Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Seabrook: Take 2

Last week went pretty well. I came close to being found out (skipping monday) a couple of times, but it seems to have blown over now. All I really need to look forward to is pr0m and the merit badge work that I will soon be getting back to. Basically it was three conflicting stories: My mom thought I had just slept through band since it wasn't taking attendance, then I went to class afterwards. The school thought I wasn't there, and that I had not turned in a field trip form, which was true. Mr. Hendrix thought I was on a field trip, but found out that I wasn't, but luckily, I know some very nice people in music theory (thanks to all of them) that said I was definately at Victoria. It was nice of them to do it and I must thank them again for covering for me.

I got back into the daily grind going to all my classes. It was quite boring. In the afternoon, I had to take the truck in again to Les Schwab for some fixing. It turned out that it actually was the alternator all along, so we went to the truck's mechanic, John and he fixed it up in a day and it runs great now.

This was the day I found out about Mr. Hendrix's discovery. I also learned that the people in the class had vouched for me. Music Theory was a bit awkward until we quieted down for our test.

I got to school to see Jack. Humanities went well because it was a planning day and Jack just hung out in our group. I left the class a little early to go meet with the counselor at the UW for advice on how to get in after only 3 quarters of SCC because I really don't want to be there a second longer than I absolutely have to. Basically, I can stand a really good chance of getting in if my GPA in college is 3.4 or higher. If I manage to get a 4.0, I might as well be let in then and there. I am definately going to give up some things for college and I am going to work my butt off until I am in the UW (not to say I won't work at the UW, I will do that too). I came back to school for 6th period and we watched 2001: A Space Odyssey. It was terrible for the first 20 minutes because it was just screaming monkeys fighting. After that, it actually gets pretty cool. After school, Orion and I took Davis and Jack along while we got tuxes. Orion and I got ones, but Davis decided his money would be better spent on a book of piano sheet music. After that, I picked up the truck from my Grandpa. After that, we went to Maddy's house for a party that was so-so. I'm not much on hang out parties. We watched Jim Gaffigan though and he was good as usual.

We got on the road at about 10:00 and drove straight to Aberdeen, where we stopped for lunch at Subway, then kept going to Ocean Shores for some groceries. After that, we went to Seabrook and hung out for a while, doing some shuffleboard before going to the beach at around 8:30 for some frisbee.

I made pancakes and then we ate and left the house around 12:00 for some beach frisbee again. We saw cool kites and walked down the beach to Pacific Beach to see them. We tried to ford a river, but wound up having to take our shoes off. After that, we went into Ocean Shores for some billiards and some Big Buck Hunter. That night, we watched the Big Lebowski, then made smores, then peed on the fire.

I made pancakes again and we hung around a bit before going to the beach where we met an ultimate player from Western. After that, we went back and packed up. The ride home was mostly perfect. I almost killed us at one point, but I did manage to get us home in great time. We stopped at Taco Bell for dinner in West Olympia and Davis and I accidentally ordered 5 extra things beyond our grande meal. Actually, you know what? It was the cashier's fault. This was the conversation:
Guy: How do you want the meal divided?
Me: Uh five hard tacos and...
Davis: 2 hard tacos and 3 burritos
Somehow we wound up with 7 tacos, 4 bean burritos, and 4 supreme burritos. The rest of the way home was very quick moving traffic. After that, I played some Guild Wars.

I did my homework after some good vg playing and some serious room cleaning and some going to grandpa's house for dinner. While we were there, he told me he was finally planning on getting rid of all his junk, so this summer I am going to be helping him. I guess he tells me stuff like this first because I always help him collect/store it. Regardless, this means that I will A: Get some good old stuff and B: Get to make many trips to the dump. It's win win for me.

I will post about today in my next post. I will try to post some pictures as well of Seabrook. Rachel gets in on Friday, so I might post right before she gets here to split the week from the weekend. I'll try to get the pictures up before that, though there aren't many of them. Peace out.

