Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Purest of Pwnage

That's right, we did go to see Pure Pwnage for the Episode 16 screening this weekend! I know you would rather hear about my week first though, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. In case you didn't notice, the pictures are above and are in backwards order so that you don't have to come to the bottom and scroll up to get it in chronological order. I do it because I care. Monday is longer than the other days because I forgot to post about it's event back when it originally happened.

Monday: I had my FIRST SCOUT MEETING IN A LONG TIME WITHOUT DAVE NELSON!!!!! Mad props to Joel for two weeks ago, finally making Dave angry enough to leave the troop. Dave came in with his natural cockery telling the troop how to camp "right" which is not the way anyone likes and that was causing people to stop going on campouts because he was going. Dave during his presentation said "I don't think we've done enough practices, so we will have to do this snow campout later on after we practice more." Red, our scoutmaster was away that week, so our SPL was almost completely in charge as usual. Joel said "Well Red said we're definately going to go, so you don't have to come if you don't want to." Dave said "What did you say?" again in a cockly manner. Joel repeated himself and then Dave got angry and stormed out. The next day, he asked to be removed from the roster. For getting rid of Dave Nelson once and for all, Joel has earned many badass points and can never be put on my enemies list, although I doubt he would ever have been put on anyway. Red also earns badass points for "accidentally" leaving Dave on the email list when he sent the troop an email of the pictures of the campout showing how much fun they had. So on Monday, I got my palm squared away, so now I need to get to work on the next one.

We watched the end of Citizen Kane in Movie Genres. It was definately the greatest movie ever made. After school, we had the first official frisbee practice, or something along those lines. It was more than we usually do, but for Sukol practices, it wasn't that bad really.

The whole day, I kept thinking it was friday because of our lack of five day weeks recently. The whole day was pretty boring. People had a math test, so half the band was there and we did a low brass/woodwind sectional since most of us were there. It was very helpful actually. We had a test in Physics that raped everyone.

Nothing much happened all day. We had a Bruegger practice for frisbee. Our warm up running was spend 6 minutes moving around the area, so people fanned out randomly and I went down into the ravine to take a leak. After I finished, I heard Andrew and Jack joking about rapists in the woods, so I snuck up on them. Practice was cool.

At one point, a party was scheduled for this day, but nothing wound up happening....again. I played a strange room escape game with Ashley and Tom, then I watched Braveheart before going to sleep.

I got up around 8 and had breakfast and packed then headed out to Davis' house to pick him up, then to Orion's, then to Steven's. After that, we hopped out on the freeway until hitting Blaine where we got off and looked for a place to eat where our money would still be worth something. We found this pizza place with what looked like two young ho's and a pimp with them. The pizza at that place was really good, plus they had a billiards table! After we ate, we continued up past the border, which we spent about 5 minutes at. They didn't even look at Davis' documents. We pulled into Vancouver at around 1:30, then spent about half an hour to 45 minutes trying to navigate the one way streets looking for the theater, then giving up and parking, then realizing we passed the theater several times.

It was really early, so we walked around town a bunch until about 3:00 when we got in line. As soon as we got in the line, some strange fat guy (annoyingly named "Special Fred"(like special friend but he wasn't our friend)) shows up and starts talking to us, then proceeds to wait with us in line despite the awkward silence. I don't know what happened, but as soon as we got in the theater, he disappeared. It was very nice because he was starting to really annoy me. The preview was really cool, they showed some stuff from, which Orion said was stupid, but had not seen the two very funny videos they showed about Halo taking over the world and Rejected Wiiplay games.

First, we saw Episodes 14 and 15, then an intermission before Episode 16. Episode 16 was very good. I liked the ending. I feel like I should not give too much away since it hasn't come out to the general public yet. After the screening, we got pictures with the main bad guy, Geoff (Kyle), and Joel (Doug). Joel was actually a lot taller than I expected, but he was cool. They were all pretty cool actually. They seemed to appreciate the fans a lot more than other somewhat famous people. I got Joel to sign my dollar bill since it was worthless in Canada (BUT NOT ANYMORE!!!!) and Davis got his DS signed which looked pretty cool. I'll post the pictures when he sends me a picture of it to post.

After that, we had pizza again for dinner, but it was not so great. From there, we spent about 45 minutes making a ton of wrong turns looking for the hotel, then we randomly happened by it. We went out to get some snacks before going to watch TV then bed.

We woke up at 7:30, got ready, had breakfast, then left. The border took half an hour since they were really anal. The guy was hard to understand, so he had to repeat a lot of things he said. They searched the back of the car for some reason. They didn't search anyone else's before us. When I got home, I noticed that the guy searching us had unzipped a few things and didn't bother to rezip them. Thanks a lot you fag. The rest of the drive went well. I compensated for our delay at the border by driving faster than the speed limit on the way home. We got home before noon. Now I have the rest of the day to play some cool VGs. Pictures coming as soon as Davis sends me that picture.

Peace out.

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