Monday, April 07, 2008

Spring Broke

I know what you are thinking, but no I am not going to be a standup comedian, even if that title was the funniest thing you read that fraction of a second. Well I know I hadn't posted in a while, but it was because I was waiting for Orion's surprise birthday party so I could post about this. Luckily he was not suspicious at my lack of posting since...MARCH 27TH? OH MY GOD ITS BEEN SO LONG. Well be ready for a long post. Don't say I didn't warn you. There are some good stories in there though, so if you get bored in any of your classes, (and I know you will) feel free to read the post in its entirety. Without further ado, I shall delve into the happenings of my last spring break before college.

Friday, 3/28:
I came to school on time for band in which we were awarded 5 grand for the KZOK battle of the bands competition. It was cool to see the lady from the show on that station that I listen to evey morning. She was pretty much exactly like I thought she would be. Another odd thing is that her voice was the same as it was on the radio. Usually at least through phone lines, peoples voices get garbled and changed a bit, but they must use special things in front of the mics to make their voices stay the same. So I finally saw a big check and then after that, STEVEN, Davis, Maddy, Molly, and I walked to the Ice Arena and met up with the physics field trip. Ice skating was boring. Tyler and I learned about inelastic collisions and later demonstrated it in front of everyone. After that, bowling ensued. The pizza was unfortunately from Sahara, which is bad pizza, so I ate it reluctantly. The lanes were crowded. We had 8 people in ours and we got through about 2.5 games in around 2.5 hours. After school, we went to Orion's to play some Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. We had intended on playing B2B, but we made the decision that it is too hard to tell what is going on and it needs more save slots. Farewell level that is a Led Zeppelin reference....

Saturday 3/29:
One thing important happened. I will make a more detailed post about it later. I BECAME A TYRIAN GRANDMASTER CARTOGRAPHER!!!!!#!!1111

Sunday 3/30:
I finished Hitman 2 and I thought it was a pretty good game. I liked the last level, even though it was very hard because the fiber wire had some kinks that needed to be worked out at that point in the series. That night, we took the cats over to my aunt's house to get acquainted. Her cat didn't like our cats much unless our cats stayed in the guest bedroom, which they did for most of the time they were there, only venturing out if she was nowhere near.

Monday 3/31:
I played Xbox the whole day because nobody got on AIM and wanted to play Starcraft. In the afternoon, I got our mail from home while I was over to the neighbor's house to feed their cat. In our mail, I got a letter from PLU. I got accepted. That makes my first college acceptance, despite my not having turned in things that they needed from me. Oh well, I am happy enough about that. Hopefully my UW appeal works so that I can just go there.

Tuesday 4/1:
My great aunt, who was about to celebrate her 101st birthday later in April, which meant I would see her for my annual seeing of her, passed away in her sleep, so I went over to hang out with grandpa for the better part of the afternoon. We went to Costco and got some lunch, then to Home Depot to get some keys made so that he would have a better chance of not forgetting his keys (which has become more and more frequent). After that, Dad and I went to the Mariner's game. It was pretty cool even though they lost which was rather unfortunate. I had two chances to catch a ball. The first one, I thought would bounce off the edge of the level above us and away, but instead it was at such a high angle that it missed the edge and came down and bounced off the ground, off the back of my chair, then back a few rows to the guy who wound up with it. If I had not been leaning forwards, I would have been hit in the head by the ball. The second time, I decided it was more important to protect my balls than to catch the baseball. It was unnecessary since the ball bounced off the seat, which meant it missed my balls by about 1.5 inches (it would have hurt) and it bounced back towards the field and a guy got it.

Wednesday 4/2:
I realized it was Wednesday and realized the week had been slipping by me. Luckily, I got in some Starcraft with Davis and Keir. That night, Dad and I and the cats got to move back into the house. The floors stank like a sharpie, but the smell is gone now. They look very nice, I must say.

Thursday 4/3:
I didn't get much done at all. I missed a night frisbee game. Dad and I went to see The Bank Job, which was a good movie.

Friday 4/4:
I really wasn't getting much done on these days. I was relaxing being back at my house and stuff.

Saturday 4/5:
I made a post because it was my blog's 3rd anniversary. In the afternoon, I went to the library to work with people on the Physics test. When I got there, it was just Sai and Eli, and what's more, they had the test I didn't have, so it was very unproductive. Sai and I wound up going to his house and playing Brawl for a couple of hours. I learned of the craptacular story mode. That night, the cable guy came to fix our cable and while he was there, dad asked about our internet randomly running slow. The cable guy went to look at our connection and said "You need a better router." AT LAST, VINDICATION!!! After 6 months of telling my family that, they finally realize that I was right. Hopefully this means we will get a new router so I can make games on Starcraft again.

Sunday 4/6:
I hung around the house and did homework until 4:00, when I went to pick up Davis. We picked up the cake for Orion's party and met with Sai, Lucy, and Rosa at Spiro's to set up. People showed up eventually and we all surprised Orion. It was a pretty cool party. I'll let Orion go into details if he wants because I want something to read on his blog. After the party, Davis, Steven, Orion, Sai, Jack, and Alex went to Orion's for some test copying and some awkward Marvel Ultimate Alliance.

Monday 4/7:
Today was a pretty relaxed day. We listened to the Eastern Washington University jazz band in Band. In Photography, we got our assignments back. When people sitting near me saw my grade, they said "Ooh." I later learned it was because I was one of the very few people (I think 2 other people besides me got one) that got an A on the assignment. The rest of my table had failed, getting half my score. Even this one girl, who I thought would be the prodigy photographer had only scraped up a B. I felt pretty cool after that. I skipped frisbee to study for my FBLA events and to finish some homework before scouts tonight. I posted this to take a break because I was taking in a lot of information. I'd better get back to work.

My 360 is on the way back home, according to my tracking of its repair status. Party soon!!!


pronoob5 said...

"...after that, Davis, Maddy, Molly, and I walked to the Ice Arena and met up with the physics field trip."

Fuck you.

pronoob5 said...

Haha that was good of you to protect your balls.

Sucks about your great Aunt, that would have been cool to be 101.

Very awkward indeed. (Marvel Ultimate Alliance)

blitzmoose said...

""...after that, Davis, Maddy, Molly, and I walked to the Ice Arena and met up with the physics field trip."

Fuck you."


Also, sorry about your great aunt. I misread what you wrote and was about to post something saying that we should have a history competition with her VS APUSH students, but then I read Steven's comment and reread that part...

Probably not much SC for me until after state competitions, so don't use your router until its first game with the whole Sacred Order of Teriyaki.

Final thought. Make sure to tell me about how appealing goes. College will suck unless we can balance the ratio of pros to noobs. Too many noobs going >_<. Becoming too Canadian there...