Monday, May 19, 2008

A slightly shortened week (due to the last week running a bit long)

Well first of all, how about this weather we are having? It's really nice. Also, I would like to declare that I was undefeated in making the first post about Victoria. I didn't go this year due to frisbee playoffs, but since nobody else did that would post about it, I can keep my reign forever and ever. I'm making this post from my bathroom in case you are wondering. Yes, the time and day is accurate. I am not at school. I will explain later. First, I think you need to hear about the end of my week.

We had some guest speakers in Physics. They were very nice, but one got a little "evolutiony" for Eric, so he spoke up. I almost shut him up by just saying "Is there proof that God exists?", but some higher power told me not to. Other than that, nothing much happened.

Thursday was nice because I spent the whole day being happy that I was getting a haircut. In Photography, I checked out to go to Mr. Messner's room to hang out with the Psych kids. In his class, they were still learning after an AP test : O. It was actually a very interesting class and I found myself wanting to pay attention. It was a little awkward when he was debriefing the class from a video and he looked at me and stared very confusedly at me for a while before looking away realizing that no, I wasn't in his class. After school, I got my haircut. I think she took off about 4 inches of hair. It feels a lot better now, and it goes much better with my goatee.

It was a boring day again. The weather was too good to stay in class, so I spent band and Physics on the field playing frisbee. Mr. Davis is a good ultimate player. He is also a brick wall like I am. We ran into each other during a game and both bounced off. After school, I went to Sai's house for some SC installation. After a while, I had to go, but we had gotten in some LAN SC via Bohdon's computer. We also got in a bit of GoW.

I had to get up early for frisbee. It was a beautiful day for frisbee except it was a little too hot (about 20 degrees so). Luckily, Orion thought to bring his tents, so we put them in the truck and gave the truck a nice long drive down to Marymoor. We spent the whole day there. We lost, then won, then lost due to some bad calls. After that, there was a team lunch at 4:00 at Red Robin. After that, I booked it home and started my 9 hour Starcraft marathon. It was awesome. Many good games were played. I apparently should have beaten Sai in a 1v1 PvT, but he beat me out and we had scores less than 1,000 points apart. It made me realize I kind of like Protoss, but I need to work on them. Later in the day, I played Keir in RvR, which became ZvT. We were both our bad races and very tired and he just had more powerful units than I did is what it came down to. He won that one. Keir also beat Sai, so I think the three of us are all pretty equal players, which is pretty cool because it can make for some entertaining 1v1s. So I played from around 5:00-2am the next day.

I got up at 8:00 because I am finally getting out of the habit of waking up at 9:00 on my days off (oh how I hated that). I played some Mass Effect, then started working. Dad and I moved up stuff from the garage to the living room. Kathryn and I pwned up some interior design, disagreeing with mom and dad's separate ideas, but convincing them to go with ours. After that, I power washed the deck (pictures later) and made some serious headway into cleaning my room. I went to Sai's late in the afternoon for some more SC installation, but it wont work because something extra got put on my laptop. I guess it's ok though. Someday I'll get 2 comps going on 2 games of SC.

I skipped school today. That is to say, "I'm in Victoria." I'm not really of course, but I wanted the day off, so I took my chance. I'm going to be productive today. I'm going to finish cleaning my room, take some photography assignment pictures, and do some merit badge work. I guess I'll fit in some time for my English homework. I need to finish reading Brave New World.

So basically I have a 2 day week this week. No school today, school tomorrow and wednesday, then on thursday, Jack is here, but I have a meeting with a UW counselor at 10:00, so I'm missing most of the day there. Looking forward to SB.

Peace out.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"No Funday" has been beaten

Yes, I survived this Monday and the 2 AP tests, a CE presentation, a scout meeting, and a lot of homework that came with that day. On Tuesday, I meant to post, but some outside forces prevented me from doing so. It's a pretty good story, I'll tell you about it. Oh, not now of course. You have to drudge on through the post first.

