever.
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The run we wound up using.

What happens when the electric vehicle's motor loses its programs

Every good car needs a cannon.
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As you can see, I had a good car going, then learned I needed to make it about 25cm longer.
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Even the part they said could be something like a toothpick was a lego piece. That that science!
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The electric vehicle.
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All upstairs was coated in plastic.
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From when the walls were getting sprayed. It looked like being inside a used condom.
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I need a weekend after that weekend.

Well the weekend events will take up most of the post and it will probably singlehandedly make this post long, so I think I'll dive right into the week to get it out of the way.

We had yet another C-day. It was very boring because I had to go to all my classes. After school, we had a frisbee practice to which nobody showed up. After that, I had to go to Kimi's Teriyaki to get my Bronze Palm signed off. I got it and I am now the highest ranking person in the troop (even higher than some adults when they were scouts(the only person that I know matches my rank is my dad)).

I used the darkroom in Photography for the first time. Nothing much else happened that day.

It was another one of those boring days when nothing much happens.

I know it's a bit early, but the long and busy weekend started this day. I had school, then had to go to frisbee, then do homework really quick before going to Orion's house to build our Boomilever, which turned out to be pretty good. I stayed up until after 11:00 (:O I know!).

I learned during STAR that Orion had stolen my event Five Star Science for the next day, which sucked because I was able to do it and this left me with 2 events and made me have to waste a ton of time waiting for my one fixed time event. I decided to steal Electric Car from him, which I proceeded to build by myself. After school, I had to go deliver stuff to the Shoreline Center for the auction including wine, eiffel tower replicas, etc. As soon as I was done with that, I had to make the electric vehicle for the next day before I went to bed. Orion lent me his Lego mindstorms kit and I went through the instructions and made the vehicle and tested it and got to bed around 11:00.

Saturday: I had to get up like it was a normal school day and had to get to Shorewood at 7:00. After we got to the place in Everett we were going to right after 8:00, I had to go out and register our Boomilever and Electric Vehicle before 9:00. After that, I had 2 hours to do nothing at all. At 11:00, I went with Davis and Cara to meed Molly for Herpetology. The test was pretty bad, particularly because I didn't study until about half an hour before. After that, I waited for another hour by taking a powernap before going to Boomilever. It held about 10kg, which was pretty good for what little we used. We could have taken off more weight, but we were skeptical about it in planning, but now we know. After that, I headed off to Electric Vehicle. I think when I checked the battery pack I loosened some of the batteries, because the programs had reset, so we did terrible on the distance factor, but did well on the predict a time factor. Luckily, I knew the speed of the car. The best they had seen that day was the guy that had problems talking to the girl(he turned red and was shaking, then his partner tried to talk to her, but did the same thing(I was able to talk to her, which made the situation less awkward)). He had been off on the time by .01 seconds, no that isn't a typo, and he missed the mark by 1cm, no that wasn't a typo either, he was almost perfect. I learned my lesson too, I know how many batteries are there, I don't need to compulsively check.

After that, I had to leave early to help get ready for the auction. At 4:30, Orion and I donned our "bodyguard" suits (black suit, white shirt, black tie, and suglasses) and carried around really expensive jewelry that was going to be in the live auction for about 3 hours. We got lots of attention from cheerleaders, which was nice I must say. After that, we got stuck in odd jobs by Cathy Martin, who I have had to deal with all my life. She has a problem planning for something to go wrong. If not everything goes perfectly (and nothing ever goes 100% perfectly), she freaks out and is a pain to deal with. The auction was an overall success. My parents bought the Greek dinner basket and conduct the band(crap) because nobody was bidding on it. Overnight, somebody, or something opened the back of my truck and left it open. I thought they stole my cleats, but found out those were just in the garage. Still though, wtf was someone doing in the back of my truck.

I got a late start due to chores and stuff and then had about two hours of free time before going to my cousin's birthday party. Those were the only 2 hours of free time I had.

There was an early study thing for Physics. I might have gone, but I was just way too tired from a lack of sleep this weekend. I'm glad I didn't go because I hear it was just ask Mr. Davis questions, which I never do, even when prompted to. The classes were nice today because they were so short. I'm debating whether to go to the Music Theory study thing tomorrow morning. About 10 or less people will be there, but I get extra credit if I go. I still feel very tired from this weekend, but I might just suck it up and go since the only real threat during the day is Humanities.

On the note of being tired, I will get to be tired again after this weekend. On saturday, I have a frisbee game, which to my understanding, can last most of the day. On sunday, I have the St. Patrick's day Dash, which I look forward to every year. This year I will win because I'm the only one who's really been running or doing any kind of physical activity. I can say that because nobody will read it. Hell, I could probably call you all homosexuals. Come on, defend yourselves from that. Meh, omit that last sentence actually, but only if you comment. Or update, one of the two will work. I'll get some pictures up later and possibly some video of my electric vehicle! :O

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Paying Attention In Class1

I had to do it.
I GOT THE DANCING MAN. Note: If this happens to you, use Shift+Apple+3, not 4. This is why i did not get a good picture of the dancing man. The same thing happened to Steven today, but it was because he tried to pause. We shall get that dancing man yet.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

We made it!
Davie Street!
And the street we were actually looking for!
We ate there for dinner. Bad pizza IMO.
The shady alley where we found the entrance to the parking garage.
Cool lunchboxes.
Bad gamez.
Posing with the bird.
Hugging time.
Orion Pwns the bird.
I think we had too much fun with this bird. Orion gets pwned by the bird.
It's like a drinking fountain, but you get high from it.
Interesting art.
More interesting art.
This was in Tony Hawk's Underground. I am ashamed that I remembered it.
Orion: Make sure you get Davis in the picture.
I made sure I had done that.
So we saw this store and since the street was closed, we went through it and tried to navigate our way underground to the other side of the street. Somewhere, we took a wrong turn because when we resurfaced, we wound up back across the street where we started.
A cool building.