It was a nice day because in Humanities, we just had some presentations. In pretty much all of my classes, nothing was going on. After that, I had to go drop off a movie we rented for our presentation the previous week, so I was late to practice. When I got there, everyone was just playing frisbee golf.

Nothing much happened again. There was a calc test, so many people were gone. In Physics, there were 4 people in the class (Steven, Jack, Anton, and I) that were just sitting around and playing games. A few more class members trickled in to talk politics with Mr. Davis. We also learned about Mr. Davis' spanish teacher who let Mr. Davis know the answers to the tests and had sex with students and gave them alcohol when they were on field trips. She sounded pretty lol. In theory, we had a new record for not starting by trying to start the class at 1:00 (20 minutes late), but got sidetracked and wound up talking about how Mr. Hendrix grew up on a farm in South Dakota for about 30 minutes.

We filled the Humanities period with three presentations and it was very boring because we spent the whole hundred minutes listening to philosophy presentations. One of them tried to relate videogames to violence as one previous group already had (I should have spoken up against that group), but I blurted out when this group made that connection, so I felt good. The rest of my classes were pretty boring again. In Movie Genres, we started watching American Movie. It's a really unintentionally funny documentary. I would recommend seeing it.

It was the last day of classes before the AP tests so there was mass hystudia. That's really all that happened during the day. Nothing important at all happened after school. I watched I am Legend and Hitman.

I got up around 8 to be at the Strawberry Festival at 9 to help set up. There was a good turnout (about 20 people), so it only took a little over an hour to set up the whole thing. I left for a while then came back at noon for the opening of the festival. Orion was there and we met up with Maddy and watched Davis and Something Simple perform for an hour. After that, there was assorted wandering before assorted leaving. I went to play tennis with Eric against these girls on JV and Varsity that we keep beating. This time, we ended at a tie and then Eric and I had to leave, so they said it was a forefeit and we lost. I guess Eric asked one of the girls to prom. I had left so I didn't get to see it and "awww" at it. That night, dad really wanted to see Iron Man, so I went with the family to see it again. It's just as good the second time around.

I spent the better part of the day in Vancouver because we went down there to see my Grandma for Mother's day and to see my Grandpa who had just gotten out of surgery a couple days before and was in bed. He had to have tubes sewn and taped to him because he tried to rip them out in his sleep. Also, when we were there, he tried to escape from his bed. He was trippin off of the meds he was on, but he was able to hold down a conversation at least. I heard that earlier in the week, he was calling board meetings and commenting on what a nice campground he was at.

The Monday from the black lagoon. I woke up early to get to my theory test on time. The theory test was actually really fun and somewhat funny, such as when they randomly played mexican music when everyone was expecting classical music. My singing was very off key, but I at least will get credit for the right rhythm. The Physics test went not so well. My brain was tired after trying to do well on the theory test. I fell asleep during the free response section. I will have gotten less than 50% on that test, but what I answered I probably got right. After that, I had to haul butt to my CE presentation at Shorewood, where I was the last to go. They had been waiting for me for a couple minutes before I arrived. I didn't have to see other people's presentations and I got mine done quickly (actually almost exactly the same time the last one took). After that, I went home and started some homework and then went to the scout meeting where they were practicing lighting fires. Bohdon is pr0 at fire making. After that, I did more homework then went to bed.

Tuesday started out well. Mrs. Hastig got very mad at the people that skipped the whole day for just the Psych exam. In 4th period, we got to check out. I went to Messner's room to hang out with Sai. I wound up giving him a ride to the Shoreline Center since I had nothing else to be doing. After that, I went home for some vgs. When I went to leave, the truck wouldn't start. It sounded like battery failure. I had to go borrow mom's car. I wound up coming back during the middle of lunch, so I might be in trouble on Thursday in photography for not coming back although I got there as fast as I could. After frisbee, I had to walk home because mom wouldn't pick up her phone. When I got home, she asked me why I didn't call, then she opened her phone and saw the 16 missed calls... I was quite angry at her for that. I also had tried the house phone a bunch.

Well that's basically what's been happening. Now that the AP tests are done, I can get going on more important things, such as Prom, 5 merit badges, and other stuff. Seabrook coming up will be nice. I'll post later on. Peace out.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

I hope that was unintentional.
But that would be pointless.
I'll have proof that he's gay yet!
Then why....
Yes, I'd like some cream.

I wonder why...
Oh my God!
Actually suggesting using the dog as bait for fishing.
That's right, one of the witnesses was a parrot. His testimony was "... *Squuaak* Hello Hello *Squaaack* ..."
This reminded me of Mr. Harshman because of his sweatpants for track in his college days.
This guy has issues.
The first time I saw this, I thought he was talking about pr0n.
Yes, he was consciously made this perverted.

It's also "p0wned" if you don't learn to spell pwned.
She beat me to it!
What a great objection.
I smell a very strange dialogue coming on...


Monday, May 05, 2008

Glad that week's over.

Well I got through the last week. In both my projects, I seemed to get away from the assignment and explained the history in both, but luckily my partners were able to wrangle the point back to the task at hand. I think that my interest in history lately is due to my history class deficiency. This is the first time I have not had a history/social studies class since as long as I can remember, even into elementary school. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed that subject until it left me. Well anyways, I think I will get on to the week.

The Physics test went well due to....outside forces. After that, nothing much happened beyond working from 3-10:30 with scant breaks for necessary functions such as urination and consumption of food.

The work day Mrs. Hastig had allowed for us in Humanities turned out not to be as it said (a presentation work day), but instead was a reading day. I started Brave New World, which is a pretty good book. In 6th period, Eric, Brad, and I made our presentation on War Movies. We were the first group to present. We were also going to be the only group that day, so we took our time and had a great presentation that lasted 80 minutes (the idea was to try to get close to 50 minutes). People were looking a little glazed over by the end, but we did well and got 60/60 on the assignment. Major grade helpage! Right after that, I began work on my presentation that was due on Thursday.

It was like the calm before the storm. Nothing exciting happened and after school, I worked my butt off again until about 10:00 on the project.

Kelley and I made our Puritanism presentation. Orion said I got a little too much into the history, but I couldn't help it, I was just so interested in it. Also, with Orion's help, I managed to relate Puritanism to Starcraft, making for massive pwnage on that slide. After that class, I was very relieved. We had a pep assembly at which the drill team wore their spandex suits. Their dance wasn't so much a dance as it was a presentation (the sexual kind). The rest of the day was like the calm after the storm. There was an ultimate game that I was very late to due to it taking a while longer than we thought to get our passports going.

It was almost like a day off since pretty much nothing happened. In band, we watched the jazz band. In Physics, we did nothing. In Theory, we didn't get started until about 70 minutes into the class (new record!). After school, Iron Man was viewed. It was a pretty good movie.

I was at my aunt's house this weekend, so I had to get going to Shorewood a bit earlier for the pickup of the team. It was raining (of course), so I picked up Orion and his fold out tent thing (referred to as "the tarp" from hereon out). We tied it to the roof of the Taurus and headed for Shorewood where we picked up some people. All the people showing up to the game filled Jack's car and my car exactly. We won our first game, then had to haul back to Shoreline A for our second game against the 7-0 Monroe. We scored the first point, but then got pwned. I think the final score was somewhere around 15-3 or something. After that, Davis, Orion, and NOT STEVEN (FOR SHAME), and I played some Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. It was good and very funny due to Orion's inability to fly with a character that can fly.

On Sunday, I took the day as off as I could because I was tired from the previous day. I didn't get much done, but that was okay since I had no homework.

Today I didn't have much to do. Classes were less stressful than last week because of a lack of pending assignments. All I have left to do is take 2 AP tests and do my CE next monday and I eliminate three big things right there. I am quite sure Physics will be easier after that test. I hear we have a project, but it shouldn't be too bad. In Theory, people think we will do stuff and I kind of think we will, but really hope we don't. Well peace out for